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Everything posted by Kento80

  1. I reserved my criticism of Jack until this year, but if I am willing to criticise a player, then I will also be willing to give them credit where it is due. And for Jack Watts he is now deserved of some praise. He was terrible at the start of the season, not just in skill, but also with his effort. He didn't seem to have any desire for the contest. As a result he got given the bright green vest. At first he looked a bit [censored] off about it, and I thought that maybe Baileys attempt to inspire may backfire. But to Deans credit it didn't backfire, and to Jacks credit he dug his heels in and got down to work. As a result, his last 3 games have been his best 3 games, and each one improving on the last. While he still has a way to go (I'm sure we all can't wait till he boots 6), he has shown now that he does have what it takes. His desire, attitude and vision yesterday was fantastic, and earns him more respect than players with many more years under their belts than he has. I feel that finally the penny may have dropped, and he deserves all the success that comes with a that attitude.
  2. Read the stats mate, they don't lie. He had a better game than lots of our "better" players. He is just like Jonesy, workmanlike and only gets noticed when he makes a mistake. Fact is he goes about his job in an exceptional manner. He will never be a superstar, but superstars need these guys to get there.
  3. Exactly. Bartram today = K 14 H 8 D 22 M 7 HO 0 T 3 FF 7 FA 1 G 0 B 0 DT 95
  4. Agree with all, but am confused about criticism of Bartram. I thought he was very good today. The way Milne started, it looked like Bartram was going to get slayed, but for my money he fought back and definitely earned his place.
  5. Watts Jones Martin Bartram Gysberts Evans
  6. What is your reasoning that he was a bit harsh on Davey? Did you watch him at all? Shoulders slumped, walking not running back to position, mute, numerous mistakes with some directly resulting in goals. Shall I keep going? Leaders are meant to do just that, lead. His bad body language sets a bad example for the kids, this = lack of leadership. Davey not speaking, not revving players up = lack of leadership. Add to that terrible form and you have a recipe for getting dropped to the 2s.
  7. You think they don't know what to do?? Let me get this straight, you think, Aaron Davey doesn't know what to do?? Cause that's what Mark_Tuckwell was talking about, older players not having any heart. Aaron Davey is a leader of this club, and up until this year, rightly so. If he doesn't know what to do, then he really does need to be sacked. Not only should he know what to do, but he should run around bloody well telling everyone else too. What are our kids meant to learn from leaders who WALK around quiet as mice, with terrible body language and struck mute. They only see bad examples and inevitably, those bad examples are what shape them as players. We are doomed if these senior players can't work it out.
  8. Yes, more to the point. Our F50 entries have been much more hopeful than planned. Please don't take this as defending Newton either.
  9. Christ I hate channel 10s coverage. That bloody Hudson is a TOOL. Nice to see the boys light up after the hooter. Get a bit of fire in their bellies. On another note, my feelings for Jack Watts are quickly developing to love. He has been fantastic so far. Poised, and really insightful, involved in so much that was good about that first half.
  10. Correct me if I'm wrong (although I have thought this before), but surely juice will never play for MFC again.
  11. WTF was that from Newton? Didn't even appear to try and contest with Gwilt. Grrrr
  12. Well said and it would have been a massive call to go young, but I would have given it to Sculls or Trenners (probably Trenners after watching him in the media last week). They would have grown into the role under the guidance of older players who aren't quite cut out for the role themselves (ala Hird/Bomber). And in turn, we would have sorted ourselves a long term, topline captain. It would have been a revolutionary call, but one I believe would have been well worth making in the long run.
  13. I don't know about progress, but I do know that one of the key players in the Kaspersky sponsorship is a huge fan of MFC, and I would be extremely surprised if he would let it go.
  14. HALLELUJAH. Finally after all the time I have been reading this site, I have come across a thread about Jonesy that has nothing but positivity. I bloody love the bloke. Despite him not being a topliner, we would win plenty more games with 18 Jonesys on the field than we do at the moment. We would actually have a team that plays tough and hard, with an obvious will to win. For my money I'd replace Green with him as Captain in a heartbeat. There is not one player at the club that bleeds red and blue more than him IMO. Congratulations Jonesy, and thanks for 100 great games. Here's to 100 more to come champ.
  15. I was hoping he'd get 6 to justify the length of JTs suspension.
  16. Bet the OP is regretting the title heading for this thread No offence P-Man, I thought you were dead on at first.
  17. For my point of view, Bailey is gone. I do not think that he is the coach that we need to take us to a premiership. I also do not praise him for last week. I believe the players responded to media and public scrutiny and embarrassment. I also do not blame him for this week entirely. I feel he deserves equal measures of blame to the players. But all of that does not add up to KEEP. We may keep him till the end of next year, or we may keep him till next week. But either way, for mine he is gone, and wins or losses aren't going to change that opinion.
  18. Changed your tune WYL. I thought you were definitely one of the people blaming the coach. It's amazing the changes one win can affect. I'm not quite as filled with despair as I was a couple weeks ago, but I still think Baileys goose is cooked. That said, I by no means heap the blame for today on him entirely, but Adelaide were so hapless last week that todays win really hurts cause it shows we can't stand up to resistance. Adelaide didn't even let out a whimper. As soon as we got a challenge today we capitulated. I know we copped injuries and the umps were rubbish, but they had injuries too and the rubbish umps didn't have a specific focus.
  19. Have a look at the time I made that comment DL. It was in the first quarter, maybe you saw it. It was the quarter where Juice got 84 SC pts (a lot of higher regarded players don't even get that in a whole game) and was seemingly everywhere. I am not and never was predicting any messiah. From what I have heard he has been very good in the VFL and I made a statement that maybe he should have been given a game earlier. Thats all. No need to be melodramatic. It's not like he would have been replacing a gun, just someone who has been underperforming massively. If I am willing to cirticise a player, then I will also give credit where it is due. And in the instance of the post I made in the first quarter, it was due.
  20. If that threw them, then we are already in worse trouble than I even thought
  21. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Jurrah just get the handball off then. Screw the umpires round. They're useless.
  22. Add Sylvia to that and you're on the money. Also Jones to a slightly lesser extent
  23. Oh.... if he says that, I'm gonna blow my bloody top!
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