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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. From 82 to 86 I think I was curled up in the foetal position in the corner of the room in those days.
  2. And that about sums it up. What compounded this problem is that the regime as it was then failed to retain some leadership of any substance within the group. This led to a lack of development of the younger guys. Dean Bailey was sold out - by whom? Not for me to say, but I know he didn't want JW to play as soon as he did. We are still reaping what was sown back then unfortunately. Similarly the fortunes of the likes of Grimes and Trengove follow that familiar path. The contrast is more stark with Watts because he came with a lot more fanfare at the time. I want to believe in JW, but while I have no doubt as to his natural talent, I am not sure he now has the bottle or the will to take that talent further. Trade him at seasons end? Maybe, but knowing our luck, that will probably come back to bite us on the backside as well
  3. Absolutely misses everything. As for your direction for me to go off to Lakemba. I have done plenty of work with the Muslim community in Lakemba. Have you. Talk about moral grandstanding!!!!! Me being racially vilified? Don't think I've ever claimed that. By the way, we also have domestic religious vilification laws in this country. I'll match my pseudo intellectual arguments with your anytime.
  4. No offence taken MD. A good robust debate is OK. I admire someone who can disagree with a point of view, but do so intelligently. Unlike those who have to resort to epithets such as "do-gooder' and "high horse" Go Dees
  5. Fair enough. Yet he saw fit to apologise to Houli, which he accepted and the Richmond operative who was shaken by what he heard, who also accepted Burns' apology. To me, if there is any substance to this Age article, there are still a lot of unanswered questions: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/radio-host-john-burns-apologises-for-bachar-houli-terror-slur-20150427-1muoho.html
  6. My apologies. SO the point of your "hypotheticals" was ....... ?
  7. I was simply referring to your "comparisons" in one of your posts. What is simple is bigotry should never be tolerated on any level. To try and say degrees of bigotry are OK is "spurious"
  8. Sorry, but I don't understand the point of your question
  9. Ah no. Being Jewish is a whole lot more than subscribing to a certain religious philosophy
  10. Ahh the old term used by people who cannot mount rational, calm and reasoned debate. Define "do-gooder" for me please
  11. Making spurious analogies do not aid or add efficacy to the debate. There are 2 main points here: 1. The allegation is that a senior operative of the RFC believes he heard the word "terrorist' used in relation to a Muslim; player Bachar Houli, uttered by a person of some celebrity. 2. Although a serious allegation, the alleged proprietor says he cannot remember if he did or he did not. If he didn't use the word, in reference to Houli, then end of story. If there is any substance to the allegation, then it cannot be justified by saying it was said in a "private" conversation. For as long as people acquiesce to such language, the more the fabric of our society becomes tarnish. Any such use of words as alleged cannot and should not be tolerated. Simple
  12. Something about drawing long bows comes to mind. In this case very long and verging on the ridiculous.
  13. Legislation also exists regarding religious vilification. Either way, your point is moot. Whatever anybody wants to call it, it is simply wrong and therefore unacceptable.
  14. I recall years ago at a Friday night game at the G, we were playing the Cats. At that time we had the Cockatoo-Collins boys on our list and both were playing that night. Certainly, their efforts were below par, but they were not alone, as we got smashed that night. 2 Melbourne members in front of me made comment to the effect of the boys going walkabout, as they all do. This was not broadcast news for the whole ground to hear, but I left the people concerned in no uncertain terms that what they said was wrong and inappropriate. 'All it takes for evil to prevail in this world is for enough good men to do nothing'
  15. No it's not. The analogy is with Judaism. Not just a religion, but a way of life. You are certainly born to it.
  16. No-one can be certain of anyones' guilt or otherwise, unless they were there. However, the point is well made. If what has been alleged was not said, then no need for apology and one would stand on that principle. Again, where the allegation made is so serious, you would think someone who is the subject of that allegation could recall whether they said it or not. Certainly Brendan Gale went public and attested to the integrity of his executive who made the allegation. I am sorry, but I just don't buy the "I can't recall if I said it or not" defence.
  17. And the point is? Whether racial or religious vilification, it is just not on under any circumstances. For the record, Islam is not just a religion, it is way of life, intertwined with a cutlure.
  18. He was actually enjoyed life too much and was known to turn up to "work" a little worse for wear. As for "Burns", when an allegation is made, such as the one that had been levelled against him, it beggars belief, as far as I'm concerned, that you would not remember whether you uttered such words or not. The haste with which the so-called apology was accepted is equally hard to accept. I am not making judgement, but a 13 year old girl was called to account and held to account, when she vilified Adam Goodes. How has this issue been swept under the carpet so quickly?
  19. Didn't Derryn Grinch renounce the MFC sometime ago, due to his perception of the MFC's treatment of women? I wouldn't lose any sleep if he did
  20. I think Adam Scott has a link to the Dees, given his friendship with Jeff White.
  21. So an AFL match to commemorate those that served and fell in war is is simply about TV ratings and $$$$$$. A bit sad really
  22. I guess my main point is that play a stand alone game in Melbourne on ANZAC Day, between any 2 Vic teams, and you will pack out the 'G. It should never be forgotten that the MFC - unfortunately - was over-represented in terms of casualties in war. After all, our best and fairest trophy is named after Bluey Truscott; an ace pilot who lost is life while on active duty, not too mention the loss of Ron Barassi Senior. Of course 'Barassi' being a name which will live on in the annuls of VFL/AFL History, now and forever. Should ANZAC Day be about blockbusters or to honour those who laid down their lives for their mates and country? The MFC gave more than its fair share of favourite sons.
  23. From the AFL website. "Great Forgotten Anzac Day Matches" Melbourne 17.11 (113) d Collingwood 10.17 (77) Waverley, round six, 1991 Questions began to hover over the reigning premiers as they dropped their second game of the year, this time to Melbourne at VFL Park on Anzac Day. The Magpies had struggled to recapture their premiership form from 1990 and let themselves down with poor kicking for goal. By contrast Melbourne built on its recent good form. Darren Cuthbertson continued his brilliant start to his career by booting seven goals and Darren Bennett played a more than handy support role with a bag of five. New recruit Paul Williams was one of few shining lights for Collingwood in the 36-point loss. I was there that day. Bright sunshine and a packed AFL Park. Oh what a day and thank goodness for memories such as these.
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