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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. The only animals I can think of in such a business are generally slaughtered to put food on our tables. Another spurious analogy.
  2. A selective and spurious quote, which takes the my argument totally out of context. I have had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with many who are hands on in the industry. You will not want to meet a more genuine set of people who love their jobs, their horses and the people they work with. Throw stones from the outside, but until you experience the true thrill of thoroughbred racing, you just will never understand.
  3. Try riding a thoroughbred and see how you go
  4. Gambling will exist no matter what the endeavour. There have been far greater match fixing episodes in what one may term mainstream sports, where people have gone to gaol as a result.
  5. One of the biggest employers of labour in the country. Try riding a half ton beast at speed and see just how fit you have to be. This is as much a sport as anything we have in this country. It has created legends and stars and it's part of our folklore and history. Of course, you don't have to like it and you are entitled to your opinion, but to say the thoroughbred industry is not a sport is simply ludicrous.
  6. Brought back a lot of memories for me Jack. I used to ride my bike through the back streets of Alphington from Ivanhoe to get to school. Only got beaten up once. But then there was a mongrel dog in Bennett Street that used to chase me on my bike. Had a number of tetanus injections as a result. My father and eldest brother both worked at the old APM, which I see is being developed into yet another lego land of apartments.
  7. Hahahaa- Yeah and life membership to the MCC, a free car space, a reserved seat, my own personalised tartan rug, monogrammed letter patches for my houndstooth blazer, a Range Rover from AHG and a free chalet at Falls Creek. We just have to keep turning up that stereo.................type
  8. Got mine yesterday. On the back of last year's card it indicated that I had 48 years of consecutive membership. This year's card says I have 46 years. Now, while I would love roll the years back that easily, I was proud to be approaching 50 years of membership. To their credit, I called the club and they have undertaken to amend this and reinstate my antiquity.
  9. Until this, I thought we had picks 3 & 7, but clearly not necessarily so. While I think I get it, it just doesn't seem any more equitable to me.
  10. Went to a sportsman's night a number of years ago. Merv Hughes was a speaker. He related a story of a Vic Sheffield Shield game, for which Dean Jones was captain. At that time, James Sutherland, current CEO of Cricket Australia debuted in the team, playing at the 'G. A right arm fast bowler usually. Merv was bowling and the ball was clipped down to third man, where Sutherland was fielding. He returned the ball to the keeper with his left arm. Seeing this, Merv turned to Jones and asked; "Is that bloke amphibious?" Typical Merv.
  11. I don't think anyone is suggesting we change the song/tune. The only suggestion as far as I can tell is to add the word 'Melbourne' to the lyrics. Is that so bad?
  12. Yep, that is what they said just before the wheel was invented.
  13. And the best is? Don't you dare blaspheme on here.
  14. Pre Checker Hughes we were also known as the Fuchsias.
  15. The only footy anthem that makes no mention of the name of the team in the song. I love it either way, but I have no issue with adding the word "Melbourne" to the chorus. Don't forget, the main objective of this 'makeover' is to attract an entirely new generation of supporters. No-one really gives a stuff about old farts like me.
  16. I declared that Trent Ormond-Allen would win a Brownlow
  17. Ugggh!!!!! No, I'm a bloke, but still better looking than Caro though.
  18. More than just the logo itself, the launch of it gets space in the mainstream media. In the MFC's previous incarnation, this would have barely rated a mention. To me the launch shows we are back - well and truly - on the AFL media's radar. For me that is a refreshing change and can't be a bad thing.
  19. One of the few to keep Peter Hudson goalless. One of my heroes. Sadly missed. RIP Tassie. You champion.
  20. The essence of good satire is that it deals with the substantive truth. Whatever that truth is, there can be no doubt, that the culture at the MFC during Neeld's and to a much lesser extent, DB's time, was pretty poor. The common denominators, in my view, during both tenures can be sheeted home to a senior executive and a footy department head, who seemed to believe that obtaining top 10 draft picks was all we needed to be successful.
  21. Interesting tweet from Ollie Wines Was he having a crack at the MFC? Ahh, probably not. Just my paranoia. Still wish we drafted him.
  22. He's a big boy and a much needed "mate" for Jesse.
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