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Everything posted by Kento80

  1. Well that sure didn't favour Bennell.
  2. Agreed with your stats RR, but I do believe the boys are working very hard. It is lack of skill and a better level of skill from the blues that is getting the better of us, but that is no refletion on effort.
  3. Good to see Jimma on the stage dancing badly, singing terribly, and having a ball!
  4. Agreed. Umps atm bog for Blues.
  5. I disagree, and so does the scoreboard. For my money low scores generally reflect hard work, and poor skill execution.
  6. LOL, I fired to early telling you not too
  7. What is the reasoning for'play on' ther ump?? Please explain??
  8. Beautiful kick for goal by Juice.
  9. Man, Gys wasn't even holding that, it was the blues players holding it in. The tv camera showed it so clearly.
  10. See that kick from bennell to jetta? Nah, I'm sure you prob didn't notice that. They were all bad in 1st bar Watts and Evans, why single out a few?
  11. These umps are f'n useless. Seriously! How many shizen calls in 1 quarter of footy???
  12. Such BS. Morton so stiff, I call that committed, tough footy
  13. Glad about this. I like the way he plays. He has a toughness and mongrel to him that quite a few more shining lights at our club could learn from, and is a great bloke to boot. Good onya Joel.
  14. Give him the bloody captaincy far as I'm concerned. I do think that they should be careful about sending the wrong message regarding player behaviour, but given the current leadership crisis we are in, Captain for me.
  15. Well said Striker. IMO he will prove to be a favoured son by the end of his career. That is unless those in the halls of power at MFC are equally as blind to a players qualities as some on here.
  16. Whilst he hasn't been great, I hardly think he deserves to be dropped, considering the terrible quality of the delivery he has had to contend with.
  17. Exactly C&B, I can only hope that the powers that be at the MFC think the same, and thankfully I am pretty sure they do. 100 games from a possible 104 says alot for a player who is meant to be such a liability.
  18. You must be on crack if you think we should trade Jones. He is straight up one of our best performers this season, cares about the club more than most and trains harder than all. Why people have such a dislike of him is absolutely beyond me. As someone said earlier, how good was Swan at 23? Or infinite other players who have played in a shite team their whole career. Add a first class squad around him, who stop giving him such shite possessions, and we'll see a completely different player. Not everyone in the side needs to be (or will ever be) a superstar. Players like Jones serve a purpose and for mine, are worth their weight in gold. Talk of trading him is so absurd, it almost defies logic.
  19. While we're at it, no more tele, make them study tactics while at home. No more talking to opposition players because they may influence how hard they play against each other. No more taking your girl out to tea because you might be thinking about her rather than footy on game day. Jesus Christ Almighty, they are kids in their mid twenties who aren't even allowed a beer in public, at least just let em do something normal. If anyone really thinks that twitter affects their game, then they need to pull their head out of their derrier. And who gives two hoots what the so called "media experts" have to think. When these "experts" write articles seen to be unreasonably derogatory of the MFC they are bumbling fools, but when they criticise the players being human they all of a sudden become "experts?? This is all so ridiculous I just cannot believe it.
  20. I struggled last week a little. Normally we have no white on our guernsey, but put the clash on to play the saints and all of a sudden both have white on them, making it much harder to distinguish between the two. And I noticed a couple occasions where players from both teams seemed to PASS to an opponent, making me wonder whether even the players were a little confused.
  21. Did it two days ago. Can't wait
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