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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. no, not on home detention, explicitly disallowed, otherwise I'm sure he would have
  2. and i believe he is a Tiggers man
  3. I can assure you without doubt he did indeed........but I suspect the question was rhetorical
  4. Sometimes too you can't win The only people i dislike in my street happen to be the only other Dee's supporters in the street And they live dead opposite
  5. was that North Hobart or North Launceston dee-luded?
  6. maybe we could play williamstown or werribee?
  7. keep the comments flowing....appreciated
  8. With all due respect wyl it is about a lot, lot more than just law or a clash of laws. That certainly may be one aspect of it, but only one of many. Best not to over-generalise Cheers
  9. Talking of Col, is he allowed to play for Casey round 1? A bit of match practice should b good for all concerned
  10. Chook, whilst a lot of people don't understand the problems of indigenous australians or don't care, there are a lot of people who do, a lot of people who help and a lot of money available to assist. The issue is probably more about finding solutions that make a difference, as it is about recognising problems A lot of good people are trying to find solutions. Its just not that easy, but try we must Just a slightly different perspective
  11. I think there are a LOT of people in our culture who DO care about our indiginous people Caring and having solutions are however entirely different matters Its very sad, tragic and frustrating. I'm still hopeful of a good outcome for Liam
  12. Timmy, thanks for all the links you provide.....saves a lotof legwork
  13. yes he's got the tricks, he just doesn't get anywhere near enough of the ball unfortunately
  14. I'll give you the first three, and hope you are a better judge than me on no.4
  15. Sadly, there are times when I feel ashamed to be a Demonlander Time for a few posters to either shut-up or grow-up
  16. So, DL7 do you feel better now that you have hopped onto your little soapbox and pontificated This is so tragic (and still only limited facts known) but you can't wait to jump into the limelight.....FMD
  17. you are about 300 miles off jack, and a cell is hardly home but I understand what your point
  18. Latest news from Healy (unconfirmed) on 3AW is that Liam is going to be OK Lets all hope so
  19. Dan, nobody would ever accuse you of being a pollyanna would they?
  20. McQueen we all know Alice is a hub for getting to yuendemu, so why do you keep going on about it? The original question was why was the 'family business' happening in Alice and not yuendemu Anyway listening on the radio to a reporter from NT it seems that one of the feuding clans since the initial death a few years ago has largely (not completely) dispersed for their safety from yuendemu with a lot going to Alice. The reporter was unsure whether the man (allegedly) attacked in this case was from Liam's clan or the other one
  21. you don't get 'involved' in a family feud involving a large number of people (supposedly) in an Alice Springs outer suburb a long way from the airport in-transit my arz! BB59, i might be completely wrong here but I think the court case last week was in Alice and I seem to remember one side of the feuding families was 'exiled' from yuendemu which caused many problems. Maybe that family or some of it went to Alice (though I thought they went to a safe place in Adelaide). Anyway I'm all hazy on the details and probably remember it all wrong, Hopefully someone will explain the Alice connection
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