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Everything posted by BAMF

  1. Lloyd thinks more of the mud on the bottom of his shoe than he does of us. He would probably laugh at our offer and go and wipe his butt with the contract.
  2. Essendon will make a play for Moloney. To be honest, he would suit their game plan better than ours. He also wouldn't get tagged. He would also have a chance of getting a flag. The afl have already stated that the compo picks would not be as generous as the giants/suns compo. I'm with Rhino R. Third round pick.
  3. e25 has been revealed to go by another name. I cannot for the life of me remember who it is. Striker maybe? What ever happened to Yze Magic?
  4. We know that Cam Schwab said that we could match the Scully deal if we wanted to. Meaning we had bucket loads of room in the cap. We know since then we have signed Mitch Clark on a largely front loaded contract since. So each year we will be paying him considerably less. We are still offering front loaded contracts, which means we can always move to back ended contracts when room gets a bit tighter. Where has the club stated that we were forced to shelve development programs due to the delay in sponsorship deals? Are these programs back up and running now that we have signed sponsors? It was my understanding that the sponsors contract was standard 2 - 3 year deals? I'm happy to be proven wrong. I fail to see how AFL funding is irrelevant. It's incoming money. Incoming money gets budgeted across the club. Paying 100% of the salary cap would have been budgeted for.
  5. Rhino, my post was obviously in relation to the salary cap. We know that we have had trouble over the past few years reaching the minimum salary cap payments. We know that the players are on massively front loaded contracts. Your point about sponsorship is odd. We have just signed 2 major sponsors for the next few years. We have also just signed up some of the minor sponsor partners. We have received a very large sum of money from the AFL from the TV rights deal. We are no longer making repayments on our debt. If you are telling me that Cam Schwab has failed to budget to pay 100% of the salary cap then I will run over there and through him out the door. We know that the bidding war will be determined by how much room clubs have in the salary cap.
  6. We have cash. lots of cash. I rekon there will be some more mid season signings which will include upgrading this seasons player payments. this will leave more money for future years. let alone all.the big front loaded contracts we have. We will have enough to offer a big contract as well as look after current players
  7. Glad to hear Spencer is going well. Is he beating Goldstein or breaking even?
  8. Hmm... he was good last night. I think the rain helped him. He has a good long kick and is a solid lad who doesn't go to ground easily.
  9. Can anyone name a game where Watts has played well in the wet? I've seen a fair few howlers from him in the wet. This one included. Great work from Tom Mac. We have found a player! hope he plays every game this year. Morton and Davey stepped up.
  10. I've actually been pretty happy with Tom Mac. He is getting the AFL game fast track, and fair enough. He will learn heaps playing on Riewoldt. He was a bit at sea in the first quarter but has done well in the second. I've also been happy with Morton and Davey. Both look like they are enjoying themselves out there. Davey in particular.
  11. If we had picked Cyril. Would he be as good as he is now? I don't think so. Our development has been terrible. He would probably be playing for Casey and we would be complaining that we recruited too many skinny players. Let's get our development right and we will unearth a gem or two.
  12. The Josh Carr trade was utter madness. At the time I thought it was crazy and in hindsight its even worse!
  13. There have been some good responses. It seems very odd that Cam Schwab gets the blame for the bad trades. What the hell were the recruiting and list managers doing? I feel that Cam Schwab left at a low point and therefore gets a lot of the blame. Just have a look at our opinion of Barry P now that he has left. A lot have turned on him because things are going bad while they were praising him back in 2010.
  14. He involved himself heavily with list management and on field decisions when it wasn't his place. Led Freo down the path of trading picks to give them a shot at the flag. It back fired terribly. And he also went to the united states and completed a course on management (fully paid for by freo) when he came back he resigned and promised not to work at another club. (These are all rumors from big footy freo supporters) I don't see why they hold such a grunge. Freo were a basket case before Schwab, he made them an off field powerhouse. (although in a two club state, it might not be hard) Also I would prefer to top up on ready mades and have a shot at the top than come close and give up. Edit: I've started a thread on Freo's big footy board asking them. You can check it out here. http://www.bigfooty.com/forum/showthread.php?t=933757
  15. I'm pretty heart broken. Over the past 8 years I have spent on average 5hrs or more a week on demonland. The last few weeks have been 20 mins per week. Neeld has 3 years. i'll give him that. It's not his fault. But ive completely lost faith at the moment.
  16. He kicked 5 didn't he? 200cm tall double teamed and he kicked 5. Sounds like a key forward to me. How about we leave him there for awhile and see?
  17. Its not the recruiting its the development.
  18. I just cannot see Sewell coming to us no matter how much money we throw at him.
  19. I wonder if this rumored would have been posted if we had won yesterday?
  20. BAMF


    People are different, and therefore need different ways to get the best out of them. Magner was playing his first game. He had just made the big time. Green is at the end of his career. He had some massive issues with the football department last year and was dropped not only as captain but from the whole leadership group. In a perfect world then yes, Brad would be able to get through this and perform to his best. Neeld needs to have a decent chat to Brad and find out where the problems lie and work through them. Davey has had some bad injuries over the past few years and simply isn't enjoying his football. Neeld needs to find a way to re spark his passion. Davey has another year left on his contract. If Neeld cannot utilize his services then its a cross against Neeld. Who knows, maybe he has tried and the players simply don't get it. We don't know. But as a coach he needs to get the best out of his whole playing list. I don't think i'm asking too much.
  21. BAMF


    I expect a coach to bring the best out of players. In saying that, I also expect senior players to actually give a [censored].
  22. BAMF


    Not having a go at your post, but is it too much to ask for Neeld to bring Green and Davey back to playing there best football? It was only a few years ago that Green was nearly all Australian. Surely there is some way to inspire these guys?
  23. BAMF


    No one should be exempt after that performance. That performance was shattering. I fully support Neeld for the future. But if people think that he is blameless in today's performance then they are wrong. If Neeld can't get his players to compete in round 1, after a club champion/savior has just passed away then it needs to be scrutinized. Lets be honest. The game plan looked horrendous. He could not get senior players into the game. And he could not inspire any player after 3/4 time to stand up.
  24. I don't think being in or out of the leadership group would have changed the way they played. I'm glad they are out.
  25. I don't know if I can watch next week. It will be the first time in 5 years that I don't watch/listen to a game live.
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