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Everything posted by Kento80

  1. Jeff White has actually already done work with Jonesy.
  2. +1, nice to see that there is someone sensible out here. He commented on the death of Osama Bin Laden. How dare he, he's not qualified to speak on such matters. He's just a stupid footballer
  3. Any talk of putting up Jones is misguided at best. If even half our team went about things with the attitude of that guy, we'd be in a much better position at the moment.
  4. Not too fussed about all the scully talk, but I gotta agree with this sentence. It would be quite unfair to be paying Scully a ridiculous % of the cap, therefore potentially undervaluing, and alienating, other players.
  5. Touch a nerve there did I beetle? Ease up tiger. I apologise that you can't deal with my distaste for BT, but unfortunately there is nothing I can do about it. I didn't say he was wrong, I just think that he is a spud who doesn't deserve to be agonised over by us, that is all. To quote your good self "He may be critical in his comments (which I don't mind) and stereotypical in his delivery re the MFC (which I do mind)". I believe that a journo in any fashion should present facts, not bias. In this instance he is not wrong, but overall he is, therefore I say he is a spud and that is enough said from me, I'd rather leave it at that. Is that ok for you?
  6. Agreed, but there are plenty other players out there who have issues too, it's just that they are a bit more fancied.
  7. I love the bloke (in a totally blokey, football kinda way ) He is tough as nails, marks well and isn't afraid to get down n dirty. And I must add he's a ripper bloke to boot. For my money he has been stiff to not play much. I know we need to get games into kids, but we also need to have the best team on the park too.
  8. I actually don't mind MacLure either dee-luded. Might cop me a bit of derision on here, but hey, I said it. While I'm at it, I actually don't mind Robbo either. Wow, feels good to get those off my chest
  9. Brian Taylor's a spud. Nuff said!
  10. Quite interesting to see just how they are going to work it. Will be even more interesting to see how it plays out.
  11. Must admit I did miss that one, so can't comment on last night, but Stef was pretty awesome too.
  12. Potential, Dustin. Current form, Stef.
  13. Yep, a totally fair call Gotzy, was a really good game from him. I am still very disenchanted due to his leadership, or lack there of, so far this year, but will happily pay credit where it is due.
  14. Stef Martin is the one that has really got me excited. I am just loving watching him play, it's fantastic. Great hands, very decent in the ruck, quick, mobile and can slot it through the sticks. Can't leave it at that though. Watts is a massive +, also Howe, Gawn, Nicho and McKenzie. Note: I am only talking about new positives, there are others, but we are well aware of those already. Edit: Spose we already knew bout McKenzie, but I mean new + for this year.
  15. I rated Watts BOG, but can happily forgive you McKenzie. Scully however, was influential and got a lot of it, but geez he had quite a few bad disposals. Some of which would have really cost us if we had a better quality opponent. I was a fence sitter on Jack 6 weeks ago, but he's got me off my fence. So glad to see that he reacted so well to his time (slightly) out of favour, playing as sub. He put in the work and did the right things, now he is reaping the rewards. Congrats Jack, glad to be off the fence, it was getting uncomfortable!
  16. Shoot outs, speccies, fast flowing footy, mud squares and kick to kick. Aaaaaah to be young again.
  17. After the Richmond game last year (Rd 19), I was told by a player who wasn't playing on the day that DB gave the boys a MASSIVE rev at half time. Richmond were up, and this player said he was in the rooms, and Bailey took the boys into another room. The door was shut and apparently he had absolutely no trouble hearing the bake the boys got. Obviously he has it in him, but tries to keep it under wraps publicly. Only trouble is I am just not so sure how effective his bake is compared to that of some other coaches.
  18. Unfortunately pretty fair across the board I reckon.
  19. +2 Bit of an unfair call on Beamer though
  20. Sorry, I wasn't disagreeing with you. Was just trying to say that allowing the rest of the year needs to be taken in perspective to be thorough in any decision made. A few soft wins don't necessarily save him in my opinion, because the efforts, not results, have so far been generally terrible against good sides.
  21. We do have what should be a much easier end to the season than the start though rpfc.
  22. For what it's worth to this conversation, I was at the Platinum Club luncheon at the G on Monday, and Russell Howcroft was a speaker. He started talking about Bailey, and he really did sound quite genuine. The statement was that he and the board are extremely happy with the coaching staff (with Bailey singled out), and also exceptionally happy with the addition of Viney. Now I know I'll get howled down cause Howcroft wouldn't say otherwise, but I must insist that whilst not meaning too much, he really did sound genuine. I personally am not quite sure whether I agree, but that's just what was said, make of it what y'all will.
  23. Agreed HT. One thing that needs to be remembered about him is that most of his life he has played a relatively uncoached, natural style of game. Now he is playing in a relatively regulated environment, and more than most kids he needs to be given a bit of extra leeway IMO. Compare to TS or JT etc who have lived highly trained, higly coached lives and were always going to be professional footy players. As far as I am concerned, this means that most other players should be required to show a more advanced level in this area. Couple this with average support and delivery and IMO he has a bit of excuse for not having the best pressure in the game, especially considering his rather high goal rate for someone who is actually still quite inexperienced.
  24. Aaaaahhhh, I get it, you meant in their mid. My bad, was a bit confused about that one
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