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Everything posted by Kento80

  1. I just tweeted a link to this page to Robbo. This reall s&*ts me badly. And unfortunately I reckon ur dead right Rich Demon. If nothing else, hopefully it might provide a catalyst for some kind of restraint on gambling advertising, as it is way out of control at the moment.
  2. Doesn't matter what agency they are from, they are contracted by the club, or Dogsbet, which is linked to the club. Far as I'm concerned it is the Dogs issue. I absolutely hate the gambling advertising in sport, but can tolerate it to a certain point. However that point has definitely been crossed by a country mile if some stupid, ignorant idiot is handing advertising to 6 and 4 yr old children. And I would think that it would be illegal to advertise gambling to an underage person in such a targeted way, and if it isn't, well it bloody well should be. Disgraceful.
  3. Agreed RR, but surely the Hawks couldn't get rid of him?
  4. I was more disappointed with Garland. Couldn't turn a trick against a (very good) old fella who has way less size than Garland, and was much further below his best than Bennell was below his.
  5. I didn't learn anything I wanted to learn.
  6. Yes HT, yes. I noticed in the 2nd qtr (I think) Jack Wattswalking towards Green, and it was Watts with teh devilish looking face, sprouting off all sorts of things to Green, not the other way around. I thought it odd, and have thought it odd at other times in the season too when you would expect to see Green getting real vocal, that he just walks along saying nothing. I know he isn't solely responsible, but was just one instance I noticed tonight. The one good thing is that it looks like Watts leadership is growing in stature along with his game, and that is exciting for the future.
  7. Kento80


    Lol, thanks, I needed a laugh.
  8. Yeah, true, I forgot about Krakouers. But no matter how few marks and possessions Nic Nat gets, the collective industry still just seems to have this major hard on for him. Gives me the irrits to be honest. Has potential, but at the moment, so overrated.
  9. First up, there's no way we deserved to win tonight, and I won't buy it that the umps changed the game enough to have lost it for us. But, they were absolutely terrible, and the thing that makes it worse is that if it weren't for the useless umps last year, we would have beat the Dogs, instead of losing by 4. That's what killed me the most about them tonight. It brought back a memory which I thought I had successfully suppressed, for the good of all mankind. The state I was in after that game last year defied belief. Those BS 50's were absolute rubbish. I can wear Trenners one though, as it is virtually the same as the one that got Watts a free I50 last week. That said, he didn't move back at all and only stood his ground.
  10. Kento80


    You are a goose mate. However you can come to this conclusion on Petterd is beyond me, and every other poster on this thread. He was one of only a couple players who can hold their heads up tonight, and laid an AFL record 13 tackles I50 last week. Watch the replay before you make dumb comments like that, cause you clearly can't have watched the game too well. Looks like we might lose a fair weather supporter next year. And be sure, we'll all be looking to see if you're here next year, cause I can assure you Petterd will be, and I'll be amazed if Bennell and Scully aren't.
  11. I'm deadset sick of it. I'm sick of not wanting to watch the rest of the game. I'm sick of feeling stunned by how bad they play sometimes. I'm sick of losing at Etihad. I'm sick of kicking more behinds than goals. I'm sick of missing goals that should be kicked. I'm sick of a lack of urgency. And most of all, I'm sick of the team I love being a joke to everyone else.
  12. I like him, but tonight was no good, unfortunately though my no good assessment doesn't stop at Sylvia.
  13. For me it is MOTY at the moment, but everyone seems love Nic Nat so much, that I can't see it going anywhere else. I love Ricky though. Beautiful effort today, and one of few. P.S. Thanks for putting that shot up
  14. Lol, can you believe they're advertising the Brisbane Football Club on here?? Hahahaha
  15. If there's one thing this Gubby Allen scumbag has done, it is steel the resolve of those around these here parts. And I sense a little more optimism just on the fact that no-one could possibly want to be involved with that creature, not for all the tea in China.
  16. Kento80


    Man I wish you were allowed to swear on this site sometimes. I know it doesn't help the situation, but bugger me it makes me feel better. And right at the moment, I just wanna let fly. This moron Demetriou really couldn't tell his arse from his elbow. It is just outrageous, if true, that this "consultation" was disguised as a real input when in truth it was just a way for the AFL to look as if they had done the right thing by the football community whilst doing whatever the hell it wanted, regardless of the consequences for the good of the game.
  17. Absolutely fair enough Andy. And I want to thank you for clarifying, as I was beginning to think I was losing the plot Kept looking at these things, scratching my head and thinking "I'm sure I've never seen ads on here".
  18. Kento80


    That is the first post on this website where I truly did LMFAO
  19. Kento80


    And solid reason to believe Tom won't go IMO. He won't buy into the BS they are selling.
  20. I agree Felix. It is my impression of Tom from the couple times I've met him, things I've read of him and things others who know him have said that his entire focus in life is Footy. Let's be clear here. He will be a gun, he will be rich. It is now just a question of how rich. For myself, I reckon he'd be happier being rich and with a premiership or two (or 3,4,5.... aw hell, I'm gettin greedy) than he would with a couple mil extra and no real success at that which he had devoted his whole life. And in reality, sustained success and a real legacy would probably make him more money over the course of his career and after footy than a couple extra mil right now.
  21. Kento80


    I think we all want this ridiculous, fanciful venture to fail. Isn't it funny that most people I know don't mind Gold Coast, were happy to see them get some success (especially since it didn't come against MFC) and even cheered Karmichael Hunts first goal. Can't see any of that happening with GWS. It is amazing what a little bit of decorum can achieve. Everyone knew that GCS were plundering other clubs stocks, but seem to have taken it much easier. And it all has to do with the people running the show there having a little respect about how they go about it. I wouldn't be surprised if behind closed doors Vlad isn't absolutely cringing at the circus that is GWS, and already starting to have regrets with personnel choices, if not even the venture in its entirety.
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