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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. Nooooooo Mac. Please don't ask him to defy logic again.
  2. No sorry you've lost me. I have represented many women, who have been the subject of domestic violence. My role on a committee is a spin off from my advocacy.
  3. Got no idea what you mean Geoff. What have I said that is surprising for someone who chairs a domestic violence committee?
  4. Understandable. But Stuie gets away with insulting me and questioning the integrity of what I do, in the area of domestic violence. Go figure.
  5. Thank you Chris. Maybe war is the exception, but even then its anathema.
  6. OK, if he said he wanted her beaten to a pulp, then that is inexcusable.
  7. I wasn't referring to Eddie. Apparently, some on here can't chew gum and walk at the same time.
  8. I understand it was meant for SWYL, thanks Chris. But unless I have missed something, I fail to see where he's condoned, provoked or supports violence against women. Perhaps you could now give Stuie some counsel.
  9. Who said it did Chris? I am treating the quality of her journalism as a completely separate issue. Would you like me to start a new topic?
  10. No that is extremely distasteful and I find it exceedingly offensive. Please show me where I have engaged in victim blaming. Moderators!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Geez, what a quantum leap in logic. Do you read posts thoroughly, or do you cherry pick to suit your own agendas? Anyway ................................... [edit] by the way Stuie, I chair a committee on Domestic Violence against women. You do understand I purposely differentiated in my posts between violence against women and responsible journalism. Do you?
  12. Hey Stuie, back off the personal epithets. You seem like an angry man to me.
  13. Really????? So all care no responsibility? Yep, makes sense to me. I will repeat, violence, threats of violence, behaviour from men that nurtures violent attitudes, should not be tolerated under any circumstances. However, journos need to be held to far more account than they are at the present time. The damage they can cause people, by what they write, can often be life changing for the person who is the target of the 'comment"
  14. I would suggest that this goes without saying. Violence in these - and most - circumstances, is simply unacceptable, but that should not make a journo immune from rigorous criticism. While I hate to say it, I agree with Nathan Buckley on much of the way footy is reported by journos theses days. Too often, the journo becomes the news themselves. Let's not forget, much of what Caro writes and that neanderthal Robinson, is comment, dressed up as news. In the case of Caro, when the veracity of her comment pieces is questioned her response is all too often, don't shoot the messenger. She can't have it both ways. But again, with all that said, she should not be the target of blokey banter, which Eddie considers is justified.
  15. Didn't take it that way at all Bub. Your point was well made. The impetus from Tullamarine (hahaha, now who's the pedant) is, as I said, nothing but flag waving, by a club that has had its reputation ruined. They still may well face civil action from players, for failing to provide a safe 'workplace'. Whoosha probably thinks that by going on the front foot, it gives them some respite from serial dragging through the mud they have endured in the media.
  16. Yes Bub, I was speaking generically. newspaper - see media
  17. Just to get back on topic. This is perhaps the greatest non-footy story of the year. PJ's experience as a Football Club executive is almost peerless. There is no way he would engage in any activity which would risk sanction. Worsfold, on the other hand, is simply on a flag waving exercise for the beleaguered club, which he coaches. Nothing more. It is the old newspaper trick of raising the ire of opposition supporters to increase sales.
  18. To suggest PJ would not know the protocols is ludicrous. That's why players have managers. When PJ was asked by Ox this morning on SEN, about how far down the track were the conversations with 'Hibberd's people', PJ laughed at first and then simply confirmed the club's interest. Woosha was just flying the flag. Nothing to see here. Move on.
  19. It still pains me that they will get the number one pick in the draft. The AFL are of the view that they have done their time. They have been sanctioned for a systemic breach, which put in danger the well being of young men plying their trade. They have already been found guilty of OH&S breaches. Such an unprecedented pattern of behaviour, will, by default, be rewarded. In the meantime, the caveat emptor rule applies to those clubs which, in good faith, drafted former Essendon player in 2015
  20. Yes, we certainly can, but big bodied, key position backs don't exactly fall off trees. The demand for them makes the competition to secure their services pretty intense.
  21. PJ might be putting up a smoke screen to distract from the main target, which I have heard is Hurley.
  22. Yes and if JH did actually day something to a Lions player, he might have said they better not show me up as the bunny - referring to Freo of course. By the way Stretch, is that a lisp you have?
  23. Unless you're an expert, lip reading can be a very dangerous pastime.
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