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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. My best 22 - (at this stage)is:- Bartram Frawley Rivers Grimes MacDonald Nicholson Garland Maloney Watts Sylvia Sellar Howe Jurrah Clark Green Jamar Trengove Jones McKenzie Martin Bail Davey
  2. Under Neeld -there will be NO CERTAINTEES, every player will have to earn their stripes.
  3. I will be there around 9.45am. There's no hope that it will be closed and James Sellar has said he will be there at his first training session. I expect all draftees will be in attendance.
  4. He is the guy you picked as the brightest light that you had seen play this year.He is the one that played in the ruck, forward, centre, back- most versatile and brilliant.
  5. Your post doesn't make sense-please explain your point,as I am always interested in what you say.
  6. Ha Ha Ha- it's not the first of April you know- wait till I get you back in Ultimate footy,OMR wil fix you right up.
  7. Your a good sport Dappa-however, it suits a lady more than you.Welcome back !
  8. I'd still give him a go- we nurtured Newton for 7 years, we supported Wonna for 2, we have had LJ unfit for 3 years now, and I believe he is worth a punt.As a rookie, we only have to have him for a year, if he doesn't make it. I thick he is worth the punt,although WJ seems to have gone off him.See you Monday at training?
  9. Glad to see that Mark Neeld agrees with me and & not R.R.and you.R.R wanted to use him as trade bait.However,it is up to him nowI wish him all the best- don't you?
  10. Well, this is on the cards, this is the year he makes it or doesn't. Neeld has shown confidence in him, Bate is giving everything he can and good luck to him. Going to be a very interesting year for Bater and many others as there are heaps under the microscope this year.Neeld has shown he will give the one's that want to achieve the chance to do so-re Sellar ,therefore all I can say here ,Bater give it all, that is only what we can expect.
  11. Thanks Redders,please note all players mentioned that you did not notice today are either injured or in rehab!
  12. Thanks for Redleg's phone in- interesting that he confirms many of our thoughts whom attend training . Bate is the fittest I have ever seen him, and in match par tice skills he is working with the midfielders and as such seems to be training for a role there.He played a similar role when he won the Under 18's B& F.
  13. I think we will pick up ex Dee James McDonald as an assistant or development coach.
  14. Surely we will look at Zylus Manson now as a rookie? We also should try to pick up a small forward and a speedy outside midfielder. I'd also like to see another tall versatile to develop on the list. The above would well and truly cement our list in virtually all aspects. However, I would like to see a quality running midfielder / wingman in next year's draft. A taller Blease would be brilliant.
  15. I thought it was you that went walk about.Good to see you back but the amount of posts you have made since return has made up for it.
  16. Thanks Redman for update- gee it is truly an unbelievable pick up.Very risky but the team must have thought he was a better risk than another young one.
  17. Unbelievable pickup- huge risk but worth the punt.At least body would be right for a genuine go at it until someone like a Cook is ready.I' d say will play CHF with a back up ruck man possibility Could also play CHB.
  18. I expect that Travis Tuck & Aaron Hall will not be picked up tonight in the National draft.
  19. Another player that we may consider is Jake Hammond- either last pick or rookie pick.
  20. I'd expect them to turn up next Monday although this Friday will be a light training session.
  21. SMARTIE PANTS-Closed pool - meaning it was closed to supporters of the club.
  22. WJ, it was my understanding that it was a closed pool.
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