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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. I know I'm really showing my age but when I saw the title to this thread the first thing that popped into my mind was....
  2. Im just hoping we pick young lads with some football nouse , that can kick and can be developed into decent footballers rather than lovely lads with elite skills who only ever need another year or 5. Just saying its time we remember we're actually a football club and not an athletics commune !!
  3. Definitely ...trying ...very !!! Relevant ? As much as a 3rd wheel on a date. Theyre very Johnny come late to most things , that or just a thorn in the side of everything else. They ponce around like kids who've just found a c-note and are running amock in the lolly shop !! Its amateur hour in the main.
  4. Bin...theyve compared the 'misadventure' by essendon players to that of unsuspecting kids playing in Asbestos ridden backlots. They still now dont get what its all about, they are leading the players up the proverbial.The AFLPA are full of shlt !!
  5. Fair point.. Be interested to see the games my membership allows me into though...just saying
  6. Well nothing more to do about it now than go out and kick some ass !!
  7. It's about a 90% wankfest and 10% trying to looking relevent. It's a boys club. Do i really need to say any more !
  8. AFLPA Amateur Fwits Leading Players Astray !!
  9. Because when all is said and done theh Filth are are a bunch of sooks and King Eddie is the biggest of them all. Didnt you know....Collingwood are more deserving than others
  10. why the f are so many of our G games...'away" buggers
  11. Will be interesting for that alone.
  12. Titus O’Reily imagines how Rodney Eade breaks news of his departure to Eddie McGuire
  13. I think its 8 weeks nowadays....( happy to be corrected )
  14. I dont think they actually have Bing....( banned a team ) which sits at odds with their powers, or the possible outcomes of said powers.
  15. gfy@aflpa !!! What a bunch of fwits this association is. Talk about getting their priorities arze about !!
  16. Its the Melbourne way you know !!
  17. other than SCN's reissued ?? Well not a lot, but the machinations that lead to players fronting the tribunal are in motion. Players have seemingly opted not to respond to the notices and in so doing trigger the Tribunal. ASADA will take lead at this and not the AFL. Like Lava OD...its moving , its red hot, there will be burnings but not today , nor tomorrow..!!
  18. Bing...and im not trying to create an argument based upon your beloved cycling but in reality we're surely playing fine with words. The UCI arent exactly the shining light of probity ( well certainly in the past ) WADA at times have directly prevented UCI from particular involvements and the two often arent seen as seeing eye to eye. That said, I do believe the UCI is attempting to get itself on the same page. By your own inference teams have been banned. Whether by stealth , proxy or otherwise teams havent competed because of multiple rider doping offences.. What essendon are part of I do agree is somewhat unique in the occurrences of sport.
  19. They're the highlights? Am a tad underwhelmed...pass
  20. thought it rather humouress myself
  21. any goss as to whos likely to show up as "permitted to train " ?
  22. A pivot to all of this...and a potential stumbling block for the players in their cause to "skip the big whip" is WADA are big on naughty people taking ownership on their position. Even if there were supposed mitigating circumstances leading to a " we didn't know type stance" WADA will want them to say.. "Guilty as charged me honour!! Please be lenient at your mercy...blah blah blah " To date the players have shown a reluctance to admit fault. This is the crux of the matter. Unless the lads change their tune such obstinance in the face of ever mounting evidence will be their undoing.
  23. dunno.... and guessing here. The AFL oddly isnt a major fan of sat arvos... ( I know thats so hilarious really ...but hey ) The Dees actually prefer Sat arvos.. I prefer Sat arvos. I think we might get to be the 'bunny' that gets ....yep....you get one guess.......sat arvos !!
  24. He can talk to the families !!
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