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Dockett 32

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Everything posted by Dockett 32

  1. Thought this thread might have been about where our recruiting staff were sitting during the match, but probably with all the other clubs.
  2. Riper bloke, spoke to him for quite a time at Casey last year preseason and one of the few "up to standards" on our list. Some of his battles with Jack Riewoldt have been fantastic so its not surprising the 'white ants' might be about. But this bloke can play, has been AA, has been one of our best players since he started with us, was a high draft pick, has continuously carried a higher burden down back due to our inept midfield and I would be very disappointed if our club allows a player of his ilk to depart. Other clubs would be queuing up to get a bloke like this. Big strong and fast. Just a joke to think we would even remotely consider this happening when we consider some the recent extended signings that have made many of us scratch our heads. Who gives a stuff about high draft picks in exchange. We need Hogan and Frawley done for an extended period .Must retains to build the club around. I would expect the club to hurry up to get both of these things done . Anything less would be unthinkable and unacceptable. We pay people at the club to retain the good ones.
  3. Good positive stuff after round 4.
  4. Fluffy Hoopla & Speculation I doubt. Who was talking to the pharmacist at the end of the 4 corners programme Rhino? You have your view but I don't share it. I'll still sit with some other clubs lying low, no - very low.
  5. How do you figure? wasn't illegal until last night? Misses the point a bit though. If last nights 4 Corners report was correct and I have no reason to disbelieve it , there is at least one other club and bound to be others who whilst not as careless as we may have been with our reporting, IMO will have ventured into the same murky paddock , so what of gtheir reporting obligations?
  6. I think you would be very unwise to dismiss this bloke. But then I'm a crook judge. One of us will be right and happy to talk to you later Dr and will. Personally I love this kid.
  7. If we and the Bombers are an 'island' , ill eat my hat! Vlad you can call us on a disclosure matter which could be no more than camouflage , but l doubt if you can call us on an illegal substance matter which is 10,000,000 times more relevant. P.S. I suspect there could be 5-6 +clubs with real issues here. (not just us) and could you be running away? Step up to the plate son. Premierships and browlows are at hand here. Maybe all results past 2000 should be declared null and void.
  8. That's probably a fair commentary and clearly the 'micro' investigation at our place should go deeper to establish exactly who knew what before we run off sacking anybody who can walk. I wonder though, when looking at 'macro', if a strange sort of relationship might be developing between ourselves and the Bombers being the only two clubs in the headlights at the moment. Once again the silence from the other clubs is deafening ( refer the similarity with tanking) where once again the trail of dots heads to a number of them. Why do I get the feeling on the back of this , a lot of clubs are lying low right now? AFL (AD) all over us for apparent non disclosure, at this point seems so far no other clubs administering supplements in a like manner? Hmmmmmmmmm
  9. Ok you've made your point. I too have had a ping at the bloke in the ruck about being 'gentle' but as they are our players we should be supportive and probably leave it to those from other clubs to bring those sorts of things up. If we can look at it another way, I suppose its why I like the 'invisible man" Davis who also cops plenty on here. He definitely doesn't lack in the courage stakes and so far this season it seems hasn't lowered his colours.
  10. Lets wait for the doctors explanation. The word "injection" would need to be dealt with in his response.
  11. Me too and maybe the selection panel have a succeed or die attitude to Silvia and Jamar this week. At least we have a few young options on the horizon. Perhaps next week we'll hopefully see a few.
  12. How come Groucho Marx didn't get a gig? Oh that's right lined up for AD job at headquarters.
  13. The bar is at such a low setting at the moment I reckon there's a good chance for improvement to be honest. Like others though, I am in two minds re selection . Do you give Jamar, Silvia, Watts and Co. one final chance to play some decent football before sending them straight to Casey seconds to free up some space if for the Taggerts and Tynans or do bite the bullet and go with the Gawns, (probably one run short) Spencer ( must be a chance) the Tynans the Kents etc.? Hopefully a defining match for the future of some on the field and our club this week.
  14. If you can arrange an each way pay out for 4th on the tote, your a shoe in redleg!
  15. Accept where you are coming from, we both see the issue in the football dept, you have a greater weighting on the coaching than on the players and that's our point of difference. In the end the buck will rest with Neeld and the coaching staff because as you say they have been directing traffic . I do not believe we have 40 poor players, far from it and I understand we have some fantastic young, eager, impressionable kids. My gripe rests with the senior members of this team ( I exclude Frawley and Grimes from this by the way) and it seems I'm not completely alone on this.
  16. That's your view and fair enough HN , but 28%? That's some truly sh.thouse coaching if you are on the money. Craig a sh.thouse operator? Neeld a sh.thouse operator ( Collingwood didn't think so) Rawlings an ex AFL coach. Hard for me to accept they are all no good and at the same time not look all our players squarely in the eyes for what they have presented.
  17. You have made your bed. Disappointing, but probably not surprising that you choose to return at this time. Brave stuff.
  18. Played AFL seniors last year and did quite well, so surprises me too!
  19. If so we are now in a very dangerous place.
  20. Here we go. Dons the problem now, not Cameron anymore. Ok new problem and the solution is?
  21. Sorry Hardnut but don't understand your comment. We have not just been beaten the past two weeks, we have a percentage of 28% and you allow the players to abrogate responsibility? Who else ran out on the field?
  22. Christ! Does anyone get to stay? Football dept and players have not fired a shot in 5 years and get to take another scalp whilst being hauled out of danger to Sorrento . Hope no one on hear complains when the financial results are announced later and stand ready to dig deep. Say what you like but Schwab played a role in getting the club back to a financially viable position. Will we still be there come the end of the year? Playing performance and making a buck are directly related so good luck to the next CEO. Could it be that Schwab actually got this and that's what caused him to become concerned about about the football playing shite of the past little while? So when will it be time for the players and football dept to deliver? Are they a protected species at our joint? They wouldn't be anywhere else. Who do we blame next? Who's next in the queue? Oh that's right it will be DM's (who initially took the job on with great reluctance ) fault. Bloody ridiculous, how about we just start winning and don't stop and it over to you football dept.
  23. Agree and just think the if the football dept and players got their s..t together and simply won a few bl..dy games most of this would go away. We have been fed how fit we are, how well we have trained, how better our list is, how well we have drafted, but we are on the bottom with a percentage of 28%? We have also been advised that the objective was ( last year) that we were to be the hardest team to play against yet we appear/remain one of , if not the softest? Ok boys something has to change or we will simply be presented with more of the rubbish of the last two weeks.So I would like to see total all out aggression as a not negotiable. I would like to see this taken into consideration at selection from the first ruck to the substitute. On this subject agree with Greg Wells who suggested we need more mongrel in the side. Not quite sure how to put this and I hope I'm not right, but could it be a possibility that some players coming out of contract could have already been got at "a la T$" . Could they be simply going through the motions and protecting their bodies for something beyond this year? I say this as it doesn't seem to me that a few are playing with anything like the intensity expected from AFL players. On the basis of recent performances they should be dropped for this week anyhow to at best help them with their focus until they pull their fingers out.
  24. Didn't go Lucifer, comment was based on what I saw of Jamar's form last year, last week and yesterday , Warren Deans comments today, your comments that Gawn is underdone at this point ( although would be happy to roll the dice but bet Misson wont) and the need to give the Spencil a chance to show us if he's value on the list or not. IMO reckon a change should be made to the ruck on the other hand you could leave Jamar in against the West Coast where we might get further confirmation if we really need it and what does it say to the rest of the playing group about the need to perform consistently to retain your spot?
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