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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. Agree ,against Richmond we need strong bodies.
  2. Great & accurate post IMO. Add McKenzie, Gysberts,Jetta,Bennell,Garland, Evans,Tynan and Spencer to that list as well,although Pencil has built up very well,there bodies have trouble handling the heavy workload and breaks down.Also the list carries players that seem to be either past it or or just not up to standard, they include- Bail,Bartram, Bennell, Bate, Dunn, Fitzpatrick, Howe is questionable as well - doesn't hold his marks and definately doesn't do enough.Others include Joel Mac, Morton, Nicho,Petterd, Sellars,and I am asking myself if Rivers is also up to league standard.Unfortunately, I feel we need to rebuild again.
  3. I am also in business. Been a sponsor previously as well.Been around the club for nearly 40 years and I totally agree with your views and sentiments.The pressure is really on C.S in particular with Energy Watch being behind in payments as well as what has taken place.I really believe we wil really come out in front by taking our stand.Integrity and values are definately foremost and I am sure the support will be there.This could be the fundamental turnaround that we all need.Strong leadership re Neeld is extremely important infield whilst off field it is really up to CS and his team.All the theory he put into our heads re his Wednesday's last year now he has to put some of those factors into practice.In some ways it is up to him to perform or get out.
  4. Someone at the MFC had to stand up and be counted. Neeld has done this. He evaluated us before taking the role and believed we were unfit etc.Also the skills and attitude was not right.We now have 8 major coaches and others to call on if needed.Pain may be there for a while yet, but someone had to call the tune.Now the players need to sing together.If not massive changes need to be made.We also have to take into consideration the injuries and the turmoil/s that we have gone through in the last month. I hope we galvanize from all this and grow.
  5. Deeluded- you really have sense of optimism or stupidity in your believe we could only go down by 6 goals.I genuinely hope your right but very very doubtful.I will be very happy if this eventuates.Good on ya for your positive slant on things.
  6. I tend to agree- seem sh t scarred at the moment- will take a while to settle down.
  7. We have backed him now it is up to him to perform.Or get out ?
  8. Yes as I reported last week.Would be right to play against Eagles though I think it should without doubt last week that Garland is definately no key back.Needs to play on the wing or dropped.Bail is another I'd drop.
  9. Everybody is trade able. Give me an offer.One of your defenders may be worthwhile.
  10. JA stated they are are members of your footy family. Please respect they have great teams and the ones to beat.
  11. Agree with part of your thoughts- should be dropped, brought back after 3,consistent good efforts.
  12. I think I would also take a little of the $51, however the two new chums look very good to me.Bad luck for OMR with Scarlett's suspension is bad news whilst he is away.
  13. A very good point you raise,bhowever he also had success with the Western jets before joining Collingwood.
  14. I rate Clark-seems to have something in common with another top line recruit-John Tillbrook.
  15. Whilst we played badly and naturally the players did not play as well as expected,I thought the coaching also left a lot to be desired.No countervattacks, left to many players on that were getting belted all the time- and Garland is just not up to being a key defender.He just doesn't have it.
  16. This was the most pathetic effort that I have attended knowing the background to this game.Many changes needed as they are just weak b's.
  17. very good point that you raise.Maloney in a forward pocket may be a great move.
  18. Agree-you would think Cameron and co.would not make a second mistake in a row,re Miller and now Maric.
  19. Superb by two great entertainers.
  20. Magner trained superbly on Wednesday.Seemed no issue with hand.
  21. Williams trained with the main squad whilst Nicho did some work.Then did specialist running to to test injury. I spoke to him after and he said he was OK.
  22. Petterd didn't train with the main squad yesterday, therefore,must be doubtful.With the amount of injuries we currently have, I think it will be very close- Dees by 11 points but I hope it is 110 points. Go Dees.
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