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Everything posted by BAMF

  1. I'll tell you why you are not seeing results for all the hard work you put in at training Colin. The game plan is not working. This kicking to a contest [censored] instead of waiting for a player to make an option stuff has got to stop. This maning space instead of players is not working. Be in a zone or a press or whatever. It's not working. The reason why there are so many attempts to tackle vs tackles laid is because you are not close enough to your opponant and they are getting the ball away before you get a chance. We hear about how much running and how much harder preseason has been, but you dont use running to your advantage when attacking. We are number 1 for contested marks because we kick to a contest more than any other team. Have a look at the uncontested possesion count this year. It's not that players are not making space, its that you are directed to kick quickly down the line instead of waiting for a player to be free. It's not you Colin. Its the gameplan. Neelds gameplan.
  2. the then from list can all be delisted at the end of the year. Edit : Kent can stay.
  3. I was thinking this week that we had no choice but stick with Neeld. But this is bad.... this is really bad. We are getting smashed by Gold Coast. The saddest thing is that im not even upset. Normally I would be swearing and stomping around the room. This time im simply thinking of going off and doing something else.
  4. Isnt it obvious? We want to win.
  5. Geelong are just so good. Their ability to absorb the pressure in quarter 2 and turn it around to their favour is amazing.
  6. Yeah, what would Rivers know?
  7. Thats right. This is a very winnable game. I want Neeld saying how we see it as very winnable and pumping us up. His comments recently have been rubbish. The post lions match interview was appalling.
  8. Don't ruin this Jerry. Richmond have lost 3 in a row and it is good.
  9. Went home to WA for a break. Not sure if it was because of the corkie he got last week or a planned break for the young man.
  10. What? But others in this thread have said that his kicking is a lot better?
  11. Not the dark lord himself? Good grief.
  12. Someone in the Casey Game Day thread asked Hogans uncle at the game. Corky. Nothing more in it.
  13. We lost against the Brisbane kids today. A big loss is coming. A big, big loss. Most probably next week. I wanted a coach who would get the best out of our players. was that too much to ask?
  14. Tom Rockliff, Dayne Zorko, Sam Mayes, Jack Redden, Aaron Cornelius, Josh Green, Elliot Yeo, Marco Paparone (2nd game), Justin Clarke (1st game) Billy Longer, Sam Docherty. = 11. Brisbane is not that much further ahead than us. Telling us that its ok to lose by 5 goals is completly unacceptable.
  15. Watts was ok when he went forward. I was swearing at the tv when he was in the back line. He was terrible. No two ways about it. Waited for the ball to come to him. Chased with little to no pace and put up no effort when the opposition blocked and sheperded him out of the contest. Very soft. Simply didnt want to get the ball himself. Was good when forward.
  16. Tom McDonald? Are you serious? If you are looking at people to blame for us playing badly I would be looking straight at Rodan and Pedersen myself. Both not AFL standard. Basically playing with 2 players down.
  17. Its time for Don to clear house and then stand down. Time for the afl to take over the running of the club.
  18. He is meant to say that he is investigating why the players dont buy into Mark Neelds game plan. Sack the coach if needed. Sack Schwab is needed and then step down. Pathetic football club at the moment.
  19. Nope. I'm blaming Neeld. A VFL team would play better than we are. He has lost the players. Just look how far backwards Frawley, Garland and Jamar have gone. The players dont respect him. Thats why they are playing badly. Just look at Port. They were hopeless last year too but Ken Hinkley has turned them around. A good coach would get this team to work.
  20. Oh god this is ugly. Neeld has to go. no one is playing for him tonight. Sad. I thought he was going to be the one.
  21. Jack Watts - 2 kicks. So much for being the chosen kicker from the back half.
  22. Cant wait till the trade/draft period comes around. Its the only time of year i actually enjoy football.
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