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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. Unfortunately there we some. See the rednecks which were itching for a fight outside the Richmond Town Hall? The point I am making is that to hold Keith Windschuttle's research up as empirical, when it flies in the face of all other known facts, is just as ridiculous.
  2. I said held up by some​ to be a doyen of democracy. I was making an illustrative point. Australia, - thank God - refused this guy a visa. There was those who protested as a result, that the decision was an attack on free speech and democracy.
  3. Research which is by far in the the minority. There is also a bloke who is held up by some as a doyen of democracy, which some use to support their terribly misguided opinions. His name is David Irving.
  4. Being the operative word. For those who can be bothered, reading a book titled Voltaire's Bastards sheds some much needed light on such imperfections.
  5. I just don't understand how you can dislike someone you don't know, other than how they are portrayed in the media. I'll now wait for the hyperbole on that one
  6. Now there's a reasoned argument if ever I saw one. When you can't mount an reasoned response you attack the person.
  7. Of course ID, but democracy is a privilege not a pre-ordained right.
  8. Self evident I would have thought.
  9. Do we have a send off rule here?
  10. The post above clearly shows this needs to be shut down. As I said earlier, equating physical appearance with indigenous culture is odious.
  11. Was it seeking unnecessary attention when Mickey O'Loughlin taunted the crowd at Subiaco? No, because he didn't do a tribal dance. Was Nicky Winmar being too precious when he raised his jumper to the crowd and pointed to the colour of his skin to the crowd at that cauldron known as Victoria Park? No, because he didn't use a specific indigenous tribal reference. The odious comparisons between body characteristics such as hair colour and size of one's ears entirely misses the point of the endemic racism that has existed in this country for generations. Such racism does not rely on perceptions of physical appearance, but a mind set that has perpetuated bigotry for far too long. It has been long overdue that such bigotry be called out. That said, it is almost certain this topic is heading for a lock down.
  12. Sobbed like a baby while watching the Tony Charlton footy show in 1965. Basically the entire show was devoted to the Norm Smith sacking. Sobbed like a baby after the 1987 prelim. Difference was, I was only 8 in 1965. Those of you good at 'rithmetic can work the rest out for yourselves. Maybe the stubbies I had in '87 allowed the tears to flow more freely.
  13. And Marc Murphy. We all know that when the curse strikes, is does with a vengeance.
  14. It is certainly open to him to attempt to "set the record straight" - if what he says is true. The AFL have already said that they will investigate the accusation. Given Trigg's already tarnished record, he stands to lose the most if it is true. He has come out publicly, as has Betts' Manager and said that Mick has misconstrued the conversation and there have been vehement denials of Mick's claim. If Mick is wrong in his allegation, then he has, in my view, severely damaged his own reputation. His VFL/AFL legacy should be one that is held in esteem, but if his motivation to make such an allegation was simply out of self interest and the allegation proves to be false, then his legacy, in my opinion, will be greatly diminished.
  15. I had some sympathy for Mick, up until his interview yesterday morning. Whether he felt aggrieved by his former employer or not, it was a total lack business courtesy to try and bring others down with him. None of us know the facts, but given the accusation he made against Trigg, defamation may not be out of the question and his expected payout may be affected.
  16. Back in the days when those guys started their careers, clubs had the luxury of having their players well established in what was then the reserves. Now VFL. You don't get that sort of grounding anymore. The ressies was a true nursery back then and allowed players to be well looked after before they were consistently faced with the more physical seniors. In the case of Tuck, he also had, not unlike Fletcher, a remarkably durable body.
  17. After that interview this morning, Malthouse's position in untenable. That said, Carlton put out a statement and say the timeline for the review is still the same - a decision will be made during the bye week. Mick has fired the first serious shot and leaves the Carlton administration in a position where it must act. Not only has he basically said he has no faith in the Board, but the Board has no faith in him. If it does nothing this will just fester. This is clearly worse than the players not performing, but goes far deeper into the club, than we can imagine. Do Carlton fire him and pay him out - which Mick clearly wants, or do they save some money and continue their downward spiral? Makes the Schwab, Connolly and McLardy sagas seem tame by comparison.
  18. Some realism and perspective in the cold light of day. Well said Hoges. Let's move on.
  19. When we lose like we did on Saturday, I often seek solace in my music - along with a few beers - to soothe my jaded nerves. On Saturday night I went through my extensive collection of old vinyl LP's. The first one to jump out at me was 'Days of Future Past" by the Moody Blues. It was almost as if that album sensed my despair - short lived I might add. Despite our constant debates on here in the past, regarding previous coaches, what has become clear to me is that our 're-build' still remains very much a work in progress. Of greater concern to me is that we appear to still carry the scars of the previous 'regime'. No matter how bad losses have been in the past, I have tried to stay until the final siren. On Saturday, I just couldn't bear it and walked out of the 'G with my head down and shoulders hunched over, at about the 5 minute mark of the last quarter. I am embarrassed to admit that. I very much want to believe in a positive future, but am finding it increasingly difficult to do so. To me, it is almost like the players thought these past 3 weeks were always going to be a write off, but after that, we would be OK. I am not sure of that at all and just wonder if the damage done over the past 3 weeks, is a replica of what occurred in dark days under Neeld. Since listening to the Album again, the lyrics of "The Afternoon: Forever Afternoon/Time to Get Away" keeps going through my head. I don't want to sound defeatist, but I haven't felt so low, as I did at 5:00 pm on Saturday, in a long time. Yes, I know, we played a very professional and talented football side, but any loss of that magnitude still bothers me. Bullies at the 'G on Sunday? All I ask is for a performance befitting any AFL footy team.
  20. The legacy of the past still haunts us. Most teams still view us as mentally fragile and the recipe is simple ...... hit 'em hard, get them on the defensive from the first bounce and apply scoreboard pressure...... they will then fall apart. Doesn't matter how good the game plan is, if the players don't have the mental toughness to stand up, then the problem is self-evident. This remains Paull Roos greatest challenge in the short to medium term.
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