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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. Now I realize why you are always hard to beat inUltimate footy--- you are a pro at these type of games,good luck to ya
  2. The chances of BoQ, being a major sponsor is a long shot.But who knows? At this stage having Stuart retaining his Directorship is great. I, you and many wouldn't have a clue whom will come on board, but one thing,I am sure you agree on. Let's get another major and hopefully for a great dollar value and be at least 2/3 years. Happy Xmas MFC.
  3. Redleg, correct again but I'd like this answered - what happened to us, with regards to losing our two new sponsors and it has been rumoured that the relationship between C.S & Lawrie De La Rue (Demons get sponsorship traction) has soured so badly that Lawrie has stated he will never put in any further money to the club until changes are made at the top. Is this true and what is happening to encouraging further sponsorship alongside Energy Watch? And is it true that ASIC is indeed looking at matters with regards to Energywatch and how does this affect us (ACCC launches legal action against Energy Watch).
  4. One major thing I have observed in the last few weeks is the rejuvenation of the likes of Brian Royal & Todd Viney at training . Todd seems to be giving the insight info to Mark Neeld whilst Brian seems to take a major part of the training drills. Even when the players are doing their 400 metre run throughs Brian is there really encouraging all. He also seems to be thriving back as the midfield coach,a major pivotal part of the development of this club.
  5. I wonder if we go back to the old style where a rover changed in the forward pocket -- Davey/ Blease/Jones changing in the forward pocket seems a realistic suggestion to me.
  6. I don't think we will add anymore to try out. Furthermore, I think of the six training, it is likely we will only pick maybe 2/3 of them.
  7. Tom McDonald will become a gem. He will develop to become a great CHF or flexible enough to go to CHB if needed. Extremely athletic and very new to the game of football, it will only need 2 more years to see his skillset becone A GRADE.
  8. Only been in the rehab group at this stage but will hopefully train with the forwards shortly.
  9. Fair equation, all rookies generally need to start at Casey 2nds, and work their way forwards.
  10. I find it very interesting that 3 of the six are talls,it seems like we will take at least one tall if not two.And hope we can turn one of them into another Tom McDonald., whom, I believe will turn into an elite footballer.
  11. When he gets caught with the ball,nit is generally around the midfield -different spot with also a different type of player.I think he could get away with this role.I watched his match against Port last night and the thought entered my mind.
  12. I support your point but Jones could do the same on an occasional basis
  13. Tipped in a cool mill or 2-?, gee the Cup carnival must have been very good for you.Congrats- great you are putting some back into the club..
  14. Na , not at Gosh's paddock today- I went down at 9.45 am to be told they are doing time trials.Next open session is next Monday.
  15. I think we will win around 10 games ,finish around the same as this year , maybe 12th. Therefore, just a very slight improvement , but with a great movement up the ladder in 2013.
  16. He wouldn't keep up with Jones.Gysberts would just like to lay out in the sun, whilst Jones would be searching for waves.
  17. I feel Davey is the natural small foward but would not be srprised if Jones goes forward alot more.
  18. Red leg, you have your answer above--worth a thought, don't you think. Or at least he should be able to value the sponsorship available.In particular,the BoQ is developing nationally.
  19. Or now that one of our Directors has taken over the BoQ, it may be fitting we offer them a sponsorship deal,
  20. I have always been a supporter of LJ, and always will.However, a very fit LJ would not only give him the much needed confidence to become an elite player but set an example for all others.
  21. O well- if Drake still sponsors the coaches,they,indeed,are getting good value.In particular,the increase in numbers
  22. I thought Drake was the short's sponsor.
  23. Well,a suggestion to CS if indeed he is in China, go to Tianjin,our sister (Melbourne's) whom we maybe able to get John So ,former Mayor to assist to gain sponsorship.We may get them also to sponsor us when we move to Docklands.Air Asia whom flies from KL to Tianjin may become joint sponsor or coaches sponsor.These are thoughts only.But it is about time we utilize all our resources and networks accordingly.
  24. Yes- I accept that as a priority - however,I see a great opportunity to gain extra revenuevthrough this manner. I see Neeld and all in the box a separate sponsor, several apparrel, standing out as a outstanding opportunity.I can see Foxtel, as an excellent candidate,.
  25. Notification for our AGM's are usually notified mid to late December for early February .
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