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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. Admittedly a highlights package only on the MFC website, but to me Kennedy's skills are close to elite. Good kick, tough in and under, quick and knows where to run. If he can replicate those skills consistently, then I will be very happy we got him.
  2. Ahh it is so nice to see DL returning to its usual positive self. Apparently Roos, Goodwin, McCartney and co have no idea what they're doing
  3. And Gary Buckenara says ................. https://twitter.com/superfooty/status/654463081880420352/photo/1
  4. Oh the irony. So, back on topic. Anything happening at Etihad today? Yawn.
  5. and never forget those pesky PC fools
  6. Wouldn't call it huge, but gee, I would love to be in their position and have the same opportunity to place such a bet.
  7. Polly Clark?.... errr..... Mitch Farmer? Sorry, just can't remember.
  8. The obvious comparison is Hawthorn. Astute trading and drafting, a strong development culture within and fantastic admin (Chris Fagan, Cam Bruce and Oozer, please come home) have seen a remarkable footy club attain a massive feat, which, at the moment, we can only dream of. Sustained success has seen players want to go there (g'day Chip) not for the money, but for premiership success. I would think this is the very thing the Cats are trying to emulate and I am of the view they are well positioned, if not to replicate the Hawks success, but to secure a successful medium to long term future.
  9. Let's compare like with like shall we. We can all find examples which appear to support a particular point of view. With the culture down at sleepy hollow as it is, I would be very confident that they are very well positioned going forward, if I was a Cats supporter.
  10. Write Geelong off at your own peril. Time and again they've proven their ability to overcome what, at first would appear, to be an ageing list and some deficiencies. I think they have done remarkably well, in such a short period that this 'circus' has been underway. Dangerfield, Selwood and even Henderson can only add class, depth and experience to their list. The other thing that the Cats have been good at is development from within. They may well turn up players as future stars, which are currently on their list, which we haven't heard of. I, for one, am somewhat envious. Let's hope we still have something up our red and blue sleeve before this vaudeville show leaves town.
  11. 98% of this trade period is a poor attempt at some AFL theatre. YAWN. Get on with it will youse.
  12. Know exactly what you mean DC in that regard. It was inevitable, given the history and Jim's place in many a heart, that the media would have been all over this, regardless. So perhaps a preemptive strike on Sam's part. Sam is a wonderful human being and only she can know what is in her heart.
  13. I don't think it will happen either. In my view, the price that the manager and Howe have put on his head is just too high for a one trick pony. While I would not be sorry to trade JH for something that may boost our stocks further, I would also not be surprised if a potential trade fell through because of the price being asked.
  14. Ahh, now we know who Chris' alter ego is. Been channeling him for years.
  15. OK, OK. I admit it. .................. I am not Chris from Camberwell. But gee, it does make any Dees supporter cringe when he gets on talk back radio. If he utters any prognostication, you don't even have to think about putting in the waster paper bin.
  16. Actually Clint I reckon it's very likely and makes a lot of sense.
  17. As I said above, the usual 'banal' defence. When devoid of rational argument, all ya gotta do is stoop to puerile name calling.
  18. I don't think it was the photos in themselves that caused the problem, rather it was the comment/s which were attributed to them. The banal line of defence by some - and I don't mean you - that we are being too PC is just ridiculous and does not bear any proper scrutiny. Women have not just suffered in modern history, but for aeons. It is not pc to attempt to remove what has been endemic and intrinsic in a male dominated world since time immemorial. Anyway MD, as I said above, it's done, let's move on and get on with talking about what it will take to make the Dees great again.
  19. Support what the mods have done here. No need to debate he said, she said issues. It's done, move one.
  20. To all 'intensive' purposes, we are all in the same boat. But this 'all goes well' for the future. For a comprehensive list of malaprop, diehard Demon supporter, Greg Shalless' book of poetry, Tall Tales but True is a good read and it will leave everybody on 'tenderhooks'.
  21. I would have thought his job is to get the deal done in the best interests of his client. We can opine all we like as to what those bests interests are, but I would suggest that Connors is in a better place to judge that, than anyone on DL. He is retained by Dangerfield to do just that.
  22. me too. Surely it is hard to tell who the PM is these days? They change so often.
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