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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. Normally go for work, but did treat myself to a tour down the coast from Hanoi to Saigon in 2013. Hoi Anh and Nha Trang being my 2 favourite places. But ..............Sssshhhhhh!!!!! We don't want the rest of the world to find out how good it is and how inexpensive it is for hotels, food and grog. Bali?????? pfffft
  2. Just an observation. Nothing more. There are names being floated all over the place, with a view to moving clubs, but the observation is, no deals have been done ....... just yet
  3. These days footy commentators/journos are highly over valued. Just think if Robbo can be called head football writer at the Hun, and absolutely butcher the English language, then it shows how devalued they have become. Wussell would fit in perfectly in Monty Python's Biggus Dickus skit.
  4. On tippin winners at the races, I give him a big fat zero. On his footy connections, I'd give him a 7
  5. I once predicted the fall of the Roman Empire. Seriously, I have no information other than what my snout gave me. That's all.
  6. Can't be sure on that one LH, but I would think sometime after the Granny is done and dusted.
  7. Not my prediction Ernest. It comes from my 'reliable source'
  8. You've made my day Bub. Heard from the axiomatic 'reliable source' that Roosy is currently walking around with a smile he just can't wipe of his face. Apparently he is pretty chuffed at landing another 'big fish', which will be announced when the time is right. I just hope my 'reliable source' is correct.
  9. Does not divert the argument at all. We have anachronistic public holidays in any event. The argument is not about whether to have this holiday, but rather penalty rates in general. My core business is in the hospitality space and I can promise you none of my clients will be closing on the grand final holiday.
  10. So as I said earlier, if the argument is about penalty rates in general, then let's have that debate, but to suggest one day is going to nobble the economy does not stand up to scrutiny by any measure. Like I said, if you are going to have this debate, let's be even handed about it. Why not flick the anachronistic Queen's Birthday and quaint Melbourne Cup holidays. What do these cost employers?
  11. I remember having the whole of Show Day Thursday off and heading out to Caulfield races. Ahh, how good were the Underwood and Rupert Clarke Stakes. I think from my distant memory, the time honoured Marlboro Cup was run on the same day - of course you wouldn't get away with naming a horse race after a packet of coffin sticks these days. Then of course, you would "flex" a day off on the Monday before the Cup to have a 4 day weekend. Ya just gotta love 'strayia. EDIT: The Marlboro Cup actually became the Sir Rupert Clarke Stakes. - The memory is shot.
  12. We are the only country/state in the world that has a holiday for a horse race. We take a long weekend so we can watch the Dees against the filth on a Monday ------- or go to the snow, to celebrate a Queen's birthday, which is not even her birthday, in which case WA celebrate the same Monarch's birthday at a different time of the year. The old Show Day Holiday was taken away, which was in place for the benefit of Victorian farmers originally. Go figure, we can have a day off for a Queen, but we can't have a day off, leading into one of the best and most spectacular sporting days on the calendar. To be honest, in Australia, the "Queen's" Birthday is an absolute anachronism. The opponents of this are using it to make their protest against penalty rates in general, particularly in the hospitality industry. That is a different debate all together. One public holiday is not going to make any real difference in that regard.
  13. Sorry, but this entire saga goes beyond putting yourself "in the best position to compete in September" It is about a principle which goes to the very heart of the integrity of the AFL and the fact that a good man's reputation was sullied by a kangaroo court and a travesty
  14. You can't have it both ways. The record stands, we were found not guilty of tanking. You can editorialise all you like, but it does not change the facts. As others have said on here, DB was made the fall guy in all of this and took the hit along with Connolly. In my view DB was extremely hardly done by. The point being, if we "brought the game into disrepute", then we were not alone. The AFL realised that they had made a rod for their own backs, by having a draft system that rewarded mediocrity. They had to put a stop to it and used the softly, softly approach to send a message to the entire competition. As late as yesterday, there were those commentators lamenting Brisbane's win on the weekend, as they are now likely not to get the cream of the this year's draft or have as much trade bait, as they might otherwise have done. Kidding myself? Quite the opposite really. I understand the 'political' realities of today's AFL industry. We were used as the example for punishment, but were not found guilty of anything, other than employing people who brought the game into disrepute. By doing what they did, the AFL put a shot across the bows of all AFL clubs. The AFL knew they had to and at the time, we were seen by them as the softest target. Hence they, by default, paid the fine for us. But in the memory of DB, I truly believe he was treated very poorly through all of this charade. If he had a name like Buckley, Malthouse or Sheedy, it would not have happened to him.
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