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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. I dont mind Wheaters.. and have said so for a while. He's not perfect and to some commits some massive errors. Ive thought about those. What are they. Nearly everyone seems to pick on the occasions when he sets sail with boot on a longer searching kick that doesnt come off. It looks clumsy and may result in a clanger. I ask you though...is this always this fault. There are times during training that scenarios are practiced that involve forward players getting into a position to receive a counter-flooding penetrating kick. Strangely enough in practice it comes off more than it doesnt..Ina game the tempo and pressure go up and it becomes a lesser gimmee that it will aucceed. However..this is a team movement...with more than one player respsonsible.. i.e Its up to the guys to be where where thery're supposed to be as well as the kicker delivering on cue and on song. Sort of...dont always shoot the messenger !!
  2. Debt servicing is the Albatross. Thats why Jim & Co know the solution to survival rests and falls with the abolition of debt. Then revenue can be spent on better things. Its the ol story...it aint how you make it..its how you spend it !!
  3. The other aside to all this is that if we are NOT likely to finish last then the easy path to grabbing Warnock is taken away and we have to look at using trade week to get him, if indeed, thats the plan. Means we will have to step up to the plate and make a call on his value. If we gain an additional priority pick , do we possibly need to use this as part of some deal in order to shore up getting Warnock ?
  4. I must admit I did notice that little throw away quip....and wondered !! Hes not really giving away much
  5. At the risk of seeming ..he said I said.. I was in no way trying to steal anyones thunder. Please Haydo..take all the credit, though as GL anticipates his parents might argue the point. I wasnt particularly referring to Watts alone.. but the changing position we find ourselves in and that it seems journos seem to be learning from what we ( as a group !! ) discuss prior to it becoming mainstream. What is it they say about self praise ?
  6. I have no doubt that there are a few thousand furphies amongst ours too. But its been well publicised and facilitated that a lot of North tickets are non North folk feeling sorry for the buggers. As household cash becomes tighter going forward such altrusitic donations become fleeting. Optimistically many of those who didnt renew this year ( MFC ) will climb aboard next year. We too will have some that amy not. I am genuinely suprised we are nudging 30000. we havent played the "sign up of club dies" card yet. North have...You can only use trumps once !!
  7. All things being equal its unlikley we would beat them at AAMI... they also play the hapless Shockers who may be keep on cementing a high pick. I doubt that Port will prove a threat. Worsfold Woosies on the other hand ...
  8. Its going to prove a very interesting revelatoin of our true postion next year when we cast our eyes across the membership tallies of clubs like North compared to us. I think ours will if anything better this years. The notion of 31-32 isnt too far fetched if efforts and goodwill remain high around the club. I cant help but feel that the Kangas are in for a very rude shock next year when all the 'nouveau" and charity memberships fail to rematerialise.. The doggies numbers seem swollen with interesting accounting ..woof !! You can sense the Numbers of the Beast swelling !!
  9. He's an interesting fella isnt he. He defies his stature in tackles...seems to be smeared with ball glue..lol. I think he's stil lfinding his way at this level but he's getting there. As others have noted he's been a little less than perfect in disposal but thats getting better unlike someone else I could mention ) Whilst the execution of ideas remains to climb to higher levels the ideas and vision itself is pretty good. He seems to know where to put it..even if it doesnt happen perfectly yet.. As he settles and this betters I think he may prove quite the little general out there. He has a bit of a footy brain this lad
  10. Well its a bit of this..a bit of that really isnt it. Important thing..is he gets better. Doing so enable a good preseason and hopefully present fighting fit for 09. Others have already stated the obvious List management aspects. This only reall bad news if he fails to come up..and of course hopefully thats not the case.
  11. http://www.realfooty.com.au/news/news/bask...4677943867.html Well firstly Im starting to wonder if the majority of sports jounalists arent using Demonland as their first port of call ( and who could blame them ). Seems a lot of reporting is paralleling our debates. Isnt it nice to be at the forefront of AFL discussion Well as mentioned elsewhere Jack Watts is a lad who deserves serious consideration. Also I tend to agree that earlier this year it was really a lay down misere that we were adding to the cutlery cabinet. Now if we keep doing silly things like winning, for god sakes, we may have to adjust our sights. I suppose the reality is we'll get one of..Watts, Rich or Natanui..and in any shake of the dice thats not too shabby a result. Personally Id rather have the box seat when it comes to picking this years offerings and I cant help but feel that despite Fremantle's position is as much the effect of inability to win I get the distinct odour or "turret grease" from the other coast !! It makes getting along to a Carnival game or two much more an interesting prospect !! Now I know we're sponsored by the Aged but I wasnt aware of the contra in supplying scribblings, who'd da thunk !!
