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Everything posted by binman

  1. Yep, spot on. I mean who cares what other coaches think. Interesting article in today's age about the rise and rise of Griffen who interestingly was a PP. IIRC they were a bit of a schommozle of field for a while there. I wonder if the doggies deserved that pick?
  2. Yes exactly. AOD was not specifically prohibited but as i understand it was banned under the category of not being cleared for use by humans. Also the quotes are from the ACC not WADA or ASADA. The ACC are not really relevant in terms of defining whether a drug is prohibited.
  3. At some point he'll be an old man...
  4. I agree with all your comments. I love his effort and he he is a real competitor but yes his kicking is huge issue. In addition to your points i'dd add another dilemma. In his position TMac often has ball in hand deep with the best option switching play to the 'fat' side necessitating a kick across the face of goals. If the target is missed then it usually leads to a goal. TMac has given a few of these up, often because he is so slow to kick and his mechanical kicking style. That's a problem but perhaps a bigger problem is that he might not choose to take that option due to the not unreasonable fear of coughing it up, meaning he takes a worse option and turns back into trouble or goes to the congested side where we have no hope of easily running it of our defense. This exact scenario happened on Saturday. He turned out of trouble and the right play was go across goal to a free man. Risky but it would allowed us to run it out with ease if he had hit his target. He thought about but decided not to take the risk, turned back and kicked it down the members wing into congestion where the saints had the numbers. The Saints won the ball and brought it straight back in for a goal. Even if they hadn't got the goal it would have been really hard for us to get it past their press. He has to learn how to hit that target, and he might as well practice at every opportunity this year - even if that means coughing it up a few times.
  5. Why isn't an abstract painting a real picture?
  6. Key comments: "You are responsible for what goes into your system, it's a strict liability," Fahey told AFL.com.au. "Now whether or not there's any mitigating circumstances depends on individual cases, and that's a matter for ASADA who are currently investigating it." Mitigating circumstances is what they are obviously going to argue
  7. I agree. Jobes orchestrated comments are all about building a case that the players did all in their power to ensure they were not breaking any rules. It ís frequently bandied about that there are no excuses (except if you are say unconscious) but perhaps the AFL plan to test this aspect. But yes that would still mean the club would get smashed, as they should. It should also mean Hird gets smashed, as he should. Then there is the charges of bringing the game into disrepute that surely the AFL will level once the ASADA penalties have been applied. If the penalties handed out to MFC on this charge are any guide should be millions in fines, possible draft penalties (as after all they were searching for an unfair advantage) and suspensions to at least Hird.
  8. No that's true. This is great actually its like we get a bonus pre season where i can get carried away with dreams. Oh oh the Pollyanna syndrome. Imagine though if it does pan out the way i've described, i'll find it very hard to contain my optimism in the 2014 pre season!
  9. Of course the AFL will follow the ASADA recommended punishments if the bombers are found to be guilty. But is suspect they will be involved in discussions with ASADA about what those recommendations might be. People bring up the example of wade Lees but the VFL is not in the same league as the AFL, so to speak.
  10. This is a common misunderstanding. Neither WADA or ASADA administer any justice. They simply determine innocence and guilt and have recommended penalties. It is up to the relevant competition, in this case the AFL to administer justice. Of course they are under pressure to accept the advice on penalties from ASADA but i have no doubt in this instance this advice will be negotiated given the stakes and the size of the AFL.
  11. Here's my uneducated guess as to how things will play out. Roos in discussions with the club at the moment. Keen to take it on. No need to announce for a couple of months Wants to extract as much as possible from the AFL in terms of support and draft concessions. Mid August club announce Roos ha been appointed head coach and will come in at seasons end to oversee draft etc fro next season. In the mean time will meet with Craig and discuss how he would like the boys to play. Craig will be announced as Football Manager, perfect for the role, has the team onside already (in the same way Balme does at Geelong) and will work hand in glove with Roos and PJ. A smooth transition takes place at seasons end. After Roos is appointed he announces his assistants. Cameron Ling is one. Leigh Brown stays as does Rawlings. Royal goes and is replaced by Jnr, which goes a long way to healing some wounds.
  12. Was just about to say exactly the same thing. Nice little promotion for the bookies. Not in any way a real market. I also backed him and could only get 20 on with one bookie and 8 tops with another!
  13. Are you the love child of Ben Hur and Rhino Richards? A half brother to Satry?
  14. I agree. He looked slow against the saints but here's hoping he has the opposite trajectory in this regard to trenners.
  15. Sounds a good system Bossdog. I was just being a bit silly. He has the time to get the technique right and do the number of required repetitions to ingrain it.
  16. It was a terrible decision. The funny thing was that when he heard the whistle NW's immediate reaction was to start remonstrating with the ump as he assumed it had gone to TMac. Imagine his surprise.
  17. I agree TD. He played with some real vim i thought. he's a team player and looks to create goals for his team-mates. I wish Howe was the same. The two examples you note were terrible by Howe. Both times he turned his back on the play which is unforgivable in modern footy. The other thing against Watts is as others have pointed out the delivery to him was woeful, particularly long kicks which often put in on the wrong side and not to his advantage. He got dirty on that (and himself a couple of times when he missed shots) which is great sign.
  18. I'm confused Norm. Is that the last you'll say on the matter?
  19. binman

    No rights

    Excellent point. Take this weekend for example. I'm going with the kids whereas there is no way i'd be shelling out to see an away game under Neeld. The Saints will make mor out of this match than if it had been last week.
  20. Patrick Smiths source was Andrew D apparently. I can't find an unlocked version of the article. KB and Greg Denham were discussing it this morning. Apparently the article says they ruled out Stockdale. Kennent and Freeman and given Roos first dibs on the spot. KB asked Melbourne how they felt about the AFL choosing our CEO, President and Coach. My though was bring it on. Bagdad Bob has shown great restraint i have to say. His analysis of how dysfunctional the board and governance of the club has been has turned out to be spot on. Well played sir, even if you had a clear agenda (joke). GNF your predictions haven't been too shabby either. Also well played sir.
  21. Aligns with what Patrick Smith wrote in today's Australian. I for one have no problem with the AFL taking things over. Clearly they feel they have to and it sends a clear message they want MFC to not just survive but thrive. Perhaps the pain we have been going through was necessary. A handful of wins here and there might have just delayed the inevitable. I have said before that the club had to find some way to acknowledge and address the trauma that occurred in 2011, something the club seemed clear it was not going to do. Well now it has been, at least in so far as Schwab and MacClardy are gone and the board being dismantled. I still believe the new coach needs to acknowledged what the players have gone through rather than just going the draw a line and forget the past approach. It doesn't work as the last 18 months have proven I hope you'r right GNF about Roos. A mate and I put as much as the two bookies would allow at $7, which was $28 in total. Shows what a stupid market those bets are - free promotion fro the bookies and quoted by the media as somehow being an accurate gauge. Still $7 is way overs if you are correct and it is actually even money. Perhaps if a few demonlanders can back Roos it might make the jungle drums beat louder and influence Roosy to take the gig.
  22. Nice article above, good job. This comment from Mahoney caught my attention: "He takes the game on, runs with the ball and also looks for good options through the middle of the ground." No wonder he didn't get a game with Neeld in charge. he didn't have the right skill set. Imagine a player looking for options in the corridor. What next? Players kicking to the top of the goal square not the pocket or the opposite flank?
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