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Everything posted by Longsufferingnomore

  1. I know with past performances it is going to be hard to fill the MCG but can we pull together and make sure that if we know of anyone who is a supporter encourage them to make it to the game on Sunday. Otherwise it will be like a morgue (hopefully not). The boys have in the past have commented on what it is like when we supporters make a lot of noise. Get round them on Sunday.
  2. I saw persistence, run and courage in those clips. I'm looking forward to seing more of that on Sunday.
  3. Play him forward. Anyone that listens to Damien Barrett needs to think again. Just as someone else said a muckraker who got his chance on Ch9 dredging up gossip. Never has something constructive to say and is now on the same level as Greg Denham, Patrick Smith and CW. I cant stand Tony Shaw but at least he tries to be constructive. I am not an apologist for Jack but Jack has a football brain, is a fantastic kick but like 19 others (Mitch and JV aside) lacks any confidence. He doesn't lack social confidence but confidence in his ability to play the style of game that everyone expects of him. I watched him listening to Neil Craig before the game last Sunday and he looked him in the eye and listened. Dont ever believe he doesn't go out and try his hardest. It is just that at the moment he knows that the football world and Melbourne supporters are focusing on him as they have done for all of his career. He needs mentoring. I wish Malthouse was still able to.
  4. Send in Cam Smith - Melbourne Storm Captain - no more spa baths!
  5. Suggest you all go on to Club website and have a look at the VFL goals kicked by Casey amongst them Hogans. This will make you all smile.
  6. I loved the attacking, shepherding, 2nd and 3rd efforts, running of the first half. It tells me they can do it but they were stuffed last 5 minutes of 2nd quarter.
  7. One was against Mitch who was furious. Thought he was going to kill someone the way he through himself in and after siren ran off with umpire giving him a spray. The other may have involved Nate Jones because he also ran beside the umpire saying something.
  8. Damn had to leave before training was finished. The players certainly looked sharp but without a comparison to other teams it is hard to quantify how sharp. Tappy as someone else has already said looked on fire. Hope this transfers to Sat. Dawes looks about ready to play - running freely. I wish he was playing at Casey this week for a bit of game time. Jack G had a big grin running around prior to training. Spoke to Don and Peter Spargo on my way out and they both said how fantastic for the Club that the supporters came out today. It was great to see the young kids there as well. Suggested to Don that we need some of the past players involved with the membership drive and in the mmebership tent. Supporters love speaking with past favourites. Promised to speak to the appropriate person. He also confirmed that there will be past players at the game on Saturday. All this would not have been possible without the impetus from WW and W. Well done.
  9. I love Ox and his very open passion for the Club (in contrast to others) but I don't think he would be suited to Presidency. I do want him actively involved in the Club. I think Greg Wells would be far better fit given his background in business. Despite the misgivings about the Club having an active "boys club" all Clubs have past players who play a role in their Clubs. What we need at this time is enthusiasm, passion and commitment from ex players whether it is just calling into the Club and talking to the young players to actually taking roles. It could be calling into the Club on membership nights and talking to supporters who are considering their future memberships. Just having Stephen Powell in one night was great and had a great reaction from supporters. What I am trying to get at is seeing that past players are not giving up on the Club rubs off on players low on confidence in their playing ability and supporters low in confidence in their Club.
  10. Lets see if there are any leaks about the Bombers or does it just suit the AFL to leak info about us.
  11. I bet whoever leaked this, if true, is also close to whoever was bleeding information to her during the tanking enquiry. This has to stop now.
  12. My apologies 50. Will you ring the Club back tomorrow 1300 Demons If I am who you hung up on I hope your wife is feeling better!!
  13. 50, I was part of that group calling tonight and we have been calling members who have not renewed their memberships for over a month now. Calling you tonight had nothing to do with Cam's leaving. No directive but just a lot of hard work by the volunteers putting up with a few who would not renew. However generally we found that most people were generous in their support for the Club during this time. It is probably best that you do follow Richmond now so that in a few years time you can use your microwave or whatever disgruntled Richmond supporters do. By the way I hope you weren't the one I had hang up on me. Just rude..
  14. What an indictment against Cam if the team comes out and wins or goes close to winning on Saturday. Certainly a clear slap in the face. On the other hand if the teams past performances continue do we then believe that the problem is still there. This is almost unbearable.
  15. They are like a pack of wolves circling a carcass. The only thing is by Cam going there might still be life left in the Club.
  16. Schwarta agrees that Cam polarises the supporters. He called Cam dignified.
  17. Damien Barret is a smug jerk, I get the feeling that the media will be gunning for Don to leave next. How can our future be controlled by the bias, agenda driven media. Cameron has done himself a great favour by leaving in this way.
  18. Cam speaking very well. Being very magnanimous towards Don and the Board.
  19. Don just mentioned Cam being unfairly maligned by certain parts of the media - Caro will be gleeful
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