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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. There isnt going to be a Oly Park Stadium... keep up with it :D hehe
  2. I still dont understnd what they actually intend to list.. The History of the club isnt going anywhere. The physical aspects are in museums etcetcetc.. You cant heritage a "notion" it has to be physical. Seems all teriibly batty to me.
  3. Careful to malign the man.. he's shown more leadership in many games than our so called illustrious "group" If only half gave their all in the manner he does. Dont confuse ability with 'this is how you try " effort
  4. The Raj probably thinks he's getting a Cricket Club !!
  5. 2?? We'll only really be in one place a t a time. Until Bubbledome comes on line the training and some other depts currently spread aroud the world ( all-but..lol ) will amalgamate at Crany...thats the plan. When bubbledome comes alive and we can actually move in.. all MFC depts will transfer to BD . There will still be training at CAsey,but its not a costly exercise to do that ( all things being relative ) So we're not really having 2 sets of costs. Youre right Brocky...we do both.
  6. Well this year is another of those Annus Horribilus types. For whatever reasons the QB Monday game didnt quite get up there. But it did highlight again that irregardless of ladder position this is one match not to miss. With Mickey Mouse's mumblings and rumblings awakening a sense of ungency Paul Mac got it all sorted..well , at least he did his part well. Pert did his part too..lol http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story...5012432,00.html Now as a bonefide Mlebourne suporter it is my right..indeed my duty to despise and hate the Filth with a vengeance..Its ours for the doing but its generally done in the spirit of the game and a look over our shoulders at history. It would seem there's a similar respect for this rivalry at the Lexus centre. In that spirit I say thanks for the leg up. Cheers you pack of....... Now you scumbag AFL bastards...hands off OUR game !!!!!!!
  7. Yes..it didnt go unoticed that they did it that way....well done MFC ( Attention to detail !! )
  8. yep..some see it as minimal in effect but there's a chasm between 1st and anything else really come picking order. Last means pick 1...means psd pick 1...means priority , first in line pre 2nd round picks. It means we choose who we want..not adjusting to what some other teams leaves. Some want to win a few games.. Why ?? what does it matter other than working against going forward..its just DUMB !! to the max !! By all means lets be competitive..lets win some quaters..lets get some footy happening...just dont win !! West Aussie footy is in the sewer right now. They are in a spotlight we just dont comprehend. You think we get scrutinised and put to the knife ?? well they are the only game in town and they both stink. The pressure is going to be on WA teams getting the best..and especially if any are home town boys. Be aware folks..we are in a race...a race to finish last. So line up the Shermans, Panzers.. Abrams, Leopards and Challengers...coz its the battle of the tanks. We know its really proactive organisationof football assetts and priorites.. We know..Aka knows.. hell even Vlad knows its going on. Not only is it going on..it needs to be done well and with a good result. So if anyone wants an op...now's good and take your sweet time coming back Hopefully Bailey knows which way buttered toast falls
  9. Totally agree.. Only one team gets number 1..after that all picks are somewhat reactionary to availability. Which is wehy finishing last this year is so important...we get to choose..US !! not them !!
  10. Some good points made here. yes to teh interested observer of thigs off the ball one does get teh feeling that Ol' Jeff has lost quite a bit of his nouse around the ground. I simply think his body isnt up to gettinghim into the positions he once did with regularity to be that one kick off the run etc. Sometimes I struggle to see where the hel he is. You only need to be half a sec behind the event to be ineffectual..and he's become that. As others observe his stats flatter. Stats often flatter, so nothing new there, but we're talking of Jeff presently and hes sort of a 50/50 effect player..ne neither really detracts but he doesnt really add to the game. Purpose of being on the field in that light ?? If he's on the list next year he's just insurance
  11. White isnt going anywhere other than into retirement. He's odds on to re-evaulate at seasons end and depending on our drafting. White is no answer going forward and he'll know that as much as anyone. He's not stupid and he's of the same type of thinking as Neeta.. he'llbe talked to. If we were to be lucky enough to say get Naita..and Warnock.. then along with kids like Spencer we have a stock of tallish timber. PJ and Warnock sounds an inviting scenario
  12. To win a game at the moment whilst rewarding effort is nothig more than a win for the ske of it and ignores the bigger picture. Actually winning to omuch currently is to cut off your nose to spite your face. There is a big difference between having a top 3 pick and having the NUMBER ONE pick !!..as it also affects the position in the PSD also...and the priority pick prior to the second round..thats three picks !! Honeslty ..who cares if we are spooners.. its no big deal..The only game in town is PREMIERSHIPS....thats real coinage..There is NO SECOND PRIZE...you either win a premiership..or you're somewhere else on the ladder. It might well be all good and such for coaches etc etc to be able to say we finished top 4 top 8 etc ...still no flag !! Yes we all want the team to be competitve. That has to be competitive week in week out and with the possibility of attaining something otherwise its all moot . Football is a bit like buiilding a house for sale. Ther is a lot of time and effort spent on getting the house up and into shape. It also needs to be the right shape for the times. Then there's a limited opportunity to maximise your value into the market i.e a window of opportunity at a serious tilt. After which what were one minute assetts are becoming a liability. Theres a time and place for everything as they say..this is not the time to be winning..its the time for planning and building ! A HUGE difference.
