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Everything posted by dimmy

  1. Agree wholeherartedly. . For the doomsayers who have put him inthe the hopeless useless, never , his fault that we leak goals, his fault that we cannot kick goals etc. Let's put some comparisons out there : OMac 196 cm /1900 kgs 23 y.o Frosty (the inventor of "Frostball" . 194/93 A month off 26 y.o Weid : 195/97 ( also responsible for causing the Iceberg to drop into the Anntarctic sea and float up to hit the Titanic) 22 y.o Lever 195/91 23 y.o ( has been likened to JC !!) Common thread all these players have different abilities and levels of. But Weid is still considered as a WIP, Frosty after surviving numerous postings is now the flavour of the month, sorry week (a month is too long) They are all big kids , let them develop and assess their worth to the Club when their career is finished. In the meantime it is time to get off this blokes back !!!!! Enough is enough
  2. You are joking ( I hope)
  3. Noticed that, who does he think he is Jordan Lewis ? But that is the value of experience, because Lever is only 70 games approx and some people expect him to be the backline guru
  4. That was my question. Apparently I hear (without inside knowledge) that the players really respond to him and respect the way he goes about it, so it stands to reason to bring a person like that back into the gameday group. The players are elevated and demoted , so the coaching panel probably should be the same. It is called management
  5. Yeh, TMAc can introduce himself to all his new team mates
  6. 6 Viney 5 Oliver 4 Salem 3 TMac is back 2 Lockart 1 Petracca
  7. Viney and TMac'best games of the year. Lockart locked in !! Shows a bit of go !!!! Harmesy did it again on Fyffe (did not stop him altogether, but who can.
  8. Do not know how we are going to go next week , because TMac is going back to Casey according to the experts !!!!!!! Get Brad Hill and Andrew Brayshaw real quick
  9. I actually think Tmac has provided a genuine round the ground contest. I agree with the commentatorts (not often mind you) but it has been a very good game. Freo have the capacity to move the ball , lucky when you have Fyffe, Hills and walters. But we just need to mave a bit better (and kick a little better) and not give goals via clangers in the middle of the ground. Gee we are lucky that one of the MacDonalds did not do the stuff ups that lead to goals in 1st Q
  10. The wya some posters "think" you could draw the conclusion that the kid is a mixture of Trump, Stalin, plus wgatever evil comes into our mind. He is a young bloke who has been given a chance to play AFL and I would be absolutely suprised if he does not give everything when he is preparing and playing. I think sometimes in our criticism of a player ( and it had happened often e.g. Watts, Lewis, Weideman etc) we make blanket statements and refuse to acknowledge team efforts or any efforts at all. Have noted he is not playing @ Casey hence he has not played ( I could be wrong) since being demoted . Let's cut some slack for the kid.
  11. Yes and I am available for the next 10 weeks
  12. Thanks for the explanation and well done on coming up with a credible rating system. A long long way from some pot shots at players that appear somtimes.
  13. I am continually amazed as to how Stats are compiled and what criteria are used. Is a handball effective if it leaves the hand properly , goes 1M to another player who fumbles it (and is that a critical error for that player OR should it be an ieffective handball ?? Gus clearances are positive and provide a quick transition into our forward line. Is it an error to Gus, that the fwd leade into the wrong zone etc... I would hope the Club analyse (and I am confident they would) all this, because frankly I feell many of our posters take the simplistic view in bagging players.
  14. Could we let the kid : Learn the coaches names FInd his way around the building Learn the Club Song Then we will trade him !!
  15. Surely we are trying to build a culture and Gus has a culture and attitude a lot of clubs would love. So why do people come up with such "questionable thought processes" The next proposal will be to trade Clkarrie because he handballs too much. Then we can m ove on Gawny and Weis because they are not really good set shots when the siren sounds. If everybody was perfect and the game was so easy, nobody would play it.
  16. I hate to say this, but the statsd guide really fails to take into account the impact the player has. In this way I refer to Clarrie leading the rankings. On pure numbers he is streets ahead, but in effectiveness of his possessions/disposal I feel he is a big part of the problem in that his disposal via hanjdball at all costs is not enabling us to beak free. The same can be said of Jack V . We play a lot more effectively when the ball is cleared and Gus and Harmesy should be our targets to move the ball on as they are attacking midfielders rather than accumulators like Clarrie or stoppage people like Jack V. Question : Is Clarrie dual handed with his handballs, because I feel he is often handballing to his left (by his right hand) Bit too technical or wrong ???
  17. I can guarantee TMac and Jones will NOT be dropped !! Lockart , maybe, but I feel he is learning his craft in the VFL. If we had an outside MId who can run like the wind, then Viney as small fwd and Spargs back to correct some issues. ( Although you cannot doubt his effort and courage.) OMac in as CHF
  18. Apparently Trac is one of the leading "ground ball getters" in AFL. I think he is playing as an old fashioned HFF. THe problem is that he does not contirbute much in relation to keeping the ball in th Fwd line and he is not the only one. Furthermore I thought he was probably our best Fwd today. We mus get Fritsch and Salem to be our connectors into the FWD line. This time last year people were likening him to the great RF.
  19. Salem : Got sore head Petracca : Strong at ground level Garlett, Spargo : Too many fumbles Harmes : Strong Competitive midfielder Brayshaw : Attacking Inside Mid Brayshaw : Tighten disposal Team : Only kick to space /Make them run into kick Hannan : Learn right foot Gawn : Great Great Great Hore : Find of Season Lever : Settled and survived May : Showed good promise Frost : Missed him (did not think I would ever say this) Oscar Mc : Cannot be blamed this week Clarrie : Three more blinks per disposal = massive improvement to side Tom Mc : Too many roles
  20. I worry about Jack , because I reckon both he and Tommy Mac have sore feet !! He is nearly a liability in the middle now because he has misplaced the "oomph" factor he had twp years ago. We talk about lack of "grunt "in our forward line , yet we have an inside mid sitting outside in Gus. Why not play Jack as small fwd. After the first contested ball the opposition will know he is in the area. At the moment we are really not exhibiting enough pressure in locking the ball in. Put him in a confined area to learn and he could be a big asset to the team. We have inside mids already and unfortunately he is not in our top 4. To play as a small forward, you need to be quick or dangerous. If you are lucky and get a mixture of both we are laughing.
  21. Bit harsh on Braysahw and Hore. We looked a lot more purposeful with Max, Clarrie, Gus and Harmesy around the ball.
  22. 11Gawn 4 Gus 3 Petracca 2 Harmes 1 Hore
  23. Get the midfield of GAwn, Harmes, Clariie and Gus together and tell them to let rip. Confidence is a bid thing !!!
  24. At least OMac cannot be blamed for today's effort. However the mob have turned on Tom, who is rucking part time, trying to play in defence part time and then in the Fwd line.
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