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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. The Fat Controllers biggest sin is his handling of Clash Jumpers and his insistence on 'predominately white' thought I'd just drop that one in.....
  2. My apologies bing. Neeld did say that and quite categorically too, not just a bit of normal spin Frankly I'm amazed he went so far in his comments I guess we'll see if he picks him 1st round I certainly hope he makes it, but my comments were more to the point that his record would seem to indicate he has a long way to go, and some posters seemed to be getting a little carried away.
  3. Maybe he was misquoted? He might have said genocide? or generosity?
  4. I'm getting good vibes on Rory Lets hope they are the same good vibes I had when Jeremy Howe was picked Good luck and welcome Rory
  5. If you really want a conspiracy theory then there is evidence that HWFUA was secretly planned from birth to be a GWS player. It seems his parents even timed his birth to ensure he would end up being a Giants player. It is no coincidence that his birthdate of 15.5.1991 (15+5+1991= 2011=4) sums to the exact numeric value as do the initials GWS ( 7+23+19=49=13=4). This family has been planning this for a very long time. Shoddy, Grubby and Dimwit were just pawns in a bigger conspiracy.
  6. just maybe as a rookie. he would need to convince club he is prepared to be full-time and fair dinkum. might make it mon
  7. Rubbish (re the player welfare argument) If the instruction to steer clear of a player is obviously intended towards not performing at best or losing a game then it is tanking. If the player then under instructions allows his player to beat him pointless then he is tanking too regardless of whether he was following instructions or not. It didn't work at Nuremburg and it doesn't work here Anway getting back to the original claim by you that McMahon Cup was the most blatant example of tanking. My belief is that the Kreuzer Cup was more blatant (or at least as prominent and obvious) If the AFL was so upset about McMahon Cup and wanting to extract some payback, why weren't they equally looking for payback over the Kreuzer Cup right............sure............(cough) .
  8. we are talking here of Carlton not Bailey. You already agreed that Ratten told his players (or some of them) to not go near Trapper and that they didn't. That therefore makes them complicit in tanking. Like I said, simple logic
  9. If the coach gave a player an instruction to tank and the players agreed then the players tanked. It's quite simple and a different proposition to playing players out of position and leaving key players on the bench at critical times and for long periods. The Carlton players tanked.
  10. well explain how trapper johnstone got 40+ kicks with no-one within 10m of him if players didn't tank and how did we thrash a side that was roughly at our standard if not slightly better
  11. In the McMahon Cup the coach tanked but the players tried to win.......result close game lost by kick after siren In the Kreuzer Cup the coach tanked and the players tanked..........result scum lost by a walkover you tell me which was more blatant
  12. A lot of posters need to get their hand off of it re Sellar 5 years, 20 games and delisted and picked up at 54, yet people see him as a 'ready-to-play' KPP no less Get real people, he has an uphill battle ahead of him realistically and won't even squeeze in a full pre-season He's a long-shot but Casey should be pleased to get a big body down there
  13. Nowhere near as blatant as the Kreuzer Cup............and...we damned near won the McMahon Cup!
  14. you seriously believe the moon landing was faked?
  15. I think when Dimwit said it was a stroke of genius, he was refering more to the fact that, with Phil's signing, he (Dimwit), would no longer be the fattest tool in the AFL.
  16. Nah, I think it was just a reflection on the pies they had for lunch (Phat Phil provided them I believe)
  17. dunno how you worked that out Lets assume no compo picks of any kind (very unlikely) except for us Bottom 9 picks (there are 18 clubs) Pick 10 (for 9th place) Pick 11 (for after 1st round compo) Pick 12 (for 10th place) Pick 13 (for mid first round compo - nb 'mid' is 'before finalists') Of course throw in other teams compo picks and it all slips further
  18. JCB read yesterday's (Thurs) Hun article on Manson and see if you are still interested - Will a goanna hunter be AFL's next big thing in the national draft? Sounds like he would be much harder to tie down in Melbourne than Aussie.
  19. you have to download microsucks' Siverlight (sp?) product first as bigpond uses it extensively
  20. I don't think the report from his 'manager' in the Hun today did him any favours Wanted to be a part-time player
  21. told you he was a rookie contender at best - too speculative
  22. hahaha............he's got Dolly Parton instead
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