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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. couldnt pop up in your Palm Beach 65 perhaps ??..Could grab you from the marina !!
  2. yep...would have been better without the tail of the "Y"
  3. As a paid up spectator in the bleachers I can heartedly summise that theres a big difference between Goodwin and Tird. Gw , thoug in some ways party to the initial silliness , has seen the error of his ways and moved on. That other narcissistic bugger still thinks he's right, as he would. I dont think anyone at the MFC are stupid ( now ) and there will have been many a hard question put to Simon. The club will know all there is to know thats relevant. Possibly still a little fallout but i dont see Goodwin being in Asada's firing line......all Cannons are lined up elsewhere
  4. oh goody....it's "away jumper" time !! just remember folks it has to be predominantly white unless youre a "power" club !!
  5. wow...that some positive Ape factor there !! 10 cm... I have about 5 and its very handy in sport...but 10-11...golly !!!
  6. ADC, no one wants to hear such logic or sense. This is exactly what some of us have been saying all along. Its not whether he can recover and heal per se but can his foot stand the rigours of extreme load and effort....and not just once...but a continued session, a-la a game of AFL footy...in fact any footy..i.e training etc. I seriously hope the guy gets his health and fitness back. I also seriously doubt hell ever play a game of football ( AFL ) again. If so marvellous. I wont be expecting nor counting on it.
  7. yeah...real sad !!! I dont think so !!!
  8. But the problem with the TAC cup is its a hybrid bastardised version of the game really. All the little kiddies in cotton wool doesnt reflect how they'll go in a 'real' game of footy and thats where all the problems associated with the great draft-lotto emanate from
  9. just curious as to what that means ...lol
  10. Not too dissimilar to retail 10% 0f profit taken in 90% of year, 90% profit taken in 10% of year...guess which month ho ho ho
  11. why not indeed for exactly the reasons you suggest. Each has a place.
  12. yes you can but it prohibits another dip into the draft or otherwise. He only goes on the LTI as such next season . His being on the senior list currently takes up a position. The argument of many here is ... what benefit to the club is there to remaiin on the senior list? Thats the point of conjecture.
  13. This is where the whole things gone askew ( imho ) 2 years off what life ?? Who ever has outlined and documented what is or isnt a career ? According to someone else's posting 3/4 of players never make it to 50 games , a third of which never even play a senior game !! There are NO guarantees . iIts a privileged life that of a professional competitor. Yes they put in the yards but the rewards are enormous but its very nature is of supreme competition and a lot fall to the wayside and meld into the rest of the working world there after
  14. Then its abhorrent to you. its not to me. I know its not to quite a few here also. Quite frankly I think it does a disservice to leave Trengove on the senior list with all its associated pressures and expectations. Even Jack doesnt expect to play in 15. I consider your analogy abhorrent though as in no way does it parallel the professional sporting situation. Thats a straw argument at best and a nonsense otherwise. You by inference suggest that delisting and rookying ( on full current wages) isnt the RIGHT thing to do. I think I need you to explain what your criteria and measurement of such is. He's not being fired and cast upon the street to fend for himself , he's being repositioned in the playing group a point of which is he cant actually play !! You understand this is business but then suggest its just like any other non AFL business. This is blatantly not the case. There ARE conditions etc which are somewhat unique to a sporting situation. Playing sport is in actuality akin to mercenaries. Why ? Going in you as a participant are aware its entirely performance based. You are aware there are no promises in regards to longevity of career. You are aware a serious LTI means its all over red rover. None of this would be unexpected nor a surprise should it eventuate. This is not signing on at Coles !! Its a simple exchange of ability/performance for a paycheck. keep it up and youre more than likley to have a contract offered.Stop...and it stops. Im afraid this angelic notion of loyalty is a furphy. The club would still be respectful of Jack even were it to rooky him. They would still be looking after him and indeed hoping he makes a recovery. But they dont owe him a lifes living, nor does he owe the club anything other than doing his best whilst a recipient of the club's help and encouragement ( and of course paychecks)
  15. confirmed being the operative word !!
  16. actually its dead simple....and fair to both parties. It just seems abhorrent to some here; probably doesnt within the club.
  17. What don't you get? lol i.e. extrapolated it means ...
  18. yep...no probs!! She'll be apples !!!
  19. and care factor ...........
  20. hopefully doesnt fall at the last hurdle
  21. as they say at Sussans....surely this goes with that !!
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