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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. I wouldn't have Johnson in their. He is a lazy footballer who needs a rocket sent right up his (you know where)
  2. If he's out of contract this year it's a very good thing, as we will sign him on for another 2-3 years. GC only gets to draft one uncontracted player from every club at the end of next year, not this one.
  3. The next few years all the quality will be gone due to the GC and WS. This highlights that if there is a tall to be taken this year, then it must seriously be looked at, as KPP's take longer to develop. However (and lets not jinx it) a scully & trengove combo is mighty tantalising. Having Said that a spine of Warnock, Garland, Scully, Watts, Butcher also looks pretty good.
  4. The problem is posters on this site who over-hyped him because he played all 22 games in his first year. Wow. It is commonly believed that he has pace, but it is rarely seen. Unfortunately Bennell has overtaken him in terms of position in the backline and will soon go ahead in midfield stakes too (if he hasn't already). There are a few that should be given the flick before clint, though.
  5. Yes, Morton does not like the contact side of football, that's why most of his disposals are uncontested. We all know that he is not the inside type, but for gods sake, someone's needs to toughen him up a little. The best part of footy is the physicality, i'm not asking him to put his head over the ball when 'Thug' Hall is charging at him with his knees up high, i just want to see Morton toughen up. He is extremely soft, embarrassingly so.
  6. Please don't get me started on the standard of umpiring these days. All of the nasty little weeds have ego's the size of mount everest. They think they control the game, and therefore run it and are above it. There are way too many rules and rule changes to adjudicate for umpiring to be consistent. The fact that the umpires association come out and say they will be targeting this or that on a weekend only highlights their unbelievable inconsistency. They, along with vlad and his crew in charge of the AFL, are the only one's that aren't held accountable for their actions. My old man says that there wouldn't be a game without umpires. Whilst i see where he is coming from, such a proposition of no umpires could not be any worse than what umpires are currently serving up week after week. Umpires are paid to adjudicate, not voice their opinion, so it would be a start if they just shut their gobs and get on with umpiring and not commentating. It's about time umpires are held accountable of their actions. PS. this is not a post venting my anger on the standard of umpiring last night. We were again very poor, and it is about time the media and we as supporters start seriously holding both the players and Bailey accountable for the drivel they continue to serve up. For those that say we have improved on last year, don't give me statistics to show otherwise, coz stats don't win games. We have neither taken a step forward or backward, and that is what is most disappointing. As for Josh Mahoney and his forward setup, if he is not given the arse at the end of the year, then we need to start raising questions on Bailey's ability to become a decent coach. A 6th grader would have more of a clue on how to run a forward line than this Port Adelaide hack. PPS. Yes i realise that i have now vented my anger, however it is not on the umpires.
  7. Hopefully he comes back to the Dees when we draft Jack under father/son.
  8. I find it unbelievable how so many people jump on the Butcher bandwagon, then off it because he has a bad day kicking at the goals. Lets look at the best FF's in the afl Brown - recently had a bad kicking performance Fevola - notorious for his off days kicking at goal Pavlich - the exception, yet is not considered the best FF Buddy - can kick 8.1 or 1.8 Riewoldt - his kicking problems have been well documented Geelong, the best team in the afl have a number of forwards with kicking issues and regularly kick a scoreline of say 14. 21 A couple of weeks ago, Butcher kicked 5 goals and we were licking our lips, now he has a bad day on the field and the knives are out??? It's not as if he has anything more important in his life at the moment (VCE)
  9. Although i'm 22 in September, i reckon i'll be the next 300 gamer for the might red and blue!!!
  10. i would trade Bate (no pun intended) or Miller for the right price. Both of them play only 1 good game in about 8, they are way too inconsistent and the team can only afford one of them if our forward line is going to mean business in the future. Both play the lead up CHF position and are slowish, Bate has a better kick but isn't as good as 'Frosty' below his needs and isn't as physical, but he has a much better kick than Miller. One of them needs to go, because if Jurrah comes on we would have Watts, Jurrah, either Frosty or Bate, possibly Butcher and Newton (god forbid). There's only room for 1 of them.
  11. They play each other again in round 22, so yes no matter the result, Melbourne will benefit (unless it's a draw)
  12. Jamar??? You have got to be kidding. He is our best ruckman by a country mile. Today at the game, when he went off and OJ came on, we weren't as good in the middle. And for those who put their eggs in the spencer basket, i do not see the hype with this guy. He has the length of the Flemington straight to go, if he wants to be at least serviceable in the ruck. Again , Jamar is our best ruckman at the club. There would be at least 10 players i would give the flick to before i got rid of Jamar.
