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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. I always allow and respect another posters opinion, more than you do.I have just looked up the AFL record and they state the same statistical information on the 3 players as the MFC site does. I do respect your point that they can change or they do not keep up to date. However if you went to training you can notice the size difference.It is that noticable.And if you think my arguments are a bit ridiculous, why argue with me..however I still think Garland is a fine backman whom can play anywhere on the backline- however we have players whom play in positions better than him on some match ups and I still state he would make an excellent winger.I rest my case..good bye to you.
  2. Good points and thanks for pointing that out-you are correct in what your saying, although I was a little disapponted that Tapscott couldn't keep on the track.Here's hoping that he does after Xmas. I must say, and I have been constantly watching training for over 20 years now(at least 15 sessions a season)-that they seem to be training the best I've seen ever.Their ball handling is crisp.A lot more football work at training and not just fitness & exercise work.I have put this down to a West/Royal combination as they seem to take a very strong hand at training.
  3. Great to reminisce like this- Heartbalm reminds me of some posts on here.
  4. Well I am going to ask you to re read my post then come back and apologise. Let your brain take in what I said.I stated the facts are ON THE MFC WEBSITE..however I also said that at training Morton looks taller.I did not make any change to Frawley's height or did I to Garland.Why don't you read before you open up a barrage of abuse when you also are incorrect.Maybe you also should not comment till you get your facts right also.And whilst you are correct that Fevola is not taller than the 3 mentioned ,he is 15 kls heavier based on the Brisbane players statistics on there website. Therefore, height may not be everything but 15kls is alot to give away.As I have stated many times and I repeat it for you to understand, Garland is a good defender whom would make or will make a great defender playng on the right opponent. It is just my opinion his best maybe as a winger.Aren't I ALLOWED AN OPINION LIKE YOU.And lastly if height and weight is not an issue for defenders to cover tall, heavy forwards ,why don't we play Wonaeamirri there?
  5. Please for Godsake if you are going to debate get your facts right.Go to the MFC website where you will see the following: Frawley is 193 cms tall & 91 kls Garland is 191 cms & 87 kls Morton is showing he is 192 cms tall & 85 kls. However, at training Frawley looks like he is at least 8 kls heavier and Morton seems to have grown and one other poster claims Morton has put on 7 more kls..and if you are interested in coming down to training andseeing it for yourself I am willing to pick you up at the airport ,take you to training and taking you back to the airport..
  6. I'll be very interested to watch training within a week of them starting back.Several of us posters will be attending to keep an eye on training. However, even in the last week there were a few whom did not seem to be in full training.Tom McNamara,Rohan Bail & Luke Tapscott did not seem to be doing all the work and Aaron Davey was doing most.
  7. Good on ya- just finished watching the Coll v's MFC matches this year- I'm bleeding should have won both games outright.We don't need their players however Dawes would be ok by me on the forward line. Good protector (could be a Neil Balme type) to our forwards.Would make the others are few cms taller and more spring in their legs.
  8. I respect your opinion...good on ya..and have a great New Year..GO DEES.
  9. agree- agree -agree ,make it at least 32 to fit most of our list in..It is hard to come up with the best line up-that is why I think Morton & Garland at times(most) make the best wingman in our team..& that is not saying that Garland is not a very good backman.However, I will say, that he is not a player to play most times at CHB or full back.I would definately give that task to Frawley, Rivers, Warnock and now possibly Campbell ahead of Garland.He is best suited if indeed as a key backman as a role of HBF- similar to O'Brien (Magpies)or Kennelly ofthe Swans.Garland is 1cm taller than Bruce and 2 kls heavier.And can anyone tell me that Bruce was or would make a key postional defender.No Garland is to short & too light to play on a Brown, Roughead or any heavy tall forward IMO..
  10. LOL to ya 2 -however I differ with my opinion- surely we are allowed to have one..you are why can't we?
  11. Thanks for pointing out my spelling mistake of Beamer- he will never forgive me as he hates it.I'll re edit my last post.If indeed, Dunn & Petterd should be in the starting 22, then I accept Bate not to start -I don't see this as a big deal but who would you also cut out.Also whom would you cut out to include Trengove- I truthfully could not cull anyone-if Campbell is needed to play as a second ruckman. As stated,it also depends on the make up of the team and whom we are playing.And also got your point with Beamer in the guts instead of Sylvia. Both will play there - interchange reguarly.Just put Beamer first due to his leadership position.
