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Everything posted by Undeeterred

  1. Jones and Vince getting a lot of it early, good signs
  2. You can always find examples against. That doesn't necessarily tip the balance. In my view it is a pretty big risk to load up on a key forward with past knee history, which we'd need to do to get someone like Walker. Yes, some recover, but a lot don't and I'd far rather chase someone without that added risk factor, who would cost basically the same wage. I accept that it isn't as if we're advocating chasing Menzel, who has now had three, but still.
  3. Because he is the best full back in the country.
  4. Sure, but who listens to a word they say anyway?
  5. Fantastic. Under age captain or not, that shows maturity well beyond his years. If he can handle that and respond as a debutant, then good on him.
  6. Please not another key position player with knee history. I can handle it if they're basically clean before they arrive and something goes wrong, but will we never learn our lesson?
  7. Think I'm tough enough to see what people actually say about me without being [censored], if that's what you mean.
  8. Stuff him. I hope he [censored] all over himself.
  9. For the record, whilst I wish I said something stronger, it astounds me that !d!ot is censored.
  10. Or more fundamentally, what the idiot also doesn't grasp is that he is advocating potentially stuffing a player for all eternity in return for him playing one game, in Round 1, against a mediocre opposition.
  11. Super glad they stopped scheduling our annual arse flogging from Hawthorn in Round 1, and gave us a bit longer to prepare.
  12. I actually think it would make more sense to start JKH, rather than make him the sub. He'll end up sitting there for three quarters, getting more and more nervous, then potentially have to come on and contribute immediately when the game might be in the balance. Far better, in my view, to let him run out and get the nerves away in the first quarter, then sub him out for Byrnes if he's cooked, or Byrnes in for someone else if he's going ok. Much less pressure on the kid that way.
  13. I love how since I put mjt on ignore, life is so much calmer for me!
  14. Mate, you need to get out more, and stop worrying so much!
  15. So, Clark gone, they've officially admitted they have NFI what to do about Chris Dawes, which means he has to be on the indefinite list, and Hogan is now out to 3-4 weeks. As per my posts above, subtle and not-so-subtle shifts in the media position. What they are effectively saying is that all these guys are basically no go for they have no idea how long.
  16. Tom MacDonald played CHF in juniors didn't he?
  17. I think it would be more than bothersome even for them. It really tears the guts out of your structure, not having forward options. We're just lucky that we still have a few left!
  18. Honestly, I think you need to take a step back, a deep breath and maybe give yourself a week or two's break from this site. If you can't read a thread without taking bait from people who know you're going to bite and occasionally just not answering, have a break. It's intensely boring.
  19. Just being realistic, but I think without all of these key planks in our team, we could well get smashed by the Saints. Hope not, but I think we're overestimating how far we've come.
  20. Come on people, please, enough with the Juice! Incidentally, though, he'd have a better crack than Cook this week at getting a game if both were on our list.
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