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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Yep, and yet another training thread gets well and truly derailed by the snipers.
  2. Great movie... just the right mix of humour and violence. Very British.
  3. In which case, I seem to recall Norman Gunston chewing the fat with him.
  4. I know it's not everybody's cup of tea, but I and my son just sat through almost 3 hrs of Interstellar at the IMAX in Sydney's Darling Harbour, and loved every second of it. I'm still not sure exactly what it was I saw, so this is at the top of my future Blu Ray purchases list as it definitely warrants multiple viewings.
  5. The term troll has been in use for years and years. In internet parlance, it is someone who just baits others purely to get a rise. The term has been in use for much much longer than the case you refer to.
  6. you should have said "Moby (colloquialism for) Penis"... it might have passed the test
  7. Yeah, but I really have my doubts about how he will go as a forward... no matter how hardened they say he is. I've heard of small forwards and goal sneaks, but this may be taking it a little too far: 3. AARON VANDENBERG (Melbourne), 22 H: 188cm W: 90kg Drafted: No.2, 2014 rookie draft Ready-made ball winner could step straight into the Demons’ forward line, if he is promoted, after averaging 31 touches in the NEAFL last season. Roosy loves his reliable, hardened midfielders and Vandenberg could give the Dees some extra depth. Had 56 possessions against Eastlake. Nice size at 88cm.
  8. I'd be tempted to swap Pedersen and Watts... this year Pedersen did some nice things in defence and with good delivery to the forwards and with Watts being an accurate shot on goal, I think it could be worth the gamble.
  9. Just saw one of those cliches that really get my back up and which I thought I had finally been expunged from my memory banks, in the Welcome Petracca thread... "I would/wouldn't want blah blah blah, next to me in the trenches." Unless you and "blah blah blah" work for the Water Board or you are a soldier in possession of a reliable fully functioning time machine, it's never likely to happen.
  10. Was CB's one word post necessary? I doubt that the angst is over just that one post, but more over the number of times Saty's reports get shoved aside and the focus goes squarely onto his comments about something he might have said to a player for a bit of a laugh.
  11. Yep, that certainly gives good cause to ignore the rest of TDI's informative training report... go forbid, a little levity!!
  12. The whole right side from his chest down to his waist has been painted in (and poorly at that). You can see where the "artist" (and I use that term very loosely) has painted rather clumsily over the folds running from the left to right on his shirt (from our point of view).
  13. Real men don't use cliches. Not really cliches, but the things that annoy me are terms like "spud" and spelling fails such as defiantly or definately (for definitely).
  14. There is no doubt in my mind that this was "engineered" by the club. Jones is getting just recognition for his efforts over the past three years with the club showing its faith in his ability to lead on his own; and I'm sure that equally the club is expecting a show of faith in return, by which Jones re-signs on an extended contract. Additionally, a solo captaincy would probably make it far easier for the club to justify a large salary increase.
  15. I also think that despite his late season injury, big Max Gawn is going to be much bigger and much stronger and I'm half expecting a break out year from him in 2015.
  16. Maybe with a bit of luck, he is the player that could put an end to all of the "wining" that has been going on since we took Toumpas.
  17. Horrible horrible news. In a sport that is not generally associated with life threatening situations or hard contact, this comes as an even greater shock. Listening to people like Jim Maxwell on the radio this afternoon (he broke the news to ABC 702), you couldn't help but be swept up by the emotion; Maxwell was sobbing as he made the anouncement, Richard Golver who is usually a very upbeat presenter of the afternoon show was also choking on his words... this has obviously hit home to many many people. I really hope and pray that Shaun Abbott gets the support he needs now; I cannot even begin to imagine the pain and the hell he must be going through right now.
  18. Listen, the amount of derision Saty seems to attract is for the most part unwarranted, in my opinion. If you don't like the fact that he sees fit to support and defend players he thinks are unjustly maligned, then don't read his reports... simple. I for one appreciate his efforts and have no issue with his level of support; and I would guarantee that if you came under the amount of "attacks" he is the target of, I'm pretty sure you would be cracking a case of the sads as well.
  19. I think you might see a few backflips worthy of an Olympic gold medal performance in that case Mono.
  20. Yeah, I heard a few rumours during my time working the bottle shop at Jim Bacon's pub.
  21. Since we delisted "Juice" Newton you mean?
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