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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Have always abhored the very idea of a 'defensive' forward.. by all means have an idea how to 'attack' a defender with the ball but the job of a forward is to worry both thre scoreboard and the other team. I.e worry about your game, your efforts and let the other side worry about YOU.
  2. Be fantastic to get someone back who has very good footy nouse.
  3. Petty fwd.... why am I not exstatic For the 'happy people".... yes i guess that's negativity. I'm certainly POSITIVE it's nothing to get excited about. Looking forward to the young lads having a crack .
  4. Is Walker actually cooked ? seems not too shabby
  5. My thoughts go to any who have lost a loved one and also to those currently dealing/living with the scurge. Those that have survived I wish you many many more years. I also know that eve in remission you live with it everyday. My wife is also a survivor. You learn to never take anything for granted. Hopefully , one day, a cure. Strength to all
  6. No one cares what Yanks think.....other than Yanks of course.... They've bastardised the language and therefore forfeited any relevance. As in..Tonite I'm thru with donuts. That said at least there are those around who sorely test the limits of Darwinism that'll probably dial 911 thereby doing us all a favoUr ;)
  7. We do have a choice though... It's left field with no guarantee of success. So in a fashion a choice of similar certainties. Plan A aint working....soooooo... ???
  8. It is really... If someone is way off the boil then really what point gifting them games ? The argument sometimes is to play someone back into form. That hardly ever happens with us and certainly hasn't with Petty. Much better imo to play someone with 'some' ability who puts in and just maybe might grow. They are the only two choices at the moment. If A not working... insane to continue
  9. Tbh... the whole circus with JW was very poorly conceived and handled.. The hype was off the charts. No reason reallyba player can't debut in any game.
  10. Defenders tend to spoil unless a mark is easier or opportnistic. Not rocket surgery here. THE point is... Moore was defending.... attempting a spoil. Not marking... stay with me Daz ;) .... ergo.... the prefered movement is to punch... by launching forward..... NOT elevating as though to mark. By elevating you actually create a negative force because you're pushing off the back in front of you. So ...yes... i may have missrd your point.... what was it ??
  11. Hooefully.... nothing ( to feel angst ) Be novel to truly have something to celebrate..... May the exhilirations begin !!
  12. Ffs hes marking it ( jurrah ) Moore wasnt trying to mark.... Im surprised you cant distinguish
  13. Care to proffer some offerings ?? Not thinking I'm quite as excited as your good self, but I'm curious.
  14. There's so much irony.... i hardly know where to begin :D
  15. Travel ?? Up and down to work... up to grandkids ? She got it ...I didn't... only got a cold 🤷🤷 Good as gold in 48 . Kinda odd Cheers
  16. Sorry Daz.. You aren't the only one to pull on boots. It's not that hard to have eyes on ball and know where not only your knee is but opponents back. Knees are for elevation and NOT for forward projection. You do know you can walk and chew gum eh ??
  17. Our last game was KB We play Sat night. Have we trained ???
  18. If you dont KNOW what that means then you're in no position to make commentary. Nice deflection.. Too hard to debate the action ?.. but then... you don't know. On that ...I think you're right
  19. Sorry mate that's pure B.S I think we can all agree he's NOT attempting to mark. When spoiling you will be trying to get ONE fist ( 99% of the time ) as far through the congestion as possible. You make your profile effectively as slim as can be. Here we see Moore doing the opposite. Lifting that knee retards his progress negating the efficiency of the spoil. No, what you are seeing is opportunistic crash banging to cause hurt. All eloquently disguises, or not, as a FOOTBALL Act . Where have we heard that before ??
  20. Hopefuly they get a bank of games. Can take a little while to get your rhythm happening.
  21. Reality irks you does it.. lol Open your eyes. Or drink up...the koolaid is free. If you don't think something is serious amiss well I can't but admire the cozy place you exist within. Of course i wan't Melb to win, to be successful; but we are struggling. We were struggling before Trac's unfortunate injury... and now we're between a rock and a hard place. That just is. I see no reason nor logic in sugar coating the predicament we're in.
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