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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. I would have hoped that after our performance last Sunday, we would have had a boost in numbers, but we seem to have stagnated. If we knock off the Toigs this week, it will be interesting to see what happens. If no bump in membership figures then, it becomes a little bit concerning.
  2. I don't get this. Constant observations about; if they had kicked straight, the result would have been different. If a goal is kicked, obviously the ball goes back to the middle. Therefore a different play ensues. You cannot speculate about what might have been, when a different play could equally mean, a different opportunity in terms of how the next play turns out and therefore an opportunity for a different scoring result for either team.
  3. Bottom line is if Buckley gets shafted, Eddie Everywhere will move heaven and earth to get a marquee coach, if for no other reason but to keep sponsorship up and Collingwood in the headlines.
  4. You beat me to the punch. Been thinking about this very thing all day. My father always told me to never bet on anything that can talk. But I reckon I might put a few shekels on at those odds. If he can stay fit and we keep on our current trajectory of improvement, I reckon JV can be a real chance.
  5. Could not agree more OD. Love or loathe Mike Sheehan, at least he is what a journalist should be. Slobbo is no more than an oaf, which appeals to bogan element. Old Alf Brown would be turning in his grave at the thought of Robinson being head football writer.
  6. This may have already have been said on the 14 or so pages on this topic, but after the week Collingwood had in the media, they were always going to fire up against us. No matter how crap they are, yesterday's win is even more meritorious for us, as a result of the scrutiny placed on Collingwood by the media. It would seem the lessons have been learned from the Essendon debacle. We could have easily have gone into this game with the same mind set. I feel pretty pumped about the future at present.................... please don't do it again to me Dees. Norm, are you listening?
  7. For quite sometime, that's all we've really had. Only difference this time is that the dreams seem somehow more real.
  8. Understood Rusty, but if we can even approach that level of final performance in a final's series in the next couple of years, I will be extremely happy.
  9. I recall Brad Green ripping it apart in the final against Carlton in 2000.
  10. It is just so good to have this "problem". Can't remember the last time there was some much quality competition for spots in our side.
  11. Damn. I am so jealous. I never even got close.
  12. Very sad to hear that. I remember him well. Very lean times back then of course, but I remember fondly the trips as a young fellow down to the lakeside oval to watch the night premiership games and Phil Rhoden's booming drop kicks from fullback. RIP John.
  13. Exactly. Why does it seem to always happen to us?
  14. Anyone remember what happened to this guy? http://www.triplem.com.au/melbourne/sport/afl/news/2014/8/brisbane-lions-big-man-daniel-merrett-was-reported-for-striking-melbourne-demons-utility-cam-pedersen/#ooid=o4aGVmbzq3b74P9BM2naPNZ6y5bkOv0R
  15. Titus provides advice to those of us who support a bad team. http://titusoreily.com/tips-supporting-terrible-team/
  16. Nope, nothing to do with sliding doors. It is all to do with different realities, as a result of different plays.
  17. This line of thinking always intrigues me. I agree, the possession so easily won by GWS, which provided those shots on goal, were of a concern. However, if the shot is actually a goal, the ensuing play becomes an entirely different scenario, as the ball goes back to the centre. As a result, when that occurs, there obviously is no guarantees that the other shots which missed, would have actually been opportunities for further 6 point scores. It is beyond a cliche to say bad kicking is bad football. Bad kicking leads to an entirely different play, which would not have ensued if a goal had been kicked.
  18. Agreed, but until we learn to run and spread, with genuine gut running, set up our kick in from a point strategy, so we just don't bomb it to a contest all the time and learn to use the corridor, that aint going to happen
  19. Since the conjecture has arisen about whether JH will re-new his contract with the MFC or not, I have held the view that money alone will not keep him at Melbourne. In my opinion, the driving force behind any decision Jesse may make, will be the performance of the team and a clear indication of progression, with the team being realistically on track to play finals in the not too distant future. While that may be a reasonable expectation for any professional footballer to have, with a view to their future job satisfaction, Jesse surely understands he has a crucial stakeholding in the direction he wants to see his side take. If he's simply ambivalent - and obviously I can't say he is or he isn't - then his long term tenure at the MFC may become a very real concern. In short, Jesse must also be part of the solution and not sit back and think he will get what he wants by his team mates doing it all for him
  20. Justin Koschitzke was pretty good at blind siding himself. Say there are other players like him. If a player bumps or tackles such a player, are they to be pinged for that player's own ineptness and lack of awareness?
  21. Did he fail or did he have one hand tied behind his back. I still think of those thumping victories against the Lions and the Swans under this watch. At the time, Roos was of the view that we would soon have the best list in the AFL. So what happened? I'll leave you all to ponder that.
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