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Everything posted by Undeeterred

  1. Interesting - it seems odd to suggest that they were after none of them.After all the ho-ha about how we are going to go after players, who exactly is left when you take out that top tier? Surely they didn't raise $750k to go after Cam Pedersen and Shannon Byrnes....
  2. Gosh you talk some bollocks sometimes. Everybody understands that players are going to push their market value, just like every other employee in the history of the world. It doesn't mean that if things don't work out, we won't keep him. Play this scenario out - Rivers comes to Neeld and says 'Actually, Neeldy, I've been thinking. I wouldn't mind hanging around after all'. Neeld says 'Oh well, Jared. Sorry old son, but we're going to delist you'. FMD.
  3. Come on, be serious. He isn't going anywhere.
  4. Pretty dumb for a bloke out of contract, who has to convince Malthouse to give him another one...
  5. That was a really, really impressive interview.
  6. Honestly mate, if that's right, that is absolutely astounding. Sounds like a good few of them would have had their card stamped by Neeld waaaay before round 1.
  7. Would almost be worth my membership to throw a beer in his face. Objective? Come on.
  8. I can think of one or two reasons... Maybe he was told he had to??
  9. Well, only because everybody has their opinion, and by their nature, opinions differ. All I've said is that I wish Liam well, because I am sure what he is going through sucks. However, I'm not really interested in justifications. I haven't made any comments about whether so-and-so should make X statements or not, or on Liam wanting to play for us or not, or for anyone. That's his call entirely, and I respect it. I just found that post really patronising.
  10. Because the messenger is writing self-indulgent cr@p.
  11. Why are we telling people that he would be delisted otherwise? Surely that reduces his trade value...
  12. Look, I really do wish Liam all the best, but my honest reaction to this post was 'Oh, spare me'.
  13. Been hiding under a rock for 2 years?
  14. Looks good - so Clarky might get a run at Casey? Poor old Age...
  15. OK, last time I'll bother to try to get through. Player contracts mostly mandate a particular number of media and other appearances players and coaches must do. And, while I'm prepared to be corrected on this, I am pretty sure the broadcast deal also mandates a particular number of appearances per club in various media, and the club allocates players and coaches to this accordingly. Do you think the coaches do pre-match radio because they enjoy it? They don't, and they mostly talk meaningless rubbish. Or because they think supporters care what they say half an hour before a match? I know I don't care, I'd rather Neeld was in the rooms reminding our players what manning up means. Do you think James Hird wants to be interviewed at quarter time by some roving idiot, while he is wandering back up to the box? Do you think players do media interviews before they've even wiped the mud off their faces because they are media whores? Of course they don't. They do it because they are contractually obliged to do it.
  16. They are obliged to do them. Just like Tony Abbott. How does it look when Tony Abbott walks out of Parliament and refuses to say anything? Bad. They don't have the 'silence' option, in reality.
  17. Absolutely agree - but unfortunately that's the broadcasting deal that applies to each club. What's the point in an endless parade of kids talking the same garbage? Although Patrick Dangerfield's interview on SEN after the game was exceptional. He is articulate, intelligent and frank, which is more than can be said for most.
  18. Just FYI, players are required to do media. Do you think it would be better to do a 'no comment' interview??? Get a grip.
  19. That's a pretty good start, in my book. Think we all just have to wait to see whether he ends up as a tall Luke Hodge or Brendon Goddard, both of which would be a win for MFC.
  20. Facts never stopped Rangie before, why start now?
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