  13. Again I doubt that this wont go through.. There is a protocol to the time line. There is the observance of due dilligence, there is the requirement to observe etiquette and not tread on others toes etc. First things first. .The facilities deal needs to be signed off on..then all will flow after in due course. Neither the Dees or Casey wil be alone next year.. A little patience folks ( just tidied up that spelling..lol )
  14. Such egalitarian big noting and personal degrading is somewhat unecessary Rhino...doesnt become a Moderator !!
  15. Well Nudge..youre a brave soul and I commend you for it..its more about the procerss rather than teh detail in many respects isnt it.. but hey..not everyone will cotton. Rhino is absolutely correct in my thinking that we ( collectively ) often overate our Dees, or more the point specific players. Jaded's correct in her hinting to the dilemma that the numbers game present.. that is to say we have to fit it all in a framework of who ( meaning how many ) can be rid of and how many can be coerced etc etc. Sylv'r I think wealways trying to fill specific needs as opposed to a warehouse of potentials.. its just getting that to work ...devil in the detail as always. trade week seems to offer up surprises every other year or theraqbouts. The catalyst for a player moving from Melbourne may not even originate from Melbourne. It might be part of a three way deal etc where a silly ( to us ) idea suddenly gains momentum as bits start to fall into place. Many a time its particulars about a player we as spectators are not conversant with that provide the impetus. Why might you not get rid of anyone ..if the price is right?..and a siutation or need warrants. People..never say never. id definitely consider ttrades for Rivers and Moloney etc. to me they have a certain currency that may erode in an instant if theiir fitness cant solidify. We must learn to stop hoarding and hanging on to things past their prime. Carroll may prove very tradeable. Some teams may have differing needs at this years end and considering the draft going forward as compared to last years. Its a different ball game. Id think Peterd may take over from Wheels.. but instead of hanging the 'shop is closed " shingle id prefer to leave teh door open and see what wanders in. Id definitely consider trades for Bruce..Jamar. Millers stock may have risen now he realises he can kick. Im not sure we wil leven need to offer up anything for R Warnock.. but depending on the depth of the PSD we may be wise to do a done deal prior. We ned to remeber that often when contracts are signed they are not necessarily for perfectly watertight reasons, sometimes as insurance. That and thte times and requirements ot now can often differ from then ( when contract done ) Is now to oearly for thinking about all this...hardly.. leaving it to later wil have you at a disadvantage. Thats why footy departments have people doing it even as we speak
  16. some of you fail to grasp reality..or even logic. I am not saying some of these players could not extrapolate into todays game.. if they were here today they might. BUT THEY ARE NOT. What they have achieved they have achieved ..Its over. Their runs are on the board..and the new kids are putting theirs. We're not necesaarily saying ( well Im not ) that Ablett is the best ever. .But I will ertainly place him higher than just making teh top 30..her has to be amongst the best dozen. Its no relevance to compare what anyone might have achived today..if they were here today.. we can only compare what they DID do. The Skiltons and the Griegs etc rate highly on the all time..without doubt..and Id put G A jnr in the same league as them easily. Players either stack up or they dont ..it cant be on any augmented system of granting them allowances for when they played.
  17. Actually I do know where TBO is.. ( and some other grounds even ) and have seen him also. He doesnt inspire me much either. But if we were to even for a moment consider him as a potenitial list position occupant next year.. lets see if he has ANYTHING !! He mioght as wel lfly or fall in a game or two in the big boys as hav ehim occupy a berth at any level. Who knows he might just do something..or more likely cement his position on the past players list . Whats it going to matter. Either he does show something and we keep...or we know for certain and we rid. Or would you rather do it next year ?? they're the only options otherwise an argument could be mounted that he was never given a chance.
  18. do explain why...your logic seems confined to yourself currently
  19. It ridiculous to extrapolate what other players MIGHT have been ..we can only judge on what they were ( or are ) What are we running here..some sort of handicap system ??
  20. I dont think he was recruited especially as a ruckmen.. I thought they ( club geniuses ) had KPP tagged on him. personally id had a whisper in his ear.. tel lhim how it is.. Give he a make or break set of games.. He is either part of us gong forward or he's taking us space. We need to , as a club , become far more astute as to when to fold ( in cards terms ) we hang on to some almost because we dont wont to admit we ( like all ) get it slighly wrong sometimes !! I havent seen anything in him to warrant a locker next year...but am prepared ( good of e really ) to give him a shot.. but its now, when it doesnt matter, not later when it might !!
  21. it is getting a bit better..not leaps and bounds stuff..but he seems to be thinking..About what I'm not sure..but there is a light on... needs to brighten a little
  22. I dont disagree they were very good.. I dont 'not' acknowlwdege they didnt have the sports science either. And that also goes to the argument. They didnt have this..they aweren as fit overall.. Again ...many were good in the their day...but by the litmus test of "ever"..then Some such as G QA jnr easily sit high on the tree. Look at it this way.. Ablett could go back in time and hold his own...tell me how many could time jump to today and do that ?? We're not taling about who 's the greatest high jumper in 1960..or fastest runner in 36..or quickest in teh pool in 54.. its who highest fastest quickest ever.. and they my friends are nearly all contemporaies !!
  23. I suppose we'll just disagree, as youre obviously caught in a time warp. Look at athletics.. youre as good as anything is good. Some brilliant times were posted by some runners and they were good in their day.. THEN compare them to times of today... they arent in the same league as today. Dont confuse "good in their day " to the current yardstick..When measuring you need to use what ever is accepted rule of the day..and by todays standard many wouldnt run out a game today..its just far too fast. If you claim Abblett wouldnt make your top 30..who are the thirty that would eclipse him ??
  24. Rhino..youre missing the obvious.. I dont care if we win or not. But if we are to have irrefutable evidence that he can or cant..well lets get it over with.,. and make PEMANENT room on the list.. not just game day
  25. Give Meesen game time ?? Inspired Seriously.. Lets see if he has anything..Its not likethe results matter unless he turns out to be OK . Got to mind that draft pick !! lol
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