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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. I'd be pretty disappointed if we used pick 18 on Luke Ball. But I will chuckle if he ends up at Sydney or Port, where he won't only have to relocate, but where his chances of winning a flag are slimmer than with us.
  2. Because Puma is more of a fashion-oriented lifestyle brand in Australia, and does not consider itself to be an elite performance brand. Have a look at who they sponsor and you can work out where they want to position themselves in the market.
  3. I'm not sure if every sponsorship is the same, but most apparel sponsors don't pay the club, they simply make the products for them and receive a cut from the profits of selling the products. This is why we get stuck with Reebok (no offense to Reebok :D), and big clubs like Collingwood and Carlton get Nike and Adidas. More members, more sales, more money for the sponsors. Mind you, smart sponsors would look at the general supporter base of a club and try to align their own brand with the appropriate supporter group. It's unlikely that Puma will sponsor Collingwood for example.
  4. I have to clarify that at this stage it's purely a meet and greet and thank you for your effort meeting. It could possibly go nowhere, but if I can help the club with some ideas that is my main aim. We have to improve the merchandise and generate some decent money from it, or miss a huge opportunity. I'm just pumped someone is talking to me about it... that's more than you usually get in the fashion industry!
  5. A final bump for now, to let you know that I'll be meeting with the club early next month. At this stage the meeting appears to be an informal discussion about what the club has planned for the merchandising range (I get the impression they are already in the process of developing something of their own), but I will spend the next couple of weeks fine-tuning and adding to the collection, in case they want to grab some of my ideas. I will also bring with me the results of the original survey which I conducted on here months ago, because I'm not sure if the club has undertaken any market research and it could prove very useful for them. If anyone has anymore ideas for products they'd like to see, or further improvements (1858 aside ), please post or PM me. The ideas and encouragement that I've received so far have been incredibly helpful and much appreciated! In the meantime, keep your fingers and toes crossed for me, because this is about as perfect a project as I could ever ask to be involved in...
  6. Thank you again for all the positive feedback and encouragement, you honestly don't know how much it means to me! Even if this doesn't go any further, it's good to know that I managed to hit the target market with the designs, and it might give the club some ideas for future development.
  7. Just bumping this up to inform you that I've received an email from Cam Schwab, who really liked the collection and is forwarding it onto the right people. I'll continue to follow this up with the club and keep you informed. (And may I just say that this is the highlight of my non-existent career thus far!!! ) Edit: New link has been uploaded. For those who haven't had a peak yet, please do.
  8. Meh. It would be good to get him for free, but there's a reason why we wouldn't waste pick 18 on him. He is not worth it. Good luck getting a game at St. Kilda. Nobody at Melbourne will be losing any sleep over you.
  9. Wouldn't surprise me... Stay away from him.
  10. Fantastic draw. Can't ask for much more given our position in the last two years. Can't believe we get to host both a Friday and Saturday night home games. Amazing.
  11. What can I say, I'm a rebel without a cause. I come on here to talk about our impending draw and end up having to read discussions about punctuation? I passed 6th grade, so I'm good thanks. Your weekend crack was a joke, but you watch us get Monday afternoon games at 3pm in Shitcreek oval up in Wagga Wagga.
  12. Yeah look we just need Freak to chime in with "he's a crap player" and it's Coleman medals galore for young Jurrah. On a serious note, 9 games a star does not make. He has all the right ingredients to become not only a star, but a truly unique player. He has to consistently put those elements together over a sustained period of time before we can call him a star though. I look forward to watching him develop, and I hope like hell that the pressure of AFL doesn't ruin his ability to play his natural game. We try to mechanise players to follow intricate plans, but someone like Jurrah just needs to have the ball get to his general area so he can do what instinctively feels right to him. If 21 players are following a plan, Jurrah can afford not to. Watch out for defenders cracking the shits at him as of next season.
  13. Stop polluting the football boards with inane punctuation crap, and go back to your designated thread, thank you! :angry: <_<
  14. Or crap twilight games in the freezing cold. Think Adelaide circa 2009 <_< <_<
  15. As I've said I don't have the money or expertise to get samples made. Even assuming that I can bribe friends to make me a sample tee, or I can go buy some generic garments, I don't have the ability to embroider or apply a graphic print onto a garment without either having massive quantities or knowing someone who'll be able to produce a single unit. So unless you know people who will be willing to do that, I can't justify getting a sample made as it'll cost a fortune that I just don't have (getting the templates made for embroidery or prints is extremely expensive and you don't do that unless you're sampling products for mass production purposes). I'd love to go in with an entire collection made up, but it's just not realistic. I suppose I can always use those iron-on things :D
  16. Still no answer. The online link is about to expire, so I'll have to use another email account to set it up again. Next week, when I'm free from uni forever (and have had some sleep at last), I might give the club a ring. As it stands though, I'll give them a few more days because they must have a lot of emails coming in. Thanks for the bump.
  17. Tassie, Darwin, Cairns, Manuka? How often do we play those grounds? Subiaco is a real AFL venue where we play at least once a year. Given how [censored] our interstate record is, I'm happy to travel there and give our young team the opportunity to experience that arena. Obviously playing at Etihad against Richmond would have been better, but we just finished last and are known for pulling small crowds, so lets not get too greedy. Plus at least we're playing a team we can beat!
  18. Playing Freo is HARDLY a tough draw. Yes playing in Subiaco is not ideal, but I'd rather play at a real AFL ground than have to travel to some hole where we're unlikely to gain any valuable experience. Pretty happy with that to be honest. We might even win!
  19. I'm fairly certain our SA recruiting team was there on the day, so the club has seen him play in that match. Perhaps BP just has too many headaches concerning picks 11 and 18, and knows Trengove is a lock, that he rather spend time trying to choose those picks? Or maybe he's bullshitting to confuse us all?
  20. And here I thought studying for a marketing exam on a Saturday night was the worst news of the day... Thanks for the info, shame it's not such positive news. If he does nominate for the ND, I hope he doesn't end up at Collingwood. One because I loath Collingwood, and two because anyone who doesn't want to play for Melbourne should suffer as if they did Edit: fathers need to stay the hell away from their kids career. Have we learnt nothing from Damir Dokic?
  21. I have just two questions... 1) Can he kick? 2) Is he 192cm?
  22. This thread turned from depression central to LOL central. Well done. I have it on good authority that after reading this thread, Sam is so devastated that he's planning on breaking his other leg, in an effort to hide from the public humiliation of showing his fat body on the field next season. P.S.- Stuart Dew's premiership medals say hi.
  23. I would have had Frawley in third place, or Bate in third and Frawley in fourth. But then I'm not really a Bruce fan, although the club clearly appreciates his role in the side. Maybe Frawley didn't get more votes because he was really hindering our tanking process for a while!
  24. It is an annoying cliche, but there are varying degrees of everything. Some players are simply more passionate and more vocal than others. Moloney is at the top of that list, which doesn't necessarily make him captain material, but it does qualify him under the "bleeds red and blue" cliche. The one thing I really admire about him, is his positive attitude. He always seems to have his head held up high, and pride in the jumper, and that's really important to have in a senior player.
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