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Everything posted by Kento80

  1. Gonna have to go back to basics and have a tough week on the track this week. We need to put in four full quarters. Need to start playing for each others. Any more I've missed? Just thought I'd write Baileys presser for him.
  2. You are right there, although he really does need to fire up at halftime and find a way to make these girls blouses pull their fingers out.
  3. Might be time to break out my torch
  4. I know it's a bit early, but I'd consider subbing him out at half time
  5. Nice one. Think it's the first time I've heard someone cheering a potential suspension
  6. WTF dunn. Time for the mo to go, it's got you all messed up
  7. Beautiful kick by Gys to get it to him as well
  8. LJ must have instant dry super glue on his fingers
  9. He has been great this year and only seems to be getting better. A real testament to HARD training.
  10. Awesome isn't it. Apparently he's been unreal in the VFL, so maybe we shoulda had him in earlier. It feels weird saying that
  11. Are you referring to the Mumford tackle? If so, I think he got two weeks. Not sure if that was three reduced to 2 as was Trenners though. Also not sure if he was cited by the umps or if it came up at MRP.
  12. God I hope this is right Not only would we break the double hoodoo, but petrie is in my DT and his 9 goals would be handy as :)
  13. Really I hope that the players don't let themselves be censored. For starters, 2500 for most of them is not that much of an issue, and far as I am concerned, they have every right to mouth off. I know the commission has their rules, blah blah blah, but I personally am sick and tired of those fools and their stupid rules. I feel like I am still in NSW under the Bob Carr government. We can barely even think these days without being subjected to a fine. You have to allow the game to have a human element. I know the powers that be have a fixation with NFL and how they run their game, but it is an American game. Let them have their American game, and lets have our tough and completely unique game to ourselves. Why does every part of life have to be sanitised, scripted and controlled. Let them be human.
  14. Fair enough guys, I must have heard it somewhere that did not explain it correctly.
  15. I live in Sydney, and would love to be there to join, but I love this idea and it would be so amazing to see on tele. Imagine the embarrassment the occupants of the ivory tower would feel. They hate bad publicity so much, it would be genius.
  16. Would have been genius had it been intended. It actually took me a minute to see what you meant
  17. They actually did daisy, just before the start of the season when they announced the rule that a concussed player had to be subbed. The second part to that was that they missed a week. I clearly remember, because I have been saying for a while now that is what I thought should happen to a concussed player, and I was amazed they finally did it.
  18. Exactly Redleg. I've mentioned this elsewhere today and can't understand why there is not more noise about it. Although I do believe the clubs doctors would ignore an AFL directive, because it has happened numerous times already this year. There have been a number of concussions in every round this season resulting in a couple of subbing and exactly 0 players missing a week. It seems the clubs assess as concussed when it suits them and change that assessment to suit them. As for new evidence, Adam McNicol on the the AFL site said that we cannot expect to win without new evidence. That says to me that it would be ok for us to submit new evidence. However through the process he mentioned a couple pieces of new evidence that we weren't allowed to show. I can't understand all of this, because on one hand we are told we need new evidence to win, and on the other hand we aren't allowed to submit new evidence. I asked McNicol in 5 different questions why, and none of them were displayed on the site or answere. Most of the questions he answered were relatively trivial. Obviously he was there to keep things AFL-sanitised, and avoiding anything of real substance. I agree we should have got it more right on Tuesday, but they have ignored the evidence and it is an outrage.
  19. I would love to go to the game this week. Black armband would be on for me. The AFL has impugned the name of a fair and upstanding young man and need to be held to account for this. I feel rage like I can't believe about this decision, and find myself constantly asking what can be done. I am angry for Jack, but more than anything I am so angry and upset for our game. It is at a crossroads. Take the wrong direction and you can't turn around and go back. What we have is being ruined before our eyes and I find it terrifying.
  20. Didn't they have them last weekend for that reason?? If not then you are dead right.
  21. I feel you are being sarcastic, and hope that my feelings are correct, otherwise our game is in serious trouble. The biggest worry is that it wouldn't surprise me for Anderson to do something so ridiculous.
  22. I really do have an issue with the assessment of Contact as "high". JTs tackle was not a high tackle and it is clear that he did not intend to drive Dangerfield head first into the ground. It is therefore no different to if the head trauma was caused from contact with another players knee during the course of a tackle. I also do not agree with classifying the Intent as negligent as he tackled how all players are taught to tackle. I would be completely happy with Intent being classified as "reckelss", however I do feel that Dangerfields attempt to break the tackle and kick the ball contributed to the force of the sling. As far as the Impact, I feel it is fair to classify this as "high". Once you take away high contact, and alter Intent to reckless, it changes the landscape of the offence completely. I am not sure how the tribunal would then assess the offence regarding points, but do believe this would be grounds to downgrade the penalty to one week.
  23. I must say I am a little worried about this game. Double hoodoo, makes my skin crawl thinking about even potentially losing to them this time round. I hope our players adopt some sort of seige mentality, go out there breathing fire, and knock North into the middle of next week. As a slight aside, does it $h!t anyone else that a current coach of an AFL club (B Scott) has a job in the media (AFL Insider) and is therefore smack bang in the centre of a conflict of interest? He makes comments everywhere you bl@@dy look as if he is the top coach in the league. I have no problem with coaches contributing to an article where asked, but surely it shouldn't be allowed for a coach to occupy a position on an AFL sanctioned TV show.
  24. Good, keep it up captain. Obviously they haven't been told to shut it by the club. And I like it.
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