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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. Yes he is, but any club would need to know the intentions of seriously required player, well before the expiry of a current contract. If a player stays, then all good. If a player goes, then plan B has to be implemented and contingencies put in place. This can take time, if plan B is required.
  2. Wherever I lay my hat: Interesting lyrics in this context:
  3. God forbid we enter into constant cliche, but home is where the heart is, regardless of what us Melbournians may think of the place.
  4. And there's the rub. No-one is saying Jesse is in any direct dealings, but managers being what they are will often bend the rules.
  5. I totally agree with this Mo. We won't know of course, but I reckon the MFC will be saying by the end of this year, we need to know Jesse, as we have to plan for the future.
  6. Can't say, as that would reveal the person's name. And who said it was a "he"?
  7. Like I said, I told him I would only believe it, when I see it.
  8. A certain person who works for Freo, is an expat Melburnian. This person was in Melbourne a couple of weeks ago. A friend of mine, who is a friend of this person, caught up for a drink. This person, working for Freo, told my friend that Freo had "sealed" the deal. My response to my friend? You didn't need that second bottle of red and I will believe it, only when I see it. My fingers remain firmly crossed.
  9. Sorry, but there is no comparison. Your analogy is just wrong
  10. His old man is a Dees man who tips into the club substantially
  11. Interesting reading. Make of it what you will http://www.afl.com.au/news/2016-05-17/no-suns-contract-talks-for-prestia-despite-passionate-defence
  12. Precisely DC. The person who is cited should at least be given a chance to respond to the charge. Simple procedural fairness. To impose a sanction, based on some questionable formula is a bad principle to begin with. At least give the person an initial right of reply. After all, we are talking about their livelihoods here.
  13. He lives just near me. Top bloke and down to earth. I have wished him well on behalf of all Demon supporters. I tried to get him to consider joining the Dees, a couple of years back but he wouldn't even give it a second thought. I wonder why?
  14. No doubt we still have significant holes in our list, in particular strong bodied KPB's, but what is clear so far this year is if we don't turn up with our brains in gear, we get beaten. Other than a very honourable - and I hate using that word - loss to Roos, we have been beaten by a side which it can be said are on a par with us, or, in the case of Essendon, below par at the moment. Make no mistake, the Dogs are a good side, but beat us well, because they were more skilled and had an intensity at the contest we could not match. As things stand now, we just have to accept the deficiencies in our playing stocks, but to me the greatest challenge that the coaching staff have at the moment is to make sure our boys are switched on when they cross the white line. While I hate to admit it, Bolton has led the way in motivating players, which have at best, average overall skills. There is still a lot to like about the Dees, going forward.
  15. I would have thought this goes against the code of conduct. Just absolutely no need for this.
  16. Not sure, by the grab you refer to how this seems to have changed. I would suggest that being where you want to be has a lot to do with the environment of the place you want to be in, which includes an environment of success, with a direct correlation to wins/losses
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