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Everything posted by Kento80

  1. Nah, I just think this "offer" is absolutely laughable. It makes NO sense in any minute way. Whatsoever!
  2. Paranoia central. What if his motive is to create an illusion that his motive is this, whilst really his motive is to create an illusion that his motive is that, while it really is actually that other thing.
  3. Man Mark Stevens is really starting to [censored] me off! He just can't seem to stop the muckraking. I just tweeted him to come out and actually call Scully a liar or STFU. I'm so sick of his rubbish. I barely even look at Twitter lately, but every time I do, there is this goose, saying "mail is". AAAARRRGGH! I'm gonna blow my stack. Can't this damn season end so that we can have an end to this pain?
  4. Awful news to hear today. My thoughts are with his family, and all at the club. It will be an emotional night tomorrow night. May the boys do you proud Wighty. RIP.
  5. Congrats and thanks to all involved in the maintaining of this site. It is great for me living in NSW, as it's nice to be able to feel a little involved when I'm so far away.
  6. I live in Sydney, and a fair majority of people I come across through the City and Eastern Suburbs do. Out west is probably majorly different. That said, they are obsessed with League, but it would be interesting to compare League crowds last weekend cause I would bet it was bigger than most if not all. Considering the game was at ANZ stadium, and most Swans fans don't like the trip out there, it is a pretty good crowd. It will never be the same in Sydney as Melbourne, but I do reckon that is a pretty decent level of interest. As for accommodating another team though, well that is a different issue altogether.
  7. I agree that Vlads salary seems high, but to retain someone at that level, you need to pay at what that level commands elsewhere. I would suspect that is why he says it isn't relevant. I think there definitely needs to be a rise, but it shoudn't be what they are asking for. As for rookie list, not fazed (salary raised though) and Pension plan, for sure. Could be a bit of a stoush this one though.
  8. For what it's worth I don't think we have a chance in hell of beating the Cats, let alone at the Cattery. The only way it would happen is if we play our best game of the year and they play well below their capabilities. My issue though is things like "our team is known for its upsets". It is like the use of "elite". Just a ridiculous statement. Just because teams have been known to cause upsets historically has no relevance as to "our team" being known to do it. Looking back over previous years, the team that we have has not caused any upsets. We have come close, but not been able to do it. Maybe Sydney last year, but that was nothing on the scale of what would be required to beat the Cats at home.
  9. How is "our team" known for its upsets. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure Robbo and Neita are no longer playing. And virtually no-one on our team were playing at the time. That means it is no longer the same team that caused those upsets, therefore it has no relevance. Last year, all my mates were saying the filth couldn't win the flag because of the colliwobbles. It's such BS. Same club does not mean same attributes. Different players, different opponents, different coaching staff, differenct game plans..... need I go on. The trouble here is that our forwards have performed well against some of the worst defence I can remember over the last 2 weeks. I'm not saying they will fail against better defence, but thinking back to the filth, it doesn't bode well. The question is whether their gained confidence will help. And I do think that the Hawks defence is going to be a much larger handful than Richmond or Freo were. We still need to make some serious gains to challenge the Hawks. And boy I hope we do.
  10. Haha, don't think it is either old55. Did you notice that if you click on Olarenshaws name it comes up with nothing, but any of the other names there come up with a little blurb and a photo.
  11. Let them pump, they're that useless that the game is ours to lose.
  12. I'd like to know Freak, how is Olarenshaw able to be so certain on this? Plenty of people have said he is going, and plenty have said he ain't. So, what is it that makes him so sure? Please, enlighten us.
  13. I try to, but as someone earlier in the thread said, it's a little bit of a guilty pleasure. Love/Hate. The sort of thing where after I read it, I feel dirty, but I still keep reading it against my own will
  14. That is my belief too, and I believe you, which helps my mental state cause I was starting to get a little fragile about all this
  15. Can I have some of what's going around in this room, it sounds great :lol: Blues are the one for me too. I reckon it is the most likely, and given that our boys will be out to show them what bruise footy really is, I rate us a chance. That is assuming the rollercoaster has stopped completely, which I think and hope that it has.
  16. Assuming all is above board, I have people who know too, and their name is Wolfmother. I would take the word of someone who spends Boxing Day with Tom and spoke to him last week over some halfwit hack at the hun. I know WM didn't say he would stay, but the signs are very good, and he also said he hasn't signed squat. So unless Mark Stevens has seen a signed contract for 2012 with GWS, I reckon it's about time he shut it!
  17. Hahaha, me too. So much so that I jumped up with such vigour I stuck my hand in the fan. Thank god it was only on low
  18. Ah, yes, my bad. That sounds dead right, thanks for the clarification master.
  19. For some reason I thought the official writer was Luke Holmesby Nasher?? I may well be wrong, just thought I read that somewhere recently.
  20. I actually did laugh out loud
  21. I don't need to take a deep breath, and I'm not trying to crucify him daisycutter. I believe the punishment should fit the crime, and whilst you disagree, others agree. So we're gonna have to agree to disagree.
  22. As I said before, what happened to the spectator who yelled those famous words at Buddy??? I can't remember for sure, but wasn't he banned for at least the season, maybe longer? Here is a link to an article which quotes Demetriou saying that anyone found to be acting in this way would be subjected to being ejected from the ground, revocation of membership and subject to equal opportunity and anti-discrimintation laws. Now why is a player allowed to escape equal punishment, especially considering the amount of money spent by the AFL on education? Yes he was apologetic, but did he have any other option?? I hihgly doubt it. He says he has mates who are black, then why do these thoughts even come into his head?? And it isn't like it was one comment, there were other instances throughout the game. Therefore, not an off the cuff remark made in the heat of competition (not that that is an excuse at all). I don't know whether you have witnessed the damage that situations such as this can cause, but it is horrendous that this happens in this day and age. Unfortunately we will probably never rub it out completely, but soft punishments dont serve to help the cause. If a tackle is worth 3 weeks, with no games anywhere, how is sustained racial abuse of a 19 year old kid from Nigeria playing his first game only worthy of 4 weeks and being allowed to keep up his fitness at VFL level, so he can slot straight back in enough? Maybe there is something wrong with me, cause I can't see any fairness or equality in this at all. I don't believe that he deserves to be rubbed out forever, and he does deserve a second chance, but for me the punishment does not fit the crime.
  23. Very true stuie. And If they were to do an article like that, I would really love to read it. Would be a great, positive interest story.
  24. There is still a massive difference between criticism of someone for not performing, and sustained abuse (yes, I agree, of any sort). What gets said about players on here is generally not abuse. There may be instances from time to time, and I am sure those instances would be suitably howled down, but they ar miles off being the general rule. I suggest you go find a dictionary and look up the difference between abuse and criticise. That outlines exactly what I mean. I didn't realise that either RR, where did you read or hear this?? If so, then I am even more convinved that this act has not been dealt with nearly as severely as required.
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