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Everything posted by BAMF

  1. Ha! Sheedy! you old bastard! You have to admit he is great for the game!
  2. Ahhhh the Ooooozzzzeee! I hope most can remember him for how good he was and not the end of his career. I loved watching him play.
  3. You have a lot of faith. Gawn has just had his second major reconstruction and Fitz has shown nothing in my eyes. If we trade Stef, then we will need to pick up another ruckman in the draft.
  4. Salopek is a fringe player. Very injury prone. Hasn't even played a game this year and only played 12 last year.
  5. Okay, say that we have got Patton interested. What are you willing to offer up as a trade?
  6. Unfortunately he isn't eligible for free agency for a long time. So we will have to pay through the nose to get him. I don't really see it as payback at all. GWS didn't have to give up anything to poach Scully from us. We will have to give up a couple of first round draft picks minimum to get Patton. While I don't really think Cloke would be worth the coin, it would be awesome knowing that we got him without giving up any players or draft picks. Hence why free agency is so interesting.
  7. The only thing that is 'depressing' is that I have just come back from Holiday, logged onto Demonland, and read two topics about West Coast players.
  8. Barlow came back super fast and was playing great football too.
  9. It is unfair. Unfortunately, first impressions are hard to shake. Watts was a young kid way out of his depth. Hurley imposed himself with his bigger body kicked a few timely goals and got a back page article labelled 'NEXT BIG THING' Once some of the media have labeled you awesome the rest of the sheep will follow and it takes ages to change that constantly reinforced view. I've said it many times. Hurley is hugely overrated. It's not that he is no good. Far from it. It's simply that his reputation got blown so far out of control from an early stage. In saying that, he has had niggling injuries over the last few years. He is better than he is currently playing.
  10. I'm not a big Morton fan and would prefer Bail over Morton every week of the year, but Morton played really well last week and I hope he doesn't get dropped.
  11. Is Caddy really that good? I've seen some Gold Coast games this year and have been keeping an eye on him. He really doesn't seem to be as good as he is hyped. If Essendon didn't try to trade for him last year I doubt his name would be so well known.
  12. Why did he stay down so long? He clearly didn't get hit in the head.
  13. Tynan a chance of being rookied this year? He is not much older than Josh is he?
  14. Hurley was no where near his best and has been in and out with injuries for a long time now. lets not base everything on one match. Watts was great tonight though. I was really happy with him all night. His kicking is a great assest off half back. He is nowhere near as big in the chest as Hurley. One more preseason should see him big enough to play forward more.
  15. He is part of the midfield problem at the moment. Unable to spread, unable to get clear and unable to run both ways. He really should be rested.
  16. I want him. I hope we go after him with a vengeance.
  17. Damn it.This is pathetic. Mark Neeld needs to do something here. We are simply hopeless.
  18. Listening to triple m. sounds like a nightmare. Kennedy steals the ball and kicks his second.
  19. Sigh..... I thought we had a chance today.
  20. Hmm... ive reported the posting problem to Andy but it seems to be fixed now anyway. Thanks Striker! glad to know its not my computer.
  21. Edit: I was replying to ClintB Still cant post or edit easily. Anyone else having this problem? Edit: reporting the issue to Demonland. If you are having trouble posting then click the 'more options' button on the side. then click reply.
  22. Really? I disagree entirely. Maybe because we are looking at it so hard you don't think it does. But at a quick glancing look the orange stands out big time. It does look a lot better for us though. And if we run out without the orange I will be happy. I just think its a bad move for our sponsor.
  23. Found a pic on the demonshop website. https://shopdesq.img...3764&OrgID=1749P.S anyone else having trouble posting at the moment? I cant click add reply, need to click on the more reply options button and then click add reply
  24. Huh? Why is the orange box not on it? It might look a lot better, but I would rather have one identical to the ones the players wear. Also, the orange box is there for a reason. Its part of our sponsors logo. Really wonder if its a good idea omitting it when an additional year of sponsorship is on the line.
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