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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. For those wanting to negotiate a better deal with Foxtel read the following from the Whirlpool forum Foxtel - Bargaining Part 3 Some pretty amazing deals if you play the game
  2. Agreed, and it seems an issue that MFC has been deficient in with too many players.
  3. Hmmmm....I think he is so speculative that he will be a rookie selection
  4. New $50/month deal + $100 installation is not all its cracked up to be At the moment they have an online deal $50/month + free installation (catch is it ends 12th Nov) see
  5. The iQHD $10/month upgrade (gives better PVR + HiDef) also includes a $150 once-off upgrade charge according to here Anyone know if $50 package available via satellite
  6. Absolutely. US Collegiate sport is the same. Full stands and big TV audience Haven't studied any figures but with baseball teams playing so many games I'm surprised they seem to get good game attendances. At least they appear to. And. many of these games are midweek too (have to be, to fit in 160 games per team per season) It's always surprised me why Sydney-siders seem to be so passionate over League but don't attend games
  7. LOL....are you suggesting the club should hire a 'profiler'?.......eat your heart out FBI
  8. Is it too late to get a new wife OD? .....just kidding
  9. Well I think on reflection it was just the "least offensive" choice of a "difficult list" in a "special set of circumstances" It wasn't just the media, Bailey was well aware there was an extraordinary board meeting discussing his future. I think he would have wanted to know the outcome as soon as possible. May not have been ideal but IMO was the best of a bad lot. Your mileage obviously differs. Now Jnr....... that was a totally different situation
  10. Yeah, been to a couple of Viking's games. Very stop start and the rules take a lot of getting used to especially the rules at the end of the game like basketball where they reall stretch it out. Overall I didn't mind it but I'd place it after union/league but before the beautiful game
  11. The NFL is a unique situation There is typically one club per state. There are only 16 matches with 8 home games That means a state like Minnesota (Vikings) gets a total of 8 games a season at the Metrodome (60,000 people) for a state the size of Victoria The tickets naturally are all sold out before the season starts I think you have to buy a whole season and they are not cheap Typically social clubs at corporations buy in bulk then employees bid for their turn Now baseball is a whole different ballpark (pun intended) with their approx 160 games per season
  12. black is a shade of grey, white is a shade of grey clear as mud..........
  13. At first I thought the phone call was a bit of a poor way to handle it, but looking over the situation at the time I have to agree with you The board meeting (and phone call) was late on a Sunday night The press and Dean Bailey was aware of the meeting and possible outcome Club had four choices to inform Bailey [1] Face to face at his place. Manners would dictate a call first to get permission to come over. His family home on a Sunday evening would not be suitable.The call to check first would be a dead give away. Plus there was the media cicus. Scratch that idea. [2] Face to Face on MFC territory. Again it was Sunday evening. It would require a phone call first. Again a dead give away. It would place Bailey at a greater inconvenience to be summoned. Scratch that idea. [3] Wait till Bailey was at work next time. Press speculation/attention would be high. MFC would have to make some statement re the meeting even it was a stalling statement. Bailey would have to wait without any info then be sacked maybe onthe Monday (depending on his movements). Risky strategy. Scratch this idea [4] Inform him as quick as possible via telehone by the most appropriate person before it became a media circus I can see why option [4] was the best all-round option for all concerned
  14. Ta, so look like you get HiDef + PVR function STB for $10 If you have a BIG panel then the HiDef makes a lot of sense
  15. Had already tried that. It is incomplete for Rookies I think the AFL site has it but I haven't had time for a good search yet
  16. From a Foxtel ignoramus I take it this $50 deal is for Std Definition only and no PVR STB? How much extra for these two features? (or are they one feature?) Also would it be the same charges for satellite?
  17. as good a guess as any i think in terms of 1 x low-teens plus 1 x mid-teens certainly nowhere near 7+8
  18. have added 1993/94/95 Trades to original list above
  19. He's probably in the "?' in the "1995 AFL TRADE ?" row Will see if I can fill in the TRADE gaps and update list
  20. thanks for explanation i was obviously asleep at the wheel at that time
  21. OK I'll bite what does KOTD mean? google didn't really help ("Kiss of the Dragon"!)
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