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Everything posted by Kento80

  1. You wouldn't put Moloney (and borderline Sylvia) in between B and A?? Other than that I reckon you're on the money. I do think we will be ok against their forwards. Chip/Rivers have been in fantastic form lately, definitely good enough to make life difficult for Cloke/Dawes. The biggest worry for us IMO is our forwards providing leads. I think with the three younguns back in our mids we will stabilise enough to give good delivery, but our forwards seem to be 'on' or 'off', but maybe that is just due to shizen I50 delivery earlier in the season.
  2. Damn straight. Lot of hysteria about not having Junior earlier in the year, but I reckon had we had Jordie, noone would have been as worried.
  3. I do think we can do it, IF we play at our limit. Kinda like watching Valentino Rossi racing. He rides so perfectly that he is on a knifesedge to falling off, but just doesn't. We need to play out of our skins and do it for 4 quarters. Play right on the limit. And so far this year we have not been able to do that. Last week was close, but we need to lift again. Myabe my thinking we can is blind hope, but I really do think we CAN. The thing that actually worries me the most is that I do believe the Pies have seemed a bit blase with how they have played this year. My fear is that without 3 of their mids they will come out breathing fire, trying to show the world (and themselves) that they can do it without the missing players. All that said I will still put my neck out and say Dees by 5. Might be completely misguided, but hey, gotta have hope.
  4. I am not doubting him, as a matter of fact, in every post I've ever made about him it is quite the opposite. I also previously acknowledged to you about the CBA, so no need to bring it up again. Of course we knew he was going to be a star, but the more top notch performances he puts in the bigger the bidding war becomes. Quite obviously I don't think we need him to prove himself. The problem here is that it creates more pressure by not signing (debunking the statement about focusing on the season) and therefore noone can understand why he doesn't sign to end the pressure. Now, if the CBA is out of the equation, then it really only leaves two reasonable explanations. He intends to leave, or he wants to prove his worth/raise his value. I, as I have stated before, take him on his word that he (incl his manager, family and anyone involved with him) have not signed anything, therefore only leaving one reason I can fathom for not signing. And that is that he wants to assure himself and any bidding parties of his worth to their organisation.
  5. His manager would not be so derelict in his duties to have allowed him to sign anything binding so far. Potentially a HoA to give him some wiggle room, but I would be astounded if they allowed anything binding so early on. Too much water to go under the bridge.
  6. Fair enough, however this doesn't change the fact that playing a full season and performing as he knows he can will raise his value.
  7. No change in my opinion. I see absolutely no reason why any player deserves to be dropped from last week. Bartram has only had two weeks off, and I reckon that since the boys filled in for him so well last week, then they should get the opportunity to see if they can raise the stakes. As for Jetta, well the fact that anyone even suggests he should be dropped after last week says enough about them to know their opinion should be ignored. Ludicrous.
  8. In every sense of the word
  9. Was actually Jimmy, not Gazza. I can't understand how people can not see the merit in the argument that he is waiting to see the outcome of the CBA, and also to perform this year enabling him to raise his price. If he had been offered a large amount by GWS and didn't want to take it, then it makes absolute sense to wait and squeeze every single dollar possible out of Melbourne, making it easier to swallow turning down the GWS offer. I have met Tom, and have absolutely no reason to believe that he would lie about this, and as such can not see why he would have earlier in the season. Let's remember that he was the one that asked to do the presser because he wanted to clear the air. It is becoming a bit obvious that other than financially a move to GWS would not be good for his career. Now if you are a kid like Tom, who is one of the hardest training most dedicated players in the whole bloody league, and has been that dedicated all his life, then you would give up really good money and a shot at a flag, for even better money and a shot at struggling. Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Let's not forget, either way he will be rich, it's just a question of to what level. I believe he needs the flag more than a couple extra mil.
  10. Jordie - he was on there with a mate of his who has been signed to go to GWS. They were just in the crowd and the boys talked to them. No mention of him playing footy, that is why I though I'd ask the learned individuals on here. waynewussell - thank mate, thought I'd go wit something current and contentious WJ - that's very true. It would be nice if all kids were as good and as interested as dad, but completely understandable if they aren't. RR - well if this is true, may they please come out of the shadows and say that they are guns
  11. I'm not freaking out like some have regarding young Viney, just interested. I presume Garry qualifies for F/S, so does anyone know about the son of his who was on the footy show tonight?
  12. Congrats Beamer, nice to have you back. That said, it's not like you changed how you went about things. CHAMPION, rip it up on Monday!
  13. I got a peg on my nose here. Just watched it in NSW and sumfin stinks. I am absolutely convinced that he couldn't lie straight in bed, but she's right there spoonin with him. Two useless individuals who I'd quite happily never hear another thing from. Thank christ I don't live in Melbourne at the moment, cause it would drive me nuts.
  14. Wow, can't really blame him though. Looks like there's a fair chance the joint is gonna be a basket case. Hope Tom takes it that this is no place for him if even an untried up and coming kid is willing to defer his draft nomination.
  15. Awwww......shucks. Fanks Scooter
  16. Two people on this forum have just become my favourite people....... gOLLy and Scooter Mcgavin, please take a bow. And keep em comin! Honourable mentions must also go out to Striker475, Demon_spurs and Bimbo
  17. I sincerely doubt any of us could live long enough or gain enough wisdom to understand those buffoons mate, even if we lived to be 150.
  18. Agreed DL7, I too thought that he had been quite average heading into the injury, and his SC points would tend to agree. I also reckon it would be a little early, and think that the boys who played last week did well enough to warrant reselection.
  19. I'll be doing my bit, as I'm coming down from Sydney for, unfortunately, what will probably be my only game this year. I am going out of my mind with excitement, and can't wait to hear the beautiful roar of a buzzing 'G. I'm desperately hoping that last week was the evidence of a penny finally dropping, cause I reckon if we play like that, we'll at least give those filthy Pies a shake. Wouldn't be surprised if we see the crowd size swell this year, partly due to the Pies flag, partly due to said penny (hopefully) dropping and partly because of the opinion that the Dees lift against the Pies.
  20. Whilst I agree it is unfair, there always needs to be a trailblazer. Eventually all the other clubs catch up. Only trouble is that in the meantime the mega club has gone on and found other ways that still keep them ahead of the curve. I struggle with this topic, because on one hand I believe that the clubs that maximise their opportunities and turn them into money/power deserve the spoils of their good work, but on the other hand I cannot stand the thought of the AFL becoming like the EPL where only a small handful of teams have any realistic chance at all of winning. The other trouble is that over the course of generations you will find more and more supporters following the powerful clubs, making them even more powerful and giving them an even bigger stranglehold on the game. Clubs such as the interstate clubs don't have this effect on as great a level, because there is not enough teams to dilute their fanbase, but for Melbourne clubs it will become real difficult. I pesonally have a few friends who are rabid Dees fans and raised their kids as such, only to watch their kids shift their allegiances to the filth over the last few years because they wanted to follow a winning team and not get hassled at school. And let's be honest, what kid not want to follow a winning team (and also avoid getting hassled at school)? I hope and pray this doesn't happen with my kids, I couldn't cope (although living in NSW I would cope much worse if they grew up and followed Thugby League ) I don't know what is the answer is here, but I reckon it is a bit of an issue, and will probably only become more so.
  21. Absolute, out n out, genius. When I read your post DZ, I thought to myself "what could this be about that would give him goosebumps.....seriously?". And then I watched it. It would be the perfect MFC QB clash TV advert, that's for sure.
  22. Very glad to see Gys get the nod. Fantastic effort from a great kid. Starting to really look the goods
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