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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. 1. We are still a young and developing side. 2. The wind ...... yes the wind. 3. In the not too distant past we would have meekly capitulated in games like this. 4. It was, after all, a NAB challenge game. We were not playing for 4 points. 5. All teams experiment, in some form or another in the NAB comp. 6. The bullies were not as undermanned as some on here would have you believe. 7. The bullies now have serious depth in their list. 8. That we could make so many mistakes and still win is a good sign, not necessarily a negative. 9. Goodwin at the helm in the 2 NAB games thus far, only augurs well for the future. 10. To state the obvious, for the sake of confidence, winning is always better than an "honourable" loss.
  2. Why???? You miss the point. And you have basically answered your points in your own post.
  3. Except, not long ago we would have meekly capitulated. The difference is in the attitude and the body language.
  4. How much are they paying Tom Boyd? While it's debatable as to whether a significant cohort of bullies who lined up yesterday are in the best 22, most are hardly 2nd stringers. Anyway, I guess we'll never appease the doomsayers. I don't reckon that the coaching staff would have said, the WB have many missing today, so go out and spank them. NAB Challenge game. Do you reckon we had nothing left in the tank?
  5. Geez, you just can't win with some people. Many decry the NAB Challenge as nothing more than a glorified set of practice matches, which it probably is. Of course, we don't want injuries, we all want to see how the new guys go - C Oliver will be a beauty - and we hope that whatever occurs, leads to some real momentum going into the season proper. Also, none on here know what the objectives are, which of course are set internally. I, for one, feel somewhat satisfied that we have won the 2 Challenge games we've played thus far, regardless of what was put up against us on the park, on any given day, during the NAB. For the MFC, leading into our season launch, the value and benefits of these wins may well be seen later in the season. Let's just believe that momentum will build.
  6. Absolutely agree. He is still 20, with his entire AFL career in front of him. He is only in his 2nd year and with 2 seasons left on his contract, a lot can happen between now and then. We keep forgetting that for AFL players, their football careers are their entire livelihood, so it would be against his own interests to put pen to paper right now. He has a perfect right to weigh up his future. That said, I am confident that the major drivers in whatever decision he does make, will not be money or the 'go home' factor. He simply wants to see our footy club is clearly heading in the right direction and that he can see a future where he will play a pivotal role in a red hot finals campaign in the not too distant future. And that is his right. Kick ass in 2016 Jesse.
  7. think Hawthorn 2008. ............. no wait. Shouldn't dare to dream after our last decade. Should I?
  8. It could be this one. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=vinnie+jones&view=detail&mid=08F28F58AFCD85529DB208F28F58AFCD85529DB2&FORM=VIRE5
  9. Clubs which have already high memberships, good form over successive years, in the home and away and have no trouble getting positive media coverage - we all know who they are - are not particularly concerned about NAB challenge, other than seeing it as 'glorified practice' matches. Clubs like us though need it for the reasons listed above, but of course conversely. Even with the risk of injury, we need to show something in this series to sure up our position. With it being Roos' last year as head - I'm sure Goody will do a good job after hand over - a rising sense of realistic hope, some young kids, which for a change, our recruiters seemed to have nailed at draft selection and the trade table, a good showing in this mickey mouse competition is vital for the MFC in 2016 in my view
  10. Still can't find the link to the Herald Sun story that Redleg referred to.
  11. As mickey mouse as it may be, we really need to shine in the NAB challenge competition, to excite those not yet committed. I would hate to see injuries as a result, but we need to clearly show we're ready to improve markedly.
  12. Best not to hypothesise on this. As with anyone who is going through an upheaval in their life, I wish G Lyon all the best. As a player he was a champion of the MFC. As a man.......... I don't know him personally
  13. Try using liquid paper Fester. ............ Oh ..... wait!!!
  14. In my view, any apparent surge in membership results from the us against them mentality and we need to stand by the boys rationale. The real affects of this travesty will be felt in the longer term, if, as suspected, the EFC are on the receiving end of some beltings. Remember, despite the fact they have had dibs on top up players, most of those chosen have not had a pre-season and won't have match conditioning. They are a long way behind the rest of the field.
  15. Not only that, but with the Free Trade agreement recently being enacted into Law, the potential for networking between Australian and Chinese interests is huge. For those who have ever done business in China, you will know that it can take a considerable amount of time to earn the trust of joint venture partners in China. However, once you have managed to have achieved that, is it full steam ahead.
  16. I suppose after years of Murphy's Law applying at the MFC, it's not surprising, but gee what a pessimistic lot we can be sometimes.
  17. This move by the MFC is great initiative which will appeal to the not insignificant female footy following market. To in any way question it or devalue it does not make any business sense whatsoever. Well done PJ.
  18. Reversing Ralphy's truck will be backing up sooner than he thinks. Just wait for the reversing beeps.
  19. Understood BB, but a great win nonetheless. Brad Green was sensational that day, but Oozer was incredible. The atmosphere at the 'G was amazing when we came back from being so far down, then we were headed again, but still came out on top. Still makes the hair on back of my neck stand on end. Amazing day.
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