  12. Is he a good coach? A wide sweeping question without defining criteria for ajudication. What would we possibly considr as attributes of a good coach ? An ability to impart knowledge An ability to impart a strategy An ability to effect change An ability to nurture and progress talent An ability to weed out the ordinary from the exceptional Coaching I suppose by its generic assertion is to train something to do something in a particular fashion, nominally to advantage. Has there been change ? Yes Does there seem to be an easier perceived method in our efforts ? I'd lean towards a yes. In a results driven environment can we claim anything ?? Probably too early yet to say anything one way or another definitively. Much of what Bailey and staff are attempting to do will be tempered and coloured by everything else thats happening around them. Quite simply the club is changing. Indeed they themselves are part of it. I'm inclined to think he ( they ) are doing ok. From seeming disarray there appears purpose. There was "something" before yesterdays game. Some may call it a foreboding, an atmosphere or another intangible but there was an air of purpose, thats been missing for a long time. Part of coaching ( anything ) is the ability to instill belief. Once the constituents cross the line the coach is limited to his impact. Its up to to the players. Its an abstract but they seem better kitted out for this as the weeks go past. Is he a good coach ? I think YES !! Will he be the Mesiah to deliver us from the wilderness...time will tell
  13. to some we always were .. ( nevermind that silly coporate logo !! B) )
  14. Only knew to check because I sort of turned up a bit late once .not half way through.. but definitely missed the first bounce..lol
  15. Neither do I.. ...that really..is the whole point. Very few of us who barrack for Melbourne and indeed might be on this list know what its like to win a Premiership. Its almost emabarassing that we get all caught up in the moment of seldom seen win. Thats all it is .. just a home and away win, nothing more nothing less. There is really only ONE game to really get excited over winning and that invariably occurs at the end of September !! Yep its great to feel that surge of pride at winning a game. To be honest Im already over it. Winning this year is irrelevant unless it thwarts us from claiming any prizes at seasons end; prizes that wil influence a whole season ( and more ) of wins going forward. id rather sing the song 12-13 time snext year when it can really have an effect than once, twice .. 3 or 4 times this year. Its a bit like waking up in the morning wishing you had a Magiver knife or sharper teeth as you contemplate gnawing your arm off after a drunken sojourn the night before.. Yep..all seemed a great idea at the time..everyone seems to have had fun and enjoyed the moment...and then reality sets in during the cold dawn of realisation !! The reality is we need our best side to be playing from the beginnig of next season. This season is a write off. Its value it what can be gained from it and wins, though great for the footy soul may do nothing for us in the long run
  16. The euphoria of a game won lasts but hours...days at most.. its fleeting. Premierships however can carry you for years, even lifetimes
  17. Really missed him out there today huh !! ???? The writing on the wall ) and out of the way articles gets bigger and more legible as the days pass. Enjoy your time in the sun mate..cheers
  18. Ok.. a serving of humble pie over here if you would !! Might be a bit early to put any cream on it though. I can only write for myself but I imagine I may echo a few's thoughts re Miller. I dont think any of us have/had any hate or otherwise of the player. Our derision was born soley out of frustration. He isnt and never will be of the upper echelon of players but he can play...when he switches on. Foe far too long whether it was in misguided enthusiam he wold end up miles away from goal, lost and devoid of confidence and time after time commit he sin of a turnover. I wish I had a dollar ( or a beer ) for every time I heard the call of " ffs kick it Miller !!" I dont know whats causing Brad to think better...and do quicker but its startig to pay some dividend. Its still ( to me ) too early to make the call of BM as a player in his element but he's far far better now than he's ever been before !! leave the pie.. I may have to eat it soon
  19. Its not the first time a few have been causght out by the earlier start ( which I prefer as it happens..for a Sun ) !! lol Did look a tad empty...still.. we're not writing any checks today
  20. Well I must confess to be suffering one hell of a headache...as the two spheres of my mind rage battle. I may have to seek more medicinal comfort from another amber. The battle rages upon the two faces of this game. what a stiring heart gratifying day at the G. Did it matter my thermos broke..no.. did it matter the donuts again nearly burnt my mouth ( youd think Id learn ) ..another Ale garcon !! its great to sing the song.. Its great to see your team reborn, its great to see passion and unbridled enjoyment upon the field. You can just sense soething is stirring...they want to put the demon to the sword , they want to rid the land of or ilk and they want to sanitise our name into mundaness and irrelevance !! Strangely we wont allow this ..go figure... lol..some just dont get the notion that whilst we arent fashionable as a cause ( just yet ) we will not allow oursleved to become extinct...not now, not tomorrow, NOT EVER !! The passion that some of you show in your postings and condemnation echo this..and again one side of me wants t ojoin in...but the other side of my thinking issues caution. Might we be celebrating despite ourselves. Is this really the time to let loose ? The thinking half sides wide the likes of OCCO and such. Is it a little like culting off our loss to spite our fate !! We need days like today...to feel good...to feel participant in the greater picture to again feel rooted in all causes red and blue. For over two hours I immersed myself into good ol baracking. To cheering and feeling good about th eteam, to feel proud they were my chosen colours out there...Red...and Blue.. it was good. Im home with some time to reflect..and Im just wonderig if it really does us any favours in the context of the greater contest..a Premiership. I hope not. For now ..i'll be going to rub it into a Tiger supporting mate whilst we cheer any team on against the Bombers, especially as this one NEEDS to win for us !! Just because some come on here and voice a heartfelt concern doesnt make them any less a Melbourne supporter..passionate in our cause. But when some come on chucking purile and jevenile floggings at brother supporters it does add fuel to the fires of those who can see beyond the next 5 mins Great win Dees...I hope its not at 'any' price though !! The Prize is a Premiership, the cause and method is winning...but theres a time and place for everything. Im just wondering if today was it Go Dockers !!
  21. Not everyone is cut out for leadership, nor needs to exude it. I'd be happy with more than a dozen very good footballers with a couple showing the way. As long as someone is reading the Melways we'll get there !!
  22. why..we still need to spend money..wheher its Junctiona Oval..or anywhere.. We DONT have a place to train til the bubble comes on line. I dont see it as a fiscal problem..more a relatively cheap option .
  23. Bailey likes talent and likes to nurture and grow it.. It'll be Naita if we're their to take him How many leaders do you need.. ?? all chiefs..no indians ??
  24. Casey and Bubbledome are for two different purposes..why do some see a conlfict and a choice ?
  25. You can read Whites demotion in many ways. An aspect to this is simply a signal from on high...that " when your considering your future, consider the next step" This is a hint that as he's out of a job come seasons end..that he may wel lbe out of a job and how does he ( JW) want to manage that !!
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