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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Possibly... but what is the ratio of members to supporters who attend our games? As far as supporters who are not members go, I doubt that they will be too concerned over whose home game it is, because it's still at the MCG and they have to pay regardless.
  2. Well, it is almost guaranteed that they will be bringing the majority of the crowd.
  3. When and where did he say that? Not doubting you, just curious.
  4. Hird must be a Little nervous... "Also added to the revised code were stronger powers for anti-doping authorities to punish coaches and trainers who help athletes dope, and more emphasis on investigations away from drug tests to catch cheats."
  5. ASADA rejects AFL players requests Wow... I think they are digging a deeper and deeper hole for themselves at Essendon: While all claim to represent the interest of the players and/or Australian sport, the advice as to remedial actions varies dramatically. In my role as protector of clean athletes in Australia, my advice to them is that if they want to act in the best interest of the players they should review the 12,000 pages of evidence and follow the due process. I only wish that such interest in player welfare had been present in 2012.
  6. And was it McCartin who has a question mark over his set shot accuracy, while Wright has a much better conversion rate? (I'm sure I read something to that effect somewhere).
  7. Yeah... I thought it would be more a case of comparing notes than providing advice.
  8. Well he is 12, so the next time Porkies hits the Foxtel programming rounds, I'll sit him down and let him know that this is what comprises a pre-game meet D'land style. I assume the game will be followed by a gathering and post mortem at, or near, the Gatwick? (would be nice to revisit my old stomping grounds in the Fitzroy St area).
  9. I've booked my accomodation for the Easter weekend so that my youngest son and I can go to the game and hopefully training; but only if they have a session on good friday (fingers crossed). Also, please keep me "in the loop" (god I hate that expression) if there are to be any D'land meetups before the game.
  10. yes, and look at how that list is being eroded away now. He built what others seek to destroy. He had a vision for Australia, and now our leaders have tunnel vision.
  11. I was conscripted in 1972 on my birthday (26th March). Fortunately that was the year that Gough got elected and conscription (national service) was abolished. The only one that was disappointed was my father as he thought I needed discipline :-)
  12. Saw this list posted on FB, so I thought I would share: It was the Whitlam Government that:- 1. ended Conscription, 2. withdrew Australian troops from Vietnam, 3. implemented Equal Pay for Women, 4. launched an Inquiry into Education and the Funding of Government and Non-government Schools on a Needs Basis, 5. established a separate ministry responsible for Aboriginal Affairs, 6. established the single Department of Defence, 7. withdrew support for apartheid–South Africa, 8. granted independence to Papua New Guinea, 9. abolished Tertiary Education Fees, 10. established the Tertiary Education Assistance Scheme (TEAS), 11. increased pensions, 12. established Medibank (medicare today), 13. established controls on Foreign Ownership of Australian resources, 14. passed the Family Law Act establishing No-Fault Divorce, 15. passed a series of laws banning Racial and Sexual Discrimination, 16. extended Maternity Leave and Benefits for Single Mothers, 17. introduced One-Vote-One-Value to democratize the electoral system, 18. implemented wide-ranging reforms of the ALP's organization, 19. initiated Australia's first Federal Legislation on Human Rights, the Environment and Heritage, 20. established the Legal Aid Office, 21. established the National Film and Television School, 22. launched construction of National Gallery of Australia, 23. established the Australian Development Assistance Agency, 24. reopened the Australian Embassy in Peking after 24 years, 25. established the Prices Justification Tribunal, 26. revalued the Australian Dollar, 27. cut tariffs across the board, 28. established the Trade Practices Commission, 29. established the Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, 30. established the Law Reform Commission, 31. established the Australian Film Commission, 32. established the Australia Council, 33. established the Australian Heritage Commission, 34. established the Consumer Affairs Commission, 35. established the Technical and Further Education Commission, 36. implemented a national employment and training program, 37. created Telecom and Australia Post to replace the Postmaster-General's Department, 38. devised the Order of Australia Honors System to replace the British Honors system, 39. abolished appeals to the Privy Council, 40. changed the National Anthem to 'Advance Australia Fair' (confirmed at 1977 Referendum), 41. instituted Aboriginal Land Rights, and 42. sewered most of Sydney. All in three and a bit years. Building, nurturing, protecting, not cutting, slashing and burning.
  13. Yes, I was looking at Brown as well, but he has even less runs on the board than Hunt at senior level (although his goal scoring record in the VFL isn't too shabby).
  14. ...worth consideration? I know very little about him, but if we are after mids, he may be wroth a look as a cheap pickup in the PSD?
  15. Well, when any other player at the club can win three Blueys on the trot, maybe they can qualify for the same offer.
  16. I get the feeling we will be seeing a lot more of Barry next year. He was starting to show glimpses at season's end, and with another full pre-season, I can see him adding some bulk and becoming a very useful player.
  17. So, you obviously didn't read my post where I apologised and explained why I got it wrong... http://demonland.com/forums/index.php?/topic/37527-the-week-that-could-have-been/?p=1015729
  18. I was thinking last night how good it would sound to have the entire MFC crowd singing "La la la Lamumba" everytime he goes near the ball.
  19. Yes, why is it that the Beagle Boys, Gyro Gearloose and (if memory serves), Uncle Scrooge never appeared in the Disney cartoons?
  20. Ok, in that case I apologise unreservedly. Having been out of the country for the past almost 4 weeks and only having occasional scans of the forums, I obviously missed the riddler.
  21. You said, and I quote, "I think this place took a turn for the worse when the riddler posted his opportunistic shyte". I was assuming that "this place" was referring to Demonland, the "riddler" was a reference to GNF, and "opportunistic shyte" was a reference to his riddles. You genuinely can't see how your post might be interpreted in that way?
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