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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. I notice your guidelines say: "Tone – Constructive, inclusive, accessible and generally positive." I fear you may have come to the wrong forum ;-)
  2. Caught the American version of the film Shall We Dance the other night on Foxtel (starring Richard Gere), so I decided to drag out my old DVD of the original Japanese version last night just to see how closely the remake managed to follow the original. While Hollyweird actually made a decent fist of this film, the Japanese original is still streets ahead. I really love the way the Japanese produce lovely feel good movies that manage to have a degree of quirkiness about them... Shall We Dance, Tampopo, Family Game and so on.
  3. I think you will find that part of the discussions between he, Neeld and co, involved him not being required to play in the ruck.
  4. The big difference between Jones and Watts is that Jones always tried and kept trying until it all started to click and, well, look at him now! Before Sunday's effort I was in the keep Watts camp, but after watching Sunday's game, I am now firmly of the belief that he has made up his mind to leave and nothing will make him consider otherwise... his place in the side for the remaining games should be given to untried players to give them a taste of AFL.
  5. hardtack


    I've wanted him to stay, but watching today, it's apparent that Watts just doesn't want to be at the club; so there's not much point in trying to get him to stay...he would just be a liability.
  6. Great! Now let's see if that's enough to tip the scales in favour of a return to coaching by one Paul Roos.
  7. We're a funny bunch... Scully says he wants to be a one club player, avoids the question of his loyaly, lies and eventually leaves - he is crucified by all and sundry Watts says he need to think about his future, is completely transparent in making no promises or guarantees, hides nothing - he is crucified by all and sundry.
  8. I am watching now (in Sydney), and quite honestly, I cannot see what all of the fuss is about. Sometimes this forum strikes me as being like a brush fire...just one spark and the whole place goes up in flames.
  9. I would have to disagree on the Byrnes omission... yes he got 1.4 or whatever it was which could just have easily been 4.1 if he had not been having an exceptionally off day (even the best have those)... he at least got the ball and was a chance which is more than can be said about several others.
  10. Thought I would share a short clip of PJ's player development speech.
  11. I was a Roads Scholar... spent a year putting gutters in Captain Cook Crescent in Canberra. I believe Abbott nominated the Island of Rhodes as his topic in Mastermind... Bob Hawke was a Rhodes Scholar, so I'm not sure too many Abbott fans would be waving that particular flag.
  12. He must really be getting sick of having to wake up at the crack of dawn to catch all of these 5:30am flights.
  13. Shane Maloney? I used to know a Shane Maloney many many years ago during my days of propping myself up at the union bar at ANU in Canberra... these days he is quite a successful (or at least, was) crime (pulp) fiction writer.
  14. Either that or dust off those LPs that are stored in the garage and take a look back through your record collection.
  15. Watched Samsara the other day on Blu Ray... stunning to say the least! Now to sit down with the "Qatsi" trilogy with the same director of photography and music composed by Philip Glass.
  16. Well, if as you say, this is the club's last chance to get it right, I think that the last thing they would want to be doing is rushing into these critical appointments.
  17. I'd probably add Clisby to that list... very rough around the edges, but he has shown there is plenty to work with that will likely see him turning into a very good defender.
  18. If true, let's hope he can 'stand and deliver!' (for those old enough to remember) edit: great minds billy
  19. Don't know if this has been covered already, but wasn't it stated earlier in this thread that we were talking to someone currently in the senior coaching position at another club... perhaps it was Voss? ;-)
  20. Why on earth not?? If there are quality people at Essendon who have managed to stay clear of all of the dodgy goings on, I would have thought they would be exactly the kind of people we would want at our club; reliable, not easily mislead and clean. Take of the blinkers and look beyond the fact that they are employed by Essendon (assuming that is your problem with them) - worth noting that is where our current CEO spent a good part of his past.
  21. I would hope that the club (appropriate person) sits down with Aaron and they discuss his future with a view to having him onboard for one more season where he will take on more of a mentoring/development role. Perhaps this discussion may have already taken place 12 months ago? I would hate to see him summarily dumped after the years of quality service he gave us, regardless of his form and desire seemingly dropping off as his body finds it harder to cope with the rigours of today's game.
  22. While some of what you say may be correct, there is also the issue that many posters have no idea where to direct their "anger" and simply lash out indiscriminately and often do so with little or no facts. There are always players who become the favourite whipping boys, and then it's the coach, the assistant coaches, the board, the president, the CEO, the trumpeter etc etc ... while it may not be the case in this thread, the main problem is that while one person might make a valid criticism, many will then take that as a cue to jump in boots and all and it often becomes personal - mob mentality. Perhaps demonoid has just had enough of that... and I would have to say I feel much the same. This is not directed at you Soidee, but I really dislike this "pea hearted supporters" expression... if anything, that probably applies more to the keyboard warriors who continually rubbish and snipe at the players and the club in anonymity from the safety of their homes/offices.
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