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Everything posted by Kento80

  1. Petterd soft?????? Soft guys don't lay 13 tackles I50.
  2. Love that last line "They are on to something down at Demonland". I'm not gonna get too over the top with enthusiasm yet, but I am starting to gain confidence, as the players must be too.
  3. I was talking about looking Jimmy, Cam , Bails and the Media in the eyes and saying that their had been no approach to him, his management or anyone involved with him.
  4. Honestly not too worried about losing Morton. He has seemingly not gotten over the issues relating to him bulking up at all, and I'm beginning to think he never will, and he just is not coming on at all (going backwards even). As long as we get sufficiently compensated and manage that compensation correctly, it could prove to be an absolute winner for us.
  5. I got that part of your post, and liked it. I was making a point about the following bit though: "Totally changed my preconcieved ideas about RFC supporters." It wasn't even necessarliy aimed at you, because I appreciated that you were trying to make a point about this guy being nice, so that's my bad cause I didn't explain as well as I can. I just find it stupid when people say "these supporters are this" and "those supporters are that". God knows I've seen plenty of MFC suporters who'd rival the best in the business. Far as I'm concerned they are all pretty much as bad as each other, it just depends on which section of their community you are either lucky or unlucky enough to be exposed to.
  6. True, but I'm 31 and don't reckon I could pull off that swifty, so I dunno how a 19 year old kid would go pullin the wool over their eyes.
  7. Bennell is in his third year, other than that I agree with you.
  8. Didn't he sign for 2 years originally, and then extend for 2 last year? That is what I though anyway, was sure I read about it in the media saying that he had signed out of range from GWS. I may well be wrong, but if I am, I have absolutely no worry about him leaving anyway.
  9. Agreed Thomo. I not sure about their eligibility GWS wise ( I know Watts and Trenners are safe), but I would feel worse about losing any of the three you mentioned plus Watts. That said, I've no doubt he will be a gun, but atm he is a little behind the 8 ball.
  10. Here Scully no liar: Schwab is an article on said MMM conversation. This sums up my views perfectly, and frankly, also the views of any right thinking person. The kid has done nothing to deserve people questioning his integrity.
  11. Back to the footy. We really should win next week. Have found form against a Dogs outfit we were robbed of beating last year, who are playing much worse than last year. I will not accept a loss next week really, because there is no excuses for it any longer.
  12. Hehehe, I had to teach 15 kids under 12 to ski for a day on 2 hrs in bed with a monster hangover once. Nearly knocked me off my perch did that one, and I was only 23. Don't reckon I could do it now, it'd kill me for sure
  13. +1 Bennell has sooo much pace. Once he is surrounded by sublime skill, he will be a force for sure.
  14. Agree completely with the OP. I love Grimes, but for some reason he can't seem to stay on the park, which IMO isn't much good for a captain. Jack is just a stellar kid who would really make me feel proud to look to as captain, and I am sure the same could be said for the playing group.
  15. Are they out of their heyday??? Unbeaten at this stage is about as good as it gets.
  16. He's copped a rough trot recently, and I always thought that he just needed to be left to work it out. He chased hard today, layed some tackles but was a bit average kicking. I loved watching him, instead of going for speccies every go, actually ranging around the contest because he is SO incredibly good at making something out of nothing.
  17. I too didn't notice it on the box, but if true then the people doing it need to hang their heads in shame. Miller served us well, and always tried his guts out. He was a great ambassador for the club and a nice bloke to boot. And anyone questioning his loyalty needs to remember him turning down a chance to play an AFL game so that he could play with the scorps in the finals. Selfless effort. We were the ones who let him go, so pull ur heads in and give a good bloke, and good servant a break.
  18. For starters, I have never said or even inferred that Watts was a mistake, and nor did I want Jamar gone. Bate has had enough time to cement his position that to reference Jamar in the same conversation is just stupid. Dunn might get a reprieve, but needs to show something, cause he has shown nothing this year. Actually, he has been really bad, and we have depth. You can't try to win an argument against me by doing the standard "Jamar, Watts, blah blah", because I was never a part of that conversation. Unfortunately for either these blokes, they aren't supremely talented, Bate is older, and they are well and truly underperforming in a team which has depth and realistically does not need them.
  19. Pretty ridiculous to have preconcieved ideas about any supporters, and even more ridiculous to have one person change them. I have been to games against all teams where I came away thinking they were the worst of the worst, and I have been to game where I came away thinking they were all lovely. I've seen MFC supporters who I wouldn't even talk to let alone befriend, and I've met filth supporters who are awesome people. And for the record, I don't own a Chalet at Mt Hotham, drive a Range Rover or live in Toorak.
  20. +1, not much more to add to that Striker. We SHOULD win next week.
  21. On what premise do you base that statement??? Neither of them have done squat this year, and Bate did squat last year. They may perform in VFL, but it never translates. The only thing that may save one of them is that Newton has to be in the gun first.
  22. LMAO Love him! I actually loved the free. It wasn't his fault it resulted in a goal, our defence did a shizen job against that entry, but it showed he wasn't playing BFF and is really starting to have confidence in his physicality. I hope he doesn't do it every week, but this week I loved it, and I loved him. Well under way to super stardom. In truth, I'd be more upset to lose Jack than Tom. Clearly that's just me, but that's how I feel.
  23. Kento80


    As much as I hope and pray that the OP is incredibly insightful, sadly I think it is incredibly unlikely. Might alter my view ever so slightly if we actually play well today and manage to string two wins together, but still seems rather fanciful.
  24. My best: Whateley, McAvaney, Commetti, Dunstall, Frawley, Pickering, Roos, Harley. Worst: Quarterbrain, Hudson, Lane, Lynch, Blight, Lloyd Intolerable: Mark Ricciuto and Robert Walls To say best by no means says I like em, it's just that I can tolerate em.
  25. Probably not the best comparison ever Roost It, given Nason only debuted last year and has played 23 games since averaging 11.3 disp, compared to Newton who debuted in 2007 and has only managed 29 games since (through the worst period I can remember for MFC) averaging just 10.9 disp.
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