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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. who here cares what Sheahan thinks? his job is to sell newspapers
  2. Thanks Jack Just my opinion but I think the Locker Room should be just for current players currently in the real current locker room Discussion of past players if it comes up can stay on the footy board Keeps it nice and simple
  3. falling apart already some $%^& moved voldemort to the locker room.......go figure
  4. Failure to replace Leoncelli's role was two fold. [1] There was no other board member with football skills to step in temporarily except Jim. Jim already had president responsibilities, quite apart from his illness. The board allowing Jim to take on this additional role was plain stupid regardless of his good intentions. [2] It took too long to find a replacement. Even then it seems that Healy can only provide limited time (?) hence the change in role of Craig. I have no problem with Craig having this change of role but not if it is at the expense of a Director being restricted time-wise. It potentially leaves Craig compromised if he is seen to be doing part of the job of a Director. I know there are excuses, some of which you mention, but nevertheless they are excuses and don't hide the fact that this was a failure of the Board which shouldn't have happened. It was probably also a failure which was a key element to the organisational 'problems' escalating as they did That's as much as I want to say. I'd prefer to put it behind us at this time in light of the recent massive reorganisations.
  5. seems to me they are more focused on haircuts. could this be sheedy's secret weapon? while the opposition are doubled over in laughter the Giants pile on the goals. Reminds me of a Python skit but I can't remember which (WYL?)
  6. are you saying that in all of Melbourne we couldn't find one person to replace Leoncelli in a reasonable timeframe? That's a worry. are you saying "good men, highly respected and intelligent" don't make mistakes? Look, like I said I'm not in favour of dwelling on these issues or having a witch-hunt but your arguments just don't stand up or are not relevant.
  7. Rhino's right. [1] Leoncelli's role was pivotal to the board/club and he should have been replaced immediately. A bad mistake. [2] McLardy approaching/involving players re club politics was definitely a no-no for a board member OK lets recognise these mistakes and put them behind us. I think the board now recognise they were mistakes. The club has made massive structural changes for the good and these issues are now a blip in history and we need not dwell on them. We can all play judge on McLardy's (and the board's) performance in light of the changes at the end of the season. For christsakes bring on the footy
  8. you make a compelling case BH with the right instructions and game plan I'm happy with Barts in the BL but please keep him out of the FL (as we saw towards the end of the season) where you can't hide your kickingj
  9. yeah, i don't have any problems. it's risky but I think it might just work
  10. well with neeld at the helm it is all up to Flash now.... there will be no charity
  11. Maybe, but it depends. Green may have indicated he would prefer to focus on his footy and didn't want to be in the glare of leadership. I dunno. Moloney is a bit harder to figure out I worry a little how Aaron will take it Seems all those dropped were all captain or co-vice-captains. Maybe a clean slate was seen as more harmonious I don't think we will ever get the true non-spin picture I hope the coaches sat down with all those dropped from the LG/©/(VC) and sorted it out amicably
  12. There's nothing stopping these guys being leaders on the field (and off). You don't have to be in the LG
  13. Maybe they felt they had to have a least one fwd in the LG and they saw him as the best fit. Howe and Watts may be future leaders in the fwd group?
  14. Jack, the problem is that this (186) is now history and I dare say that no-one knows all of what happened and why, or all the 'facts'. I'm sure though there would be no end of people claiming to know all. This issue would be full of many grey areas, emotions and speculations. There would be no black and white answers, just interpretations. That's the interesting thing about History, everyone has their own version or interpretation. Just ask David Irving. The important thing now is as you said that it brought things to a head and resulted in a massive amount of change. We will just have to trust that the current administration have made the right choices and give it enough time before a future judgement Again as you said, poring over the entrails would achieve nothing and risk much, as the club has 'acted and moved-on' dramatically from 186 I'm optimistic that it was all for the better and I have tucked away any lingering doubts over already spilt milk
  15. Sounds like voldemort is getting lots of opportunity to "check out the facilities" Quote "... with the new club forced to train at six different venues"
  16. Yes, but I expect that distinction will go over certain posters heads Its interesting that those who want the hard questions asked/discussed didn't appear to have attended Lets all move on. We know mistakes were made, we know there have been huge restructuring changes (which most seem to approve of) Only time now will tell whether we are back on track. Picking at scabs will achieve nothing but a distraction
  17. Well to a certain extent the lack of discussion of unpleasant topics is also an indictment on the attendees of the AGM. Nothing was stopping them from asking the hard questions. They were perfectly entitled to do so, but they either weren't fussed or squibbed it. That is not to say they would have received extensive or adequate answers but at least it would be on record for all to see There is always two sides to the coin It would seem the members who attended weren't that fussed (except for one guy re issues of "culture")
  18. #8 "Jesus Voldemort what the fcuk happened to your head" #9 "When Dipper said he wanted to play "Cowboys & Indians" I didn't realise he was going to try and scalp me" #8 "You were lucky he didn't suggest "Doctors & Nurses" or he would probably have torn you a new one"
  19. apparently sheedy wanted to make sure there was no mfc feeling there.....but they couldn't find any.....didn't find anything else either
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