  13. He still has to want to go..if he doesnt then all bets are off Bingo, lets not forget that it doesn't matter if you are out of contract at the end of next year, if you don't want to go then the gc17 can simply get stuffed. Players need to agree to the move. Who in their right mind would leave the MFC in 2 years time, just when we are starting to come good. All to chase some more coin??? Please, i have a little more faith in our younger boys. They should also be reminded that $250,000 alone is a shitload of money for a yearly salary.
  14. Because GC17 are only going to poach uncontracted players at the end of next year, not this year. We'll sign up/extend the contracts of the players we want to keep next year, no need to rush into things now.
  15. Whilst the draft may be considered shallow or weak (although this cannot be determined until a couple of years after the draft itself), should we happen to have picks 1 & 2 or 1 & 3, we will not even consider trading for them (unless for a Pavlich/Selwood 2 for 1 deal) Scully atm is the deserved #1 pick, and he would go very high in any draft, Butcher whilst not going as high in the stronger drafts, would not go below the top 10 (if that) in any draft. And what are the 2 things we are crying out for most, a classy, quick, skillful inside midfielder and another tall forward. Depending on what 2nd round pick we would get and possibly throwing in a Bate, who knows what we could get in return. But alas, it is only the end of round 6. I will not allow myself to get too involved in this sort of thing yet. As quite sadly, trade and draft time is my favourite part of the footy year atm. Keep bringing that talent in Barry!!!
  16. I'm not sure that he does know what he's doing, coz he has Josh Mahoney as our forward coach. And he clearly has no idea of how a forward line should function, for 50% if not more of the game yesterday, our forward line was non existant. Countless times we ran with the ball up the ground only to stop due to no one being in the forward line. Geez we need Robbo and his lazy ways back in our forward 50, at least he's gonna be around our goals. As for Mahoney, this guy has surely got to be on borrowed time??? Wasn't much of a player, but his coaching makes his career look like it was Judd or Ablettesque.
  17. No. It would be pointless winning 5 or 6 games this year, given our priority pick situation. Lets not forget that the GC and then Western Sydney are going to screw the drafts for the next 5 or so years. We need to get as much young talent as possible, as we can't go on re-building for ever and will have to commit to a group of players and challenge for a premiership (or 2). The more young talent we have, the better our chances in the long run. Sure people want to see us win games, but we are only going to win 6 or 7 max. not much difference than 4 wins.
  18. Dunn may very well have found his place in the team. HFF. He is not big enough to hold down a key position in the forward line, but given his run with role last year, he has the pace an accountability mind set to make our forward line apply greater pressure. Bate needs to be sent back to the KC reserves, hopefully there he will show something
  19. Well i was slightly amused by around 20 Dees fans in the last quarter having a go at the Adelaide runner for being on the ground too long. PLEASE!!!! How about worrying about your own team and their dismal effort for 3 quarters, rather than a runner that wasn't quite good enough to get a gig and just wants to be part of the action.
  20. We played about as poorly as we could have last night, and if we kicked more accurately, we could have possibly won. When we did get some momentum in the last, Adelaide were shocking. Looking at their list with the likes of Goodwin, Edwards, McLeod and Burton all over 30, they are going to fall quite hard, sooner rather than later. I'd be a little worried if i was an Adelaide fan, as if they make finals over the next couple of years, they are only going to be making up the numbers.
  21. I agree, the numbers that turned up to the game were shocking. Weather can seriously not be an excuse. Apart from being a tad cold, it was not too bad. Rug the f@@k up, i had multiple layers on and was fine (should have taken a beanie though) I'm pretty sure that it's colder at the snow than what it is at the 'G. And footy is meant to be played in the winter, get used to it. Time of game cannot be used as an excuse either. Sure it's a Sunday night, but the game finished at around 7.15, there's nothing decent on tv on a sunday night anyway. All in all, we are meant to have nearly 30,000 members and only a third would have shown up yesterday (if that). It was a pathetic showing from our supporters, especially after we had just had a win. Support is unconditional, how we as supporters can have a go at players for under performing (ie Bate) whilst we ourselves do not turn up to games is unbelievable. Apologies and kudos to those who did show up to the game, we need more supporters like you.
  22. And i think he's the right man for the job. Unless McLean comes on in leaps and bounds and recaptures his late '06 form, Miller should be the one leading this club. Well him or Green.
  23. 27,284 Not quite winter yet, so there shouldn't be any excuses for all of those snow people not to come. 2 in 2 would be well worth the chill. Here's an option................ rug the f#@k up!
  24. I can't remember if it was in the 3rd or 4th quarter, but Moloney laid an absolute bone crunching tackle on some poor Richmond player, he almost tore him apart. Fantastic tackle it was too, aggressive painful and didn't give away the free-kick. If that was me, i wouldn't have got up for a month, or possibly have died of a heart attack. Go Beamer you good thing!!!
  25. Lets just remember that it was our loss against the tigers in 2007 that resulted in Daniher getting the sack during the next week. Just desserts really.
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