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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. A mate of mine tells me Frost's toe problem has recurred. Anybody else heard anything?
  2. The book has a lot more factual content than much of the pulp fiction being pedalled on here.
  3. I still say Jake Melksham will line up on the HBF for the Dees, come round 1 2016, injury permitting
  4. Ahh the old bias chestnut. In the eye of the beholder, regardless of how myopic that beholder may be.
  5. Why do people have to resort to pinning nasty epithets on people, which it would seem, is simply because they hold divergent point of view to theirs? Le Grand is anything but a 'Nong', nor, as far as I know, is he a 'rent boy' for the EFC. As a journalist of long standing, I would reckon his investigations into this saga, are far more in depth that anything that has gone on in this forum. I certainly hold no affection for the EFC, but there a rules of law, rules of procedural fairness and natural justice which must be applied, regardless of whether you hate the protagonists to the core or not.
  6. Yep, that will always win out, that sought of cogent argument
  7. In the case of Lance Armstrong, who never failed a doping test, he was done on the basis of compelling and critical witnesses, who were with him in the team bus, when the doping was going on and blood transfusions were taking place. In fact, these same witnesses were guilty of taking the same stuff, in the same bus. Clearly, in this case, there is no such compelling evidence or testimony available with regard to the Essendon saga.
  8. Chip Le Grand who has written a book about this and covered the saga extensively in his newspaper column, said this on SEN this morning
  9. As the say in the classics, Jack V's dad seems to have been in a very good paddock.
  10. I think it behoves any board to seek the best outcome for the body corporate it represents. Ambit claims included.
  11. For those interested in thoroughbred racing - and I know a lot on here aren't - Bryan Martin does an excellent interview program at 11:00 am on Saturdays, called This Racing Life. Interviewed Peter Donegan last week
  12. That the players have been found to take a banned substance.
  13. Not at all. I simply don't accept what you put forward as fact. Certainly not evidence which can be relied upon.
  14. My apologies. I meant the Supreme Court action. dateline 12 December 204
  15. Precisely. The AFL investigation was botched. They failed in their due diligence, could not make subpoenas stick so as to get the Chemist and Dank before the Federal Court. Make no mistake, I think the EFC have been badly negligent in all of this and their actions make the MFC 'tanking' investigation look like a fractured fairy tale. But let's not forget where this current debate began. We witnessed a presser where a couple of politicians, representing a government which was clearly on the nose with the electorate, saying that this saga was the darkest day in Australian sport and that they would ensure the full force of the law would be brought down upon the perpetrators. Let's show that we are a strong Government. Not likely. It simply did not happen. The current discussion began on another thread, as to whether Jake Melksham would get to run out with the red and blue in round 1 of 2016. My view is he will, as despite the appalling actions of the EFC, he and his brothers had no intent to take banned substances.
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