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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. Jetta is training the housedown..no wonder he is this price..I stated he looked fantastic at training on the 3rd December
  2. Mark Robbo- Essendon whilst another celebrity that barracks for the Dees is Aussie but International business,currently BHP's Chairman- Jac Nasser.
  3. totally agree- have a happy xmas- and go dees in the new year
  4. Great pick up-Prof from Canberra.
  5. A very good point regarding the money..Bruce may have been offered $150k to play in 2011 whilst Hawthorn may have offered $300k. We do not know- so let's drop it and get on with ourteam, our players and what we will achieve in 2011.
  6. I think he real "smokie" is Grimes. If his kicking improves and has an injury free year he will be the star of our team and will collect many Brownlow votes.
  7. I don't question that- I agree he has the makings of a star- but to be as good as Flower is a HUGE, NO Gigantic statement on one years effort.
  8. Huge call after one year to say Scully is potentially the best player to play for this club since Robbie Flower.I feel we have many that show huge potential with some whom has never played for us yet..and by God Tom would have to develop dramatically to reach Flower's leveland in particular his kicking.However,I am not saying he can't make it..But a big call by you...
  9. Fair and accurate point. I have edited my post.. Taken the word similar out.. What I was trying to say was..incorrect. Thank you for pointing this out.
  10. My feelings on this matter is simple- enjoy the year as it unfolds-if indeed Tom gets an official approach from GWS and indeed leaves good luck to him. Footballers whom have left us include Chris Johnson and Brock McLean and look what's happened.If Tom left us, it would not be the end of the world ,similar to how I feel about my previous favourite player in Cam Bruce- if you want to leave-GO. We will replace you and open up another opportunity to someone whom wants it.It is simple as what I have just said.Go and good riddance.
  11. Another great write up by WJ. An insight to our rookie picks and a great background to Robert Campbell. It may even be a greater advantage to our selection committee as we still have one of our forgotten players in Steph Martin. Ican see him playing a role in defence and doing the ruckwork from there giving Jamar a break.However to have Campbell (and in particular -if he can become match fit by NAB cup time)-maybe a great experienced backstop,as stated either as a ruckman but also a key tall backman.
  12. To keep the membership drive going- please consider buying a friend or family member a membership---only 993 needed.
  13. Good and relevant points you make with JW. However his development has been bright.Maybe we all expect far to much from him early,look at the way we judged The Russian for years on end.I can see him becoming a great ruck rover if we needed him in that position. He will become truly a great versatile footballer for us over time.
  14. He,JW, got hammered in his first minute of play by the Collingwood players which may indeed made him slightly timid until he bulks up and this may give him confidence.Watching a reply on him during the week and Gerard Healey wants him to play in the mid field for some time in 2011 re for his development-I found that very interesting.
  15. A better player than Hendrie has since played AFL from the amateurs and became a extremely good footballer & leader,James McDonald.An ex president of Uni blues and a Uni blues player told me this morning he will,Dan Nicholson, make it--
  16. thanks for rushing home and giving us a great account of what took place tonight.Very much appreciated.
  17. In racing terms definately seems to have been broken in- just needs developing.Whilst looks are very important the main thing seems he can run and play.That is the main aspect..along with the breed of course.
  18. Everyone at some time in life needs a helping hand-whether it is from a friend, life coach,mentor or whomever--Cameron Butler can assist in virtually all aspects,not only religeon.
  19. Suggest you contact Linda Carroll at the MFC whom will be able to assist you.Point out the reason of the need.
  20. What about Martin- he carried the rucks early in 2009 and also at the start of 2010 and doesn't even get a gurnsey with you.
  21. Everyone has weaknesses- but this guy is one of the most dedicated young men going around-if one can get up at 4am -leave Geelong daily to get to training then he deserves the greatest chance of all to reach his dream of playing AFL ffotball.Attitude is a very important ingredient.Likewise Tom McDonald who also use to get up and travel hours to go to training,from Edenhope to Ballarat. If we can have this highly inspirational attitude collectively in our playing group we will go far- to the TOP.
  22. Agree and now let's get on with our list, our team and the prospects we have now and in the future. Cam Bruce RIP.
  23. Just hope GAWN doesn't and he becomes a superstar for the MFC.
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