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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. A bit hard when you flood the back line, players don't run and spread, poor skills/decision making by both hand and foot coming out of the backline and the opposition easily covers and zones off. So what option is left? Bomb it long and hope for the best. I was very disappointed yesterday, like everybody, but if you don't play with some flair and you are not prepared to take risks, it is easy for the opposition to force the numerous errors we made yesterday. As for the umpires? While you certainly couldn't blame the loss on their pathetic display, their inept decision making was a real momentum killer.
  2. At the time, Norm was seemingly comfortably ensconced in the coaching role at Melbourne. RDB desperately wanted to prove his mettle as a coach and thought it was best he left the MFC to ply his trade and not live in the shadow of his great mentor. The MFC wanted a similar succession plan to the Malthouse/Buckley model, but my recollection is Barass couldn't wait. [edit]: RDB was devastated and dirty with what happened to Norm and it took him a long time to forgive and forget.
  3. For those that have the read the Red Fox, Norm also counselled the old school tie committee at the MFC that better recruitment methods and money would only attract good recruits. Even back then, Norm had emphatically tried to alert the committee that the days of Jim Cardwell giving a kid's old man a box of beer and the missus a box of Roses chocolates were fast disappearing and the MFC had to 'modernise' itself to keep up. Of course this was anathema to the likes of Dr. Duffy and his brigade of stuffed shirts. History clearly informs us of our plight since those days.
  4. I would tend agree, having witnessed the "Kruezer Cup'. But I think the tanking Karma bus hit us harder, because we treated the opportunity of gaining higher draft picks as a panacea, rather than look into what was fundamentally wrong with the footy club. All of us are witnessing that legacy and have done for too long. Obviously our hope is now that Roos, Goodwin and PJ purge us of that legacy.
  5. That nails it Ted, you are absolutely correct. Whether we tanked or not, as with other clubs, we operated within a framework, constructed by the AFL, that set the scene for teams accepting mediocrity, believing there was a bigger prize at the end if they did. The greatest guilt which rested on the collective shoulders of the MFC was not tanking, but the dumb way we went about it and the obvious mind set that high draft picks would cure all our ills, while not developing the talent we had from within. Cale Morton's reported observations in Sundays Hun reflect this.
  6. I'm in QLD at a wedding. Reading these posts I thought we were at least 6 goals down. Did anybody even think Essendon would have a go today after last week? C'mon and support the boys
  7. Unfortunately, I can only get to Bacchus Marsh these days. But geez, I am still pretty excited
  8. When we are collectively ringing our hands after a loss such as last Saturday, this story brings you back to why you follow the club you do. Great for your boy and I am glad Jesse took the time to engage with him. Cheers Mark and I trust your wife is still smiling. Would be nice to see something about this on the MFC site. Edit: Last Sunday
  9. Agreed D3. I think his currency will go up even further, when our midfield improves, as it undoubtedly will, given the maturing of Viney, Brayshaw and Petracca coming back, along with some more shrewd trading/drafting - hopefully. I think with better movement through the corridor, we will see more of Howe's skill set than we already have.
  10. I agree with this, it was a combination of factors. My mention of Toumpas was simply to point out that you could see the pain on his face as he left field.
  11. It was also pointed out that N Jones remained in the forward line and did not go in to contest the centre bounce. On top of that, Max Gawn, who had played well all day, rather than stifle the ruck contest, decided to flick it back. It was a combination of a number of poor decisions made on the field, in the heat of battle. The worst of these was not to protect the corridor and be goal side of the opponent. Jimmy Toumpas knew it, especially as it was his man who kicked the goal. In this case, there is no way you can blame Roos.
  12. Some of us remember Matthew's cowardly attack on Peter Giles, behind the play, which saw him stretchered off the 'G
  13. The MFC have demonstrated they are not averse to being mercenary over history. Problem is, when we used the almighty dollar to bring a player in, we too often got it wrong. Judd made a decision in the best interests of his future and that of his family. As a professional footballer, he was entitled to do so. As for being a thug - that is certainly drawing a long bow. Unlike Matthews, he was never criminally charged.
  14. This nails it for me Ernie. I cannot believe people can actually justify any criticism directed at Roosy, given the low base from where we have come since his tenure began. He is extremely shrewd and is not simply urinating in the wind. I have seen some really good signs this year, but given our current list, the simple fact is we just don't have the cattle at the moment. Monday's game was one of split second decisions that went wrong for us, during the frenetic pace of the game. The victor showed they have a touch more class than us. Our day will come and it is not as far off as it seemed at the beginning of last year. Go Dees
  15. Judd was a champ, who did what he considered to be the best thing for his family when he came home to Victoria. Not only was he a skilful and smart footballer, but equally he has set himself up for life after football. Good luck Juddy. Time to move on.
  16. Agreed. He was stiff, but he didn't dog it on this occasion.
  17. Completely understood OD. But we simply are still a ways off. I was heartened by the performance of a number of the young guys. Bradshaw will be an absolute gun and shows maturity beyond his years. He sticks tackles now, imagine how he will be with a bigger, stronger body. I thought Toumpas played well and although hesitant at times, I reckon the game will do wonders for his confidence. I love Viney's aggression and hope he can work on his disposal. Keeping in mind that Jesse was well held yesterday, while at the other end, Cloke chose to have his day out against us, I was rapt that the boys had a red hot go. Yes, I know, no win. But I thought there was some steel and resilience, against a side which clearly had the edge in terms of experience and size. What struck me most - and this is what the game is about - is just how quickly you need to make decisions in the AFL. The pace yesterday was frenetic, but to me the major difference was that they were much cleaner in the clinches, generally, than what we were. That shows the difference in class. A split second handball that regularly found its target, as opposed to a fumbled possession, errant handball, a poor short pass to a target. I'm tired of waiting too OD, but things looked a lot better yesterday and I don't think the future - this time around - will be full of false promise.
  18. Can this be locked now. Pleeeeaaasse!!!!!!
  19. The night of the '88 prelim, I had the pleasure of sharing a few beers with Balls, the Febey boys and their dad, and Graeme Yeats - yes, even with a GF looming the following week, a number of beers were OK. I was struck by Balls' quiet demeanour, in contrast to what we perceived him to be on the field. A humble bloke who had time to have a chat and a laugh with mere mortals like me. As a side note, in those days I was a smoker. At one point during the evening, Balls leant across to me and whispered, ​'mate, do you mind if I pinch a ciggie of ya?' I duly obliged.
  20. Nathan Buckley has apparently torn his hamstring off the bone, while playing touch football. He is to undergo surgery.
  21. My wife feels sorry for Matty B. Thinks he needs a haircut, shave and she is worried he only owns one check shirt, which is in good need of an iron anyway. I ask her why she doesn't take as good care of me. I'll leave you to guess what response I get.
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