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Everything posted by BAMF

  1. You forgot something. Brownlow for you Juddy.
  2. yep made it using my android smart phone. all looks to be working fine
  3. meh... i think a lot of people were baying for blood. the ball was in the air and he had a chance of marking. if he didnt bracevhimself for impact and didnt take his eyes off the ball it would have been play on.
  4. I'm glad. All are good players and deserve 3 years.
  5. Well done Bate. I feel Bate's career has been held back due to poor development. Bulk up, Trim down. Your a mid, your a forward, your a demon one week a scorpion for 3 weks. Your not wanted. you are wanted. A well deserved 100 games and ill be flying up from hobart to cheer him on this week.
  6. BAMF

    Ricky Petterd

    He has been recovering from an injury recently. And therefore easing into it at Casey. He really hasn't shown anything this year. I wonder if he will be a causality of the new game plan There were rumors a few weeks ago that he was out on the town and got in a fight a few weeks ago. Hope it wasn't true.
  7. Is this a serious thread? West? nobody's thinking of trading for him are they? If we got him for nothing then i would seriously look at it.
  8. To be honest there have been so many terrible terrible threads at the moment that i didn't even begin to think it was a joke. Edit: It was a terrible joke anyway.
  9. This week takes the cake for bad threads.
  10. Is there a competition for stupidest thread? There have been some beauty's this week
  11. Ha! As if they have not been out signing up players already.
  12. Bail wont be going anywhere.
  13. BAMF

    Tom McDonald

    I can't wait for this season to end.
  14. Brent's bad games have always been really bad. But he is having a bad game every single week. It's almost like he and Trengove have the same injury. They simply cannot make an impact in our midfield. Moloney is so slow at the moment that he doesn't bother trying to chase as he knows the ball will be passed off before he gets there. What has happened to him?
  15. 88kgs! You would hope that he would reach around 100kgs at some stage but he has put on about 7kg this year. That's an awesome effort. Hopefully he will be around 91 - 93 by the start of next year. Unfortunately he has shrunk 1cm. http://www.melbournefc.com.au/players/playerprofile/lucascook/tabid/8357/playerid/22237/category/senior/season/2012/selected/bio/default.aspx
  16. "And first port of call will be Fremantle, don't worry about that. You think I'm joking don't you? I'm not joking, I promise you." He's not joking guys.
  17. "Because if we lose Cloke I will have a war chest and will declare war on the world." This is just absurd. Does he listen to himself?
  18. If Ratten loses next week vs the Pies he will be sacked mid week.
  19. I will be happy if Strauss gets through the rest of the year at Casey injury free. His 2013 preseason starts now. Bail is a concern. did anyone read the match review in the age? He has been unable to pass concussion tests since the blues game! Scary stuff. Would love to see Cook get one or two games at the end of the ebd of the season
  20. why not? we are halfway through the year with one.win on the board. We will not make the finals so what is the harm in talking delistings? The eagles will never take Cale after the trouble they had with the Morton family.
  21. We would have to give up a first round pick minimum. The question is. Would the player that we pick up with that pick in this years draft be better than Caddy. If Gold Coast try to play hard ball it just wont be worth it. He says he is liking it up there more this year than he was last year. I have seen him play a few times and haven't seen anything amazing. But he has a good a really good build and has two years in the system already. Worth a good hard look.
  22. I didn't like the locker room. im a frequent visitor to the site and usually keep up to date. But I found it harder with the locker room. Instead of a new topic titled 'Brad Green injured', I would have to trawl through a heap of old posts on the 'Brad Green' thread to find any decent info.
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