  12. As I stated I hope your right.Your point of a different era- is totally not right.Bruce ran 6th in our B& F this year.He won our B& F in 2008. Therefore what era do you mean- if it is the next era -I agree as Bruce will not be playing.Morton has a long, long way to go to match Bruce's record.However, I do agree- Morton has the makings to do so and I hope he betters it. Morton will be playing in a better team made up of some outstanding individuals.
  13. Here is my best team for 2011 -you and others can pick it to pieces. To me to have two tall wingers can give the team plenty of drive - similar to Clay & Woods many moons ago but still very suited to the modern game.Please note positional changes will be made due to the team that they play.However, my best team is as follows Here it is: 2011 OPENING TEAM: B: BARTRAM WARNOCK RIVERS HB: GRIMES FRAWLEY MACDONALD C: MORTON MOLONEY GARLAND HF: GREEN WATTS BATE FF: DAVEY JURRAH CAMPBELL* R: *JAMAR McKENZIE SCULLY I: DUNN (S) PETTERD SYLVIA JONES * Change ruckman in forward pocket EMERG: WONA BAIL GYSBERTS TRENGOVE Note- some of the emergencies will play depending on match ups.. I now let you pick hell out of it and just for the record-I have picked a developing team with it.. 2011 developing team: B: BAIL DAVIS McNAMARA HB: STRAUSS MARTIN NICHOLSON C: BLEASE EVANS TRENGOVE HF: HOWE COOK JETTA FF: WONA NEWTON FITZPATRICK R: SPENCER GYSBERTS MARIC TAPSCOTT I: GAWN BENNELL JOHNSON TAPSCOTT EMERG: LAWRENCE McDONALD Now you & others can rip it apart..
  14. Gee ,if he does better than Bruce in this list-I will be wrapped.Don't forget Bruce, a life member at the Demons, was once the club's best player. He has played 224 games and as recently as 2008 he won the best and fairest. Bruce finished sixth in this year's club count.Fair effort for any player including Morton to aspire to IMO.
  15. Extremely well stated-just a question though.You state that IYO that Col is a KPB.Does this mean you think he is best suited as a half back flanker or a back pocket or more universal than that such as or wherever needed on the backline. I still think for the team sake he would make a sensational winger- great defensive whilst strong attacking style. Whilst everybody on Demonland disagrees with me-I will stick to my opinion as Bails will pick him to play there this year on occassions and I'll have the last laugh even at HT's expense.
  16. A great post at this time of year-I second your point with Rhino- wouldn't it be great if he wished us all the best for the New Year.. doubt if he had the guts to do that...
  17. He or Garland are my choices in taking over from Bruce. Both have the ability and flexibility. Morton will play a Tall Key positional role in the future-CHB or CHF IMO.
  18. I was told at the club he is still growing. That may also have an effect.He looks as big as Watts is now-196 cms- if correct that is 4 cms taller than shown on MFC site.
  19. Good comparison but JIMMA is miles in front already. What he has done in such a short time along with his own health issues-is unbelivable. Sir Jim, we should call him..
  20. Great points in particular his unsureness that I also put down to a lack of confidence.He'll make it big time IMO.
  21. Hi my fried- was this also Jack Ayling from theTruth newspaper pen name as well?
  22. Also agree - his upside is very important. Also his versatility to play in many positions is also a strong advantage. Definitely one of the forgotten players along with - Bail, Blease, Gysberts, Jetta and Maric who both are training the house down, Martin, Strauss along with Tapscott. We have many with tremendous upside- don't know how we can fit them all in. Tremendous List management capable of replacing any player in any position now.All fighting to become a member of the team. Great one Dees. Go get them in 2011. However, back to the topic - I feel Morton is/has the most upside of all at this stage.Garland also will improve out of sight in 2011 -training the best he has ever been. Running is excellent. Will make a great winger.
  23. A great story and insight- taught me something as well-I always called him Lal. I've been wrong for all these years but I wouldn't be the only one..
  24. Dear Dorothy,prefer this name to Prof---- who did you watch at the cricket-- Canberra (STC Puma's or the Northside Lightning...)..?
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