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Everything posted by Longsufferingnomore

  1. I might be overreacting here but after what happened at the race on Saturday when mostly young men, Essendon and Melbourne, swarmed to impart their venom and happened by chance to get their mugs on TV, I am concerned that that type of element wil be attracted to training for the very same reasons. I am all for actual supporters gettng to Gosch's and I will be trying to get down there but I would hate for this to backfire. I am not sure how to promote this without some stirrers thinking it is another opportunity then the press concluding that we are fractured as supporters!!
  2. Unfortunately now if Caro did have a skerick of truth in her articles, she is now so tainted by her hate of CS that anything that she writes now must be read acknowledging her bias. Even Year 11 English teaches students to acknowledge bias when forming opinion.
  3. Rjay what do you mean "to get the Club back in the hands of the members". Do you think that Collingwood supporters have a say in how their Board and CEO operate. The only tangible link between a Board/CEO is when the members vote in that Board who appoint the CEO. I know you have an agenda to get rid of the Board/CEO but shouldn't that be at the end of the year or you risk fracturing a Club that is already under so much internal and external pressure. Your vitriol suggests that you would like to see the possibility of the Club failing and then tell us all "I told you so".
  4. Just stayed on to listen to the after comments and Walls and Rohan Connolly are calling for the AFL to step in and place the Club under administration!
  5. I thought Jimmy Toumpas looked better this week although he did get caught out a couple of times as to whom he playing on. I'm clutching at straws here trying to find a positive. I also thought James Frawley played a better game tonight. He at least made an effort and chased unlike last week.
  6. Sad to see and hear. On ABC the commentators were at odds to whether Neeld should have just moved him rather than embarrass him like he did. He certainly wasnt the worse on the field.
  7. And unless Dunne has an inflated view of his own importance/skill level I would say that he has been given a fair go by the FD. He would not have lasted in the 22 at many other Clubs.
  8. Am I right in thinking that Melbourne members dont get to sit in that area when it is not a home game. So my question then is were they Melbourne supporters booing him off?
  9. I was absolutely disgusted as well by the drunken loutish behaviour of the young male Essendon supporters rushing over to the Melbourne race. Unbelievable 3-4 minutes before the final siren young guys came from everywhere and I knew it was trouble. Bloody hell we are hurting enough we certainly dont need Essendon louts screaming insults at our players.
  10. Unfortunately we can all understand her frustrations but it is not a good thing for a players family members calling for the sacking of certain people at the Club. It puts Dunne now in an invidious position.
  11. The music is a shocker - more like a funeral but it was Jack's demeanour that I was impressed with.
  12. PMan, my Dad is now in Palliative care but still does not miss a game on the TV and still loves to talk about the current players. He is the reason that I love this Club so much. I remember growing up that if he only had a few rides (he was a jockey) he would dash back to the MCG to watch the last half or a quarter. He still gets me to bring back the Footy Record for him to read. To win on Saturday night would be great for him, for me, for all of us and for the Club. I don't know how many more matches he will be here to watch.
  13. I suggest everyone listen to Jack's initerview on the MFC site. Here is a young man who is our future. This gives me hope.
  14. Loved that. Gave me goosebumps. I also liked the idea of holding up the scarf over their heads. Could we do that as they run out on Saturday night. I want to tell them despite last Sunday they still have our support.
  15. Yes I feel the same. Why is it that there seems a genuine warmth about Craig but a coldness and distance with Neeld.
  16. HG what has happened since Darwin when you were waxing lyrical about the players and FD and how wonderful it all was up there. Something has happened and it cant just be Sunday's performance.
  17. HG I wonder why you had to put that little titbit in about Dom Barry.
  18. Well I'm glad the Club saw that coming. I must ring them for the lotto numbers this week.
  19. Webber, I agree blame has to be also put back on the Coach and his assistants. My main question is we were never going to win the game with the structure/game plan that Neeld has developed. Where was Plan B. Malthouse went to Plan B and nearly won the game. Why were there no changes made in the last quarter. Put Frawley at CHF or Jack Watts in the forward line. Making changes is no admission of being wrong. In my eyes making changes is a sign that someone can be flexible. Neeld seems to be inflexible. Anyway whats the worse thing that could happen - we could just get charged with tanking - again! The team played woefully - that is the players and the FD. They have to work out why is that they can carry out the game plan at Gosch's but they cant when there is an opposition. Lack of confidence, Neeld is uninspiring - well JV and Matt Jones and Jimmy Toumpas seemed inspired. Gillies and Pederson to some extent were just outplayed - duds and should never have been recruited. Rhodan and Byrnes from what I could see tried their hardest. But where was the run and carry that gives your fellow team mate confidence that there will be someone else with you. Where were the leads - just standing flat footed. To me they were standing out there with a whole of lot of football plan in their brains saying now I have to stand her or I have to go there - oh thats not to plan what do I do now. Any semblance of individuality and flair has been coached out of them with the exception of Blease because he is expected within the "Plan" to run and carry. I dont think it is the Plan as such but the way it is being coached, its inflexibility, the lack of player confidence to carry out the Plan when it gets tough. Only winning can get back that confidence. Jack Grimes can say that they all move on quickly but in their subconscious there must be something telling them that they just cant do this. It is now up to the Club including Don and Cam to sort out with the FD why the players cannot implement the Plan and why there does not seem to be Plan B.
  20. I cant believe all of this. Now is not the time to be calling for heads to roll. If the media dont do it for us we may start something that no one really wants and end up with no club to support. Is that what you all really want. I doubt it. I still want to be able to watch my Club for a long time to come. The usual suspects are again churning up the masses. We saw it during the tanking affair and we all knew that whoever was doing the stirring had not finished and would take any opportunity to keep stirring that same pot. Dont give them fodder which is what is happening now. A lot of people here it would seem by the comments/rants would prefer to see the Club go under than wait for clear air and then make productive comments. Just think what Caro will come up with after reading some of the posts here. Ah yes Melbourne supporters call for Schwab's dismissal. Is that what we need at the moment. Some of the comments here are outrageous and are only made to keep adding fuel to the fire. We all used to poke fun at Richmond as to how often they turned their coaches over. It is game 1. FFS give the FD and players a little bit of time to sort this out. They would not have seen it coming. How could they. They were pumped prior to the game. They had a great pre-season etc etc. They all said that they had never been so fit (an indictment in itself on Bailey) so just maybe they thought it would just happen. It didn't. So I am as upset as anyone and I was one that booed. But I didnt see Don drop a mark or Cam shirk a mark. Unfortunately the players and the FD let everybody down including themselves. They are the ones we were booing.They are the ones with the FD that will be doing the soul searching as to why. I hope they do bounce back next week. I wont take it as a slap in the face. I will be happy for them and the Club. Did anyone take our win against Essendon as a slap in the face after losing so many games. No, we revelled in the players obvious joy. We are all in pain, supporters, players and the Club. We are in this together like it or not. Don't divide this Club because that is what calling for McLardy and Schwab to stand down now could end up doing.
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