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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. At this stage, it is all about the "Melbourne" brand. Even if the MoU is lightweight, it is very good below the line marketing.
  2. No argument here. I only ask, why Geelong?
  3. Agreed RPFC. However, I think most reasonable people on here would not begin to second guess MC's condition or his road to recovery. To my mind, what is only in question here, is the apparent advice he seems to have received during his illness and recovery. First a "retirement', with a subsequent trade to another club. As I have said on another post, any AFL environment these days carries with it extreme pressure for all involved. My only question is, why would you choose to go to the last bastian of true AFL parochialism in Victoria, which is the town itself - Geelong? A place where the majority of the population rely on the "local' footy club to float its morale, while it's industries close down, leaving many out of work and subject to depression themselves. A place where solitude, privacy and any form of anonymity is nigh on impossible for a Geelong player. I do not profess to have the first idea of what sort of change of environment would be beneficial, but it just seems to me that Geelong, of all places, would not be ideal in such circumstances.
  4. Oh yes WJ. Those memories are sweet indeed. Not only waking up on Saturday morning with abounding confidence of yet another win, but that we were to play on Saturday afternoon.
  5. Precisely. What's more, the fish bowl that is Geelong, will arc up the heat in the pressure cooker which already exists in any AFL environment.
  6. Did I say that? Yes he has the same Doctor. A Doctor provided to him by the MFC.
  7. While I am not alone, I have been associated with clinical depression, via a member of my family. While changing the environment that was prevalent with the onset of depression is a great idea, you don't ditch the very support networks that gave so much time, effort and care to a valued member of the "family". It is not a debt that is owed, but rather a sense of knowing you had people around you for a considerable period, who cared about you. That's all I'll say on that topic. Of course, any even handed person would wish Mitch well, into the future, but in recovery, let's hope he does not forget those who supported him so strongly in the past.
  8. Sorry WYL. Not wishing to be pedantic, but that would be Ben Gazzara
  9. He also said The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places. As Guru Bob would say - Think about dat
  10. I particularly like this bit: Training has come a long way, even in the past year under Roosy’s watch. It’s certainly noticeable. And the size and change in body shape has been evident on many.
  11. Great work clickety. Is it my imagination or are our players really putting on some size? I often watched last year and thought our players looked small in size, compared to the opposition. Seems to me the conditioning of our players is starting to make them look like fair dinkum AFL players
  12. While I have never had any doubt about the character of Nate, perhaps more importantly, this decision says a lot more about the direction this club has taken, which is diametrically opposed to a few years ago. I feel realistically more confident as each day passes. Now all that has to happen is that the injury Karma bus stays well and truly clear of the MFC
  13. The science behind the draft these days is far more accurate than when the draft was first introduced - far more. Whatever the debate is on the nature of the draft - lottery or otherwise - a far greater crime was that for too long we sat back thinking first round draft picks would be a panacea. What we failed to do far more miserably was to develop from within.
  14. If his knees could hold up, Warren Dean and G Lyon would still be skip.
  15. Watching his highlights this is the thing that impressed me the most, as well as being strong overhead. Accepting that they are "highlights" and packaged as such, he did not miss a target. TMac take some lessons from your little bro please.
  16. Agreed. I hadn't seen him in the flesh as a GCS player until this year. The way he gets through traffic and still hits a player on the chest 50+ metres away is astonishing
  17. Listening to SEN this morning, the reports are that the Doctors have not been happy with the recovery process so far and there have been some setbacks.
  18. It is nice to see other Demonlanders are prepared to keep members 'abreast' of available meeting places for before the game. One hopes that that our players will do our 'strip' proud.
  19. First game of the 2015 season, MFC v GCS. Home game on a Saturday. Go figure. Likelihood of no Ablett in round one. Winnable? Yeah, I know we thought it was a lay down misere against the Saints this year. At least we are at home round one, and hopefully, we will roll out several stars of the future.
  20. Probably not. But gee I liked the way he went about it. Not overly endowed with talent, but makes the most of what he has. interesting contrast to some we have/had on our list who didn't manage to do the same. I certainly wouldn't mind his type of grunt on our half back line.
  21. The MFC were into Sam Frost for sometime. Acknowledging that previous MFC football administrations got drafting and trades terribly wrong in the past, this regime is different and switched on. They have identified talent and I for one have faith that this time around the footy department has hit the mark. Let's not get morose over this, even if history tells us we